
Showing posts from August, 2019

16th Japanese Film Festival 2019 Film List @ GSC Malaysia

Japanese Film Festival 2019 @ GSC Malaysia 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Oct 2019 The annual Japanese Film Festival (JFF) turns “16” this year and is set to light up selected Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide, boasting a broad collection of current and acclaimed titles across a variety of genres ranging from family to music and comedy. The selection of 13 movies will capture hearts and minds of audiences from all ages and giving the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the latest and finest Japanese movies on the big screen. The month-long celebration will be kicking off with the South East Asian premiere of “Little Nights, Little Love” directed by IMAIZUMI Rikiya on JFF KL Opening night on 3 September 2019. (official Japan release date 20 September 2019)

《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》 一部会令你感动的大马故事 | 首映礼红地毯众星绚丽登场

《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》 『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影 八度空间:2019年8月31日,星期六,晚上8时30分 《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》- 『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影. 八度空间:2019年8月31日,星期六,晚上8时30分 八度空间将于2019年8月31日(星期六),晚上8时30分,播出由 Jasmine Suraya Chin陈香郿 、 Remon林奕廷 、 Ernest张顺源 、 Azizah Mahzan 、 Charlie Numan Salleh 、 Yuna Rahim 等人主演的『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影—— 《当时明月在  Back To You 》 。 《当时明月在》 是 八度空间首部跨种族、语言,体现真正马来西亚多元种族文化的电视作品 。剧情讲述通过一宗寻亲事件,让两个不同背景,不同种族和宗教的族群跨越彼此的差异,缔结友谊。两家人从试探到理解, 从误会到原谅,最后因为爱而跨越差异缔结友谊 。

鬼仔巷 KWAI CHAI HONG AT NIGHT | Moonlight In The City 城里的月光 #TCTravel

鬼仔巷 KWAI CHAI HONG AT NIGHT | Moonlight In The City 城里的月光 【#KL全新打卡点🤳】 白天的 #鬼仔巷 👻你见过了,但中秋夜晚的鬼仔巷你见过了吗? 还没?! 那现在可别错过啦! 中秋节特备都把明月给请出来了~🌕💁‍♀️🐇 切记 #满月球 只出现到9月15号而已哦。PS: 8月24号星期六晚上才开放给大众 . . 趁着中秋节的到来而在鬼仔巷举办 “ #城里的月光”(Moonlight in the City) 活动,与民众共庆佳节,欢喜聚首。鬼仔巷与茨厂街平行,入口处位于戏院街。在为期一个月的活动中,民众可以参加各种独特好玩的活动,深入了解中秋节的历史、文化和传统。 精选活动和工作坊将于8月24日至9月15日举行。欲知最新活动及报名,欢迎浏览 @kwaichaihong 脸书专页 . . 感谢鬼仔巷的邀请啦! 昨晚拍得蛮好玩! 记得 这特别的 #中秋鬼仔巷 只到9月15号而已哦。带你家人朋友去吧~ 祝大家中秋节快乐了👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👴👵 . . You might have seen the day time Kwai Chai Hong , but now we have the night time KwaiChai Hong with #FullMoon appearance! Starting this Saturday, the #FullMoonBall will be there until 15 Sep. This brand new instaworthy corner with #MoonCakeFestival theme in KL is available for limited time only!  . . Tip: Best time to photograph the moon is from 7PM-7.30PM as the sky turn dark and yet the sky has mild blue tint color a.k.a. Blue Hour. To celebrate the festive and joyful occasion of the Mid-Aut

【WHEN IN HONG KONG】 - 街拍来到 中環碼頭 香港摩天輪 #DiscoverHongKong

WHEN IN HONG KONG - 中環碼頭 香港摩天輪  with Baki Zainal 巴麒 Let's throwback to June for a while, the other day me and Baki had a journey to Hong Kong and we were exploring places and scouting for some photogenic location. The first night we went to Central Ferry Pier (中環碼頭 ) looking at the  The Hong Kong Observation Wheel 香港摩天輪. Here's some photos that I would like to share with you tonight. We did some street photography capturing the moment I saw when in Hong Kong. Hope you enjoy!!