
Showing posts with the label accident

SHE Selina 浴火重生 Shown Up After Burn Injury

After S.H.E. Selina 's big encounter with the fire incident and 3rd degree burnt , today is the first time she appear on press conference after admitted to hospital to appreciate everyone who concern about her current condition . Glad to see Selina being so brave and face everything now especially after the explosion incident. Selina will be is the idol to encourage other people to appreciate life and stay strong. I am sure her parents, including Ella and Hebe contribute a lot to make Selina stay strong. "歷經89天, 浴火重生 的 Selina 終於現身,與 任爸、Ella、 Hebe 一同出席記者會,原本一頭長髮的她,現在已是小平頭,首度露面的她,身穿粉紅色背心,手上也戴著彈性手套,左臉上依稀還看得出傷疤,走路的時候動作也較緩慢,情緒上顯得有些激動,第一句話就是謝謝大家的關心,感謝各界關心,也謝謝家人、未婚夫跟朋友的支持,特別開心表示終於可以回家了,在家人跟好朋友的陪伴下, SELINA勇敢地以平頭露面,沒有任何遮掩,展現屬於自己的那份堅強與勇氣 。" by Sina TW "(中央社记者蔡欣桦台北19日电) 艺人Selina 因拍戏意外灼伤,住院治疗89天,原本预计明天出院,今天临时通知媒体,下午2时会在 林口长庚医院 召开出院感恩记者会,公开露面感谢外界的祝福与关心。Selina的出

Thanks to "F & H Farm Direct"!

Today I would like to thanks the honourable man Mr. Heng from F & H Farm Direct Sdn Bhd because he let me knock his car. No no no, I mean I appreciate him for not charging me too much on the repair fees for his Hilux vehicle. Yes I had an accident. To repair my own car I can choose the "RM200 package" or "RM400++ package" . The latter one is to change genuine Bosch light while the former one is a lot cheaper because the bulb is "Made In Malaysia". Malaysia boleh! Ops... In the end I choose the cheaper package because I don't know how much that Hilux will cost me...(This is what happen when you have low salary and low saving) Apparently the fees to repair and remold the the shield of Hilux is expensive which cost me RM280 RM250. And to change the tyre I got charged RM300+/- RM 200. Total up RM450 . So this month I had spent extra RM650 on this fortunate crush/crash or whatever, which means I wil need to have less outing... Anyhow, if you

Hot Till Fire T Music Festival

Courtesy of Kristine I was able to go for the huge T Music Festival concert for FREE! Thanks to Nuffnang for the free tickets and Tiger for organizing this festival too. The parking was not as packed as during the MU Football Players & Shout! Awards. Arrived there half hour earlier and meet up with other Nuffnangers. Jacquelyn , Bernard , Simon Seow , Alex , Ren , Jackie , Joshua and more. Remind me your name when you saw this ;p There are many security guards at the entry but still have tons of people manage to bring in their Digital Camera including me ;p I wonder how the people sneak in their DSLR with huge lens some more!*salute* Here are some photo selected from what I have snapped. Each artist will have 1-2 photo =D Andrew Tan 陈势安 Rickman Chia 谢承伟 The winner of First Season SG Superstar - Kelvin Tan 陈伟联 James from Thai Who sang a very familiar Cantonese song Manhand 慢行 singing ShowHand Guess how many people in the stadium? You can see how far we are sitting now? Tha

I'm Officially Broke This Month...=.="

One day when I was driving on the way to Damansara My GPS Garmin suddenly closed So I try open back the program while driving on the jammed LDP Searching for the place again and too concentrated on the GPS Which resulting my dear car kissed somebody's butt. I mean... somebody's car butt Both the "Back-eyeS" were broken and its bumper was crashed too. The first eye And the second missing eye Guess what happened to my car? Nothing happened! Miracle... Is it because of the soft material used as the bumper?? Just feel like recent car design have poor soft body. Once upon a time, it was said that once you scratch off the paint of your car You can see the MILO people cycling, swimming or even running. You know what MILO tin made of right? ;p I ask him to call me after he repaired his car as I am rushing and lets deal it fast He scare I just run off and ask for my IC, take photo of everything, including me At first it does sounds funny, but what would you do if you encoun