
Showing posts from February, 2017

This Is How I see Japan #TCTravel

Autumn in Japan 2015 Hello guys, it has been a while since my last post again. I gotta admit that my brain got rusty somehow after abandon this space for quite sometime as I am spending more time in crafting my Instagram feed and YouTube channel. Been wondering which color theme I should stick to for my Instagram photos, and whether it should be travel photo stories++ What about wedding and precious moments? Should I still post #TCSelfie and so on?? Afterall, the attention of social media has move towards motion pictures (a.k.a.YouTube) and less people read blog nowadays. *comment down below if you still read blog lol* Last week I processed a series of travel photos taken during trip to Japan in 2015 so that I can post it on Instagram to join some sort of travel photo contest . Well, I went to Hong Kong and schedule was so packed till I didn't have time to post all of it on my Instagram. *what an excuse hahaha* Hence here's a photo post solely to describe my fi

Samsung x MODA Malaysia 26th Anniversary 2016 @ Publika KL

MODA Malaysia 26th Anniversary 2016 @ Publika KL Harlo guys, today I would like to share bout the photos we took for Samsung and MODA (Malaysia Official Designers' Association) Malaysia 26th Anniversary . This fashion event happened in Publika KL in last September. It was a fun photoshoot I did together with buddy  Gary Ng =)

Revolving Heart《心门》电视剧 - 心中枷锁 谁能开启? 2月14日启播

ntv7 Revolving Heart《心门》电视剧 - 心中枷锁 谁能开启? 随着 《我的星光大道》 的落幕,ntv7将 从2017年2月14日起,每逢星期一至四,晚上9点30分 ,7势如虹时段播出 ntv7本地中文电视剧——《心门》(REVOLVING HEART) 。值得一提的是,观众只要成为VIP会员,即可透过马来西亚第一网络电视 tonton( 抢先观赏《心门》全套剧集。 长 30集 的推理剧《心门》,主要演员都是历届《金视奖》得主,包括 吴天瑜(2014《金视奖》最佳女主角)、李洺中(2014《金视奖》最佳男主角)、林奕廷(2012《金视奖》最佳女主角)、王竣(2012《金视奖》最佳男配角)、释福如(2010《金视奖》最佳女配角)、叶良财(2014《金视奖》最佳男配角) ,还有实力派演员如: 温绍平、庄惟翔、蔡佩璇,新晋演员林绿、张嘉汶 等一起演出。此外,香港演员黄浩然也特别参演此剧。 此次是 Raymond黄浩然 首次演出大马电视剧,也是 第一次以华语对白来演出 。他在剧中饰演脾气暴躁和冲动的香港国际刑警,他将与大马“视后”吴天瑜及“视帝”李洺中一起飙戏。值得一提的是,吴天瑜除了是《心门》女主角,同时也是此剧的监制。李洺中饰演拥有多重人格的精神病院主治医生,此次也是他和吴天瑜第8度合作拍剧。 Revolving Heart《心门》电视剧 讲述著名女艺人 李嘉(吴天瑜饰) 以凶残的手段杀了情夫 Michael袁瑞华(叶良财饰) 后精神崩溃,法庭暂判精神错乱,送入了精神病院观察。精神病院主诊医生兼Michael的弟弟 Louis袁瑞扬(李洺中饰) 和李嘉在大学时曾是情侣,Louis想为李嘉进行治疗恢复精神正常,并找出李嘉杀死Michael的主要原因。私家侦探 Jimmy(王竣饰) 受人委托侦查此案,Jimmy认为李嘉装疯卖傻是为了逃过刑法,势要找出证据。不料。在查案过程中,Jimmy却爱上了李嘉的妹妹 Belle李敏(林绿饰) 。 Revolving Heart《心门》3分钟预告抢先看 当天记者会演员们分享了拍摄心得,第一次与众多实力演员拍摄,加上来自香港的黄浩然一起演出,会是擦出了什么火花呢?在这之前,不如聆听 Jyin Poh 傅健 颖 演唱这首歌  "

[Concert] MEGADETH LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2017 @ Stadium Negara

[Concert] MEGADETH LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2017 @ Stadium Negara 4 MAY 2017 @ Stadium Negara MEGADETH BRINGS THEIR "DYSTOPIA" WORLD TOUR TO MALAYSIA! [Update] Congratulations to Megadeth for winning the “Best Metal Performance” at the 59th Grammy Awards ! One of the world’s top heavy metal bands credited with popularizing the genre, Megadeth, is finally coming to Malaysia! After a much-anticipated wait, Megadeth’s debut performance in Kuala Lumpur - organised by IME Malaysia - will see the band rock Stadium Negara on Thursday, 4th May 2017 at 8pm . Founded in 1983, Megadeth virtually gave birth to a genre when their debut release became recognized as the Greatest Thrash Metal Debut Album of All Time.  “Kuala Lumpur is somewhere I've always wanted to hit when we've been trekking through Asia,” co-founder and front man Dave Mustaine was quoted saying in an interview recently. “They're going to let us bring our brand of metal music, it's r

My Shopping Haul in Suria KLCC & Sunway Pyramid ft Starwars Rogue One (Christmas Edition)

My Shopping Haul in Suria KLCC & Sunway Pyramid ft Starwars Rogue One (Christmas Edition) Harlo guys, how's your Chinese New Year holiday so far? I've been eating eating and eating and confirm already gained weight. If you are like me want to 'jaga badan', make sure to use myfitnesspal app  to track your daily calories intake. (However I do find it difficult to track what I eat during CNY because they are all not in the database hahaha, so use your mind to roughly justify it ) Just recently I learnt that as long you keep your calories intake lower than your calories outtake (body usual metabolism requirement), you won't get fatter easily. Remember, you are what you eat. My Shopping Haul in Suria KLCC & Sunway Pyramid ft Starwars Rogue One (Christmas Edition)  Today's blogpost is actually to share a video I did for AsiaShoppingChannel. It was a shopping haul video featuring three different brands - Topshop (Topman), H&M, and Hava

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