【照片】TVB x Astro 翡翠娱乐配套Jade Pack Launch: TVB紅星记者会开心时光
TVB x Astro 翡翠娛樂配套Jade Pack Launch: TVB紅星莅临馬來西亞 This will be a quick post showcasing photos taken during the press conference of TVB x Astro Jade Pack 2016 Launch (TVB x Astro 翡翠娛樂配套) . Media friends get to interview TVB artists and I've recorded the invterview on my phone while focusing on capturing their happy moments during the event. I hope you guys like the photo and even reach to the Hong Kong artist themselves. Bowie Wu胡楓、Nancy Sit薛家燕、Joyce Tang滕麗名、Elaine Yiu姚子羚、Tony Hung洪永城、Sisley Choi蔡思貝、Benjamin Yuen袁偉豪、Grace Chan陳凱琳、Pal Sinn單立文 are interviewed in two groups and there are a lot funny moments that happen during that time. Tonu Hung and Grace Chan trying to clarify their relationship while Benjamin Yuan revealing something about his personal life. Most funniest moment is when Nancy Sit flaunt his 'Bahasa Melayu' with Pal Sinn. You must watch the video only will understand haha! Stay tuned on my YouTube! [VIDEO] Astro x TVB紅星记者会: 袁偉豪 洪永城