Let's Get Positive with Astro's Positive Engine this Merdaka!!
Registration going on for Bloggers and Churpers to join the Mission Impossible @ Mid-Valley Megamall In conjunction with Malaysia’s 56th Independence Day , Astro celebrates the best of Malaysia through a variety of activities on air, online and on ground to spread positivity and happiness. They are the #gobeyond and #UrMalaysianIsShowing campaigns, as well as the launch of a new music video, entitled “Excuse me Sir, your Malaysian is showing” . Me along with many bloggers and social media evangelist were invited for Astro Celebrates Merdeka Event which was held at Mid Valley Megamall last Saturday. There was a huge crowd at the Astro booth to witness what was going to happen and I saw Geraldine Gan and KY Tha Jie Ying's fan who were dressed in red and yellow waiting to meet their idols. Weon, Geraldine, Lisa Surihani, Jie Ying and Aznil at Astro Merdeka Event Among the celebrites who have attended the event included 赵洁莹, Astro本地圈艺人颜慧萍, 关萃汶 and MY FM DJ贾森.