TC Recap: October 2009
What happened in October 2009? I have dyed my hair for the first time and most are good comments from friends. Blogged about my "Save Our Seahorse Trip" which happened long long time ago in April. You can see the whole SOS series at the sidebar. It is good to see Men's Uno Malaysi a start organizing Model Competition for all Malaysian to join. We can see that all 12 finalist are selected t by passes through tough challenges. Which ends up a nice final event that I've attended. Wrote a post about Krrunch time with Pringles . All thanks to my friends helping on it =D My first time dyed my hair to brown color Do I looks like Bad Boy since then? Back to April's SOS trip, we need to cross the river to go to the mangrove Getting through the mangrove area with lots of challenges and at last reach the border between Malaysia and Singapore This is a broken Dugong's Skull which met death hit by boat's motor Thanks to my friend especially YengYeng and LiErn for