My First TV Interview with Bella Mars ntv7
#TCSelfie with Belinda Chee and SonaOne @ Bella ntv7 Studio So there was this one day Lily, the producer of Bella ntv7 sent me an invitation to talk about blogging and find out what male bloggers blog about on Bella Mars Episode. I was hesitate at first because worry that I will be very nervous and look silly in the TV. But yeah this TV interview opportunity doesn't come everyday (and this will be my first time on TV), so I've decided to go for it and appear wider on the TV hahaha. After knowing other male online writers who will be attending together ( Niki Cheong, Brian See and Max Law ), I feel relief because I know them in person. I didn't know who will be the host for Bella until the day we got on the TV. It was Belinda Chee , the host I know since 8TV Quickies and it was a pleasure to be on the broadcast channel together. Time does really fly and Belinda has became a mom of a cute daughter and yet still looks slim fit.