職業性格心理測驗 @ My Career Character Psycology Test

分析:您的性格類型是「ISFP」( 藝術家 )

沉靜,友善,敏感和仁慈。欣賞目前和他們週遭所發生的事情。喜歡有自己的空間,做事又能把握自己的時間。忠於自己的價值觀,忠於自己所重視的人。不喜歡爭論和衝突,不會強迫別人接受自己的意見或價值觀。 ISFP型的人平和、敏感,他們保持著許多強烈的個人理想和自己的價值觀念。他們更多地是通過行為而不是言辭表達自己深沉的情感。ISFP型的人謙虛而緘默,但實際上他們是具有巨大的友受和熱情之人,但是除了與他們相知和信賴的人在一起外,他們不經常表現出自我的另一面。因為ISFP型的人不喜歡直接地自我表達,所以常常被誤解。ISFP型的人耐心、靈活,很容易與他人相處,很少支配或控制別人。他們很客觀,以一種相當實事求 是的方式接受他人的行為。他們善於觀察周圍的人和物,卻不尋求發現動機和含義。 ISFP型的人完全生活在現在,所以他們的準備或計劃往往不會多於必需,他們是很好的短期計劃制定者。因為他們喜歡享受目前的經歷,而不繼續向下一個目標兌現,所以他們對完成工作感到很放鬆。 ISFP型的人對於從經歷中直接瞭解和感受的東西很感興,常常富有藝術天賦和審美感,力求為自己創造一個美麗而隱蔽的環境。沒有想要成為領導者,ISFP 型的人經常是忠誠的追隨者和團體成員。因為他們利用個人的價值標準去判斷生活中的每一件事,所以他們喜歡那些花費時間去認識他們和理解他們內心的忠誠之人。他們需要最基本的信任和理解,在生活中需要和睦的人 際關係,對於衝突和分歧則很敏感



"藝術家" aka "Artist"
  • 喜歡有自己的空間 - That's why I have a blog now? :)
  • 對於從經歷中直接瞭解和感受的東西很感興 - Indeed, that's why I like to go new place try new thing and experience it myself.
  • 沒有想要成為領導者,對於衝突和分歧則很敏感 - I figure it out since I was in Form 3, quiting for being a monitor as I feel it need high responsibility. I even remember the thing I did during the election of new leaders for my high school Prefect Society . I go for the election and said I don't want to be a prefect leader as I notice the divarication and conflict that might occur. My friends don't believe what I said to the "interviewer".
  • 需要最基本的信任和理解 - That's what I need to have you as my friend :)

If you know Chinese kindly do the test here >> http://8word.net/test/mbti/test.htm

There are a lot different personalities :)
Thanks to cklim for this psychology test!!

Now I know why I like play colors. Cos deep inside I can be an artist ;p

Talking about makeover, I really didn't mention why I need that until Francene remind me.
Previous post about me looking for a makover

The reason why I need a makeover:
  1. Refine and define, I want my self be more presentable and looks better. Grooming is important for first impression. Some ladies considering a guy by looking at the whole "package". His maturity, his thinking, a family kind and a patient guy? A good listener is a must! But I am sure people do like/dislike a person on first sight right? What can you see? You will need a presentable outlooks to let other people know more about you. I have blemishes/acnes problem and looking forward for advice from the professionals.
  2. I want to try new stuff. This is something new for me as I always see makeover of the ladies but seldom the guy. Some more makeover need money but this time it is sponsored by clovetwo and LabSeries for Men. At age of 20's you are young and have capital to do anything you like and try new thing. Don't wait till 40's then only you try new stuff like bungyjump ar.
  3. Be a better person and help others. Through this I believe I can gain lots more experience and this might help you in the future. How do you say that? Books only teach you principles but experience personally is the better way to be a better person. First, I improved myself. Then I will able to help the others by giving advice that I learnt from the professional.
  4. This is a good thing. I don't see any disadvantages about this makeover as it teach the guys how to groom and make them looks better and other people would happy to see you too. You won't like a boyfriend/ girlfriend who don't know how to dress properly right?
  5. I like meeting different field's person. I am science graduated and working as a "Fermentation technologist" aka R&D science job now. But I wonder if I am capable of doing something else as my career and this curiosity made me want to know more about what others people are doing. I also believe one person can be more successful with a wider social network. That's why I wanna meet new friends.
  6. You might have the reason why I need a makeover. I know you can help me to grab this opportunity to gain new experience. After all I am sure I will share with you all!So please do nominate me @ http://clovetwo.com/contest/formenonly/ if you figured it out.

For my details please have a visit at here
*I guess all details are provided now*
It is your turn to decide :)


  1. Nice pic of the colourful hand bro :)

    Btw i read ur comments on sel's blog..aiyah i ady hemsem enuf no need makeover la. 100 times makeover also still look like ah beng..haha..!

  2. [EVo]
    Thank you XD

    Aiks come teman me mah ;p
    I am still looking for people to nominate me ;p
    After ur makeover, you will looks like "shake it shake it beng beng~!"

  3. Shake it shake it beng beng?!! rofl...~!
    Just nominated you for it. Usually feel lazy to write, but I think you really deserve it lah =P
    Hope you make it through!
    Btw u can nominate yrself also right? Have u done so? ^^

  4. [Francene]
    Thanks for nominated me~!!!Belanja u makan if I manage to be one of the lucky five ~

    After wrote this post yeah I have lastly nominated myself ^@^"


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