
Showing posts with the label Shila Amzah

SHILA AMZAH LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2021 茜拉-唱响未来演唱会 - Journey to the Future

SHILA AMZAH LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2021 茜拉-唱响未来演唱会 - Journey to the Future 疫情底下宣布开唱,茜拉有信心明年1月演唱会能如期举行 由 Shiraz Project Sdn Bhd 呈现,【茜拉-唱响未来演唱会】(Journey to the Future)将于 2021年1月15日(星期五)晚上8时30分 ,在 吉隆坡会议中心Plenary Hall 盛大举行。 Date: 15 January 2021 (Friday) Show Time: 8.30pm Venue: Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 大马“国宝级”实力唱将 茜拉 于10月7日的记者会上表示,这也是她自2019年8月生下儿子后,在马来西亚的首场大型演唱会。是晚的场地预计容纳2800人,她也相当期待能够在如此高规格的表演厅开唱。 有“巨肺甜心”美誉的茜拉透露,届时将会演唱至少50%的中文歌曲,同时还有马来及英文歌曲。除了 《想你的夜》 及 《青藏高原》 等深入民心的演绎作品,她会为此次的演唱会再学习其他中文歌曲。同时,她也会现场演唱电影 《阿拉丁》 主题曲 《A Whole New World》 华巫英串烧版本,誓为歌迷及听众送上一场无与伦比的听觉飨宴。 疫情当下勇敢宣布开唱,茜拉表示,只要大家严己律人遵守防疫指南(SOP),有信心演唱会能够顺利进行。 茜拉希望借由此次的演唱会,庆祝她职业生涯迈向另一阶段并回馈歌迷长期的支持,邀请来著名音乐总监Helen Yap和一支11人乐队同台演出。 早前已推出为儿子写的新歌 《Penyejuk Hati》 ,茜拉披露目前正在筹备新专辑, “已经录了两首歌曲,预计月尾完成,希望明年顺利推出。”

Shila Amzah LOVE Concert Live in Malaysia 茜拉《爱》大马演唱会 [13 September 2014] #LoveConcertShilaAmzah

Shila Amzah 茜拉 LOVE Concert Live in Malaysia - 13 September 2014 Shila Amzah 茜拉, Malaysia own renowned artist is going to launch her very first concert in Malaysia this coming 13 September 2014 . Shila Amzah LOVE Concert in Malaysia , jointly organized by Mega Ultimate, and Shila Amzah Entertainment. Since it is still long way to go, they haven't decide which venue to use but they revealed a few things on the press conference which held at KL Tower this evening. Shila Amzah 茜拉 will invite a male singer (local/international) so that they can sing love songs and duet together. Shila Amzah 茜拉 also shared that if LeeHom 王力宏 is her special guest, she will be too nervous to sing her song properly but it would be great if LeeHom can be a suprise on the concert day itself. If I have the decision to choose who to duet with Shila, it will be non other than 光良Guang Liang and 曹格 Gary Chaw. They are both powerful male vocal in Malaysia! Shila Amzah 茜拉 and the organizers has plan

AIM 19 Winners - Shila Amzah Won Best Song "Patah Seribu"

AIM 19 Lagu Terbaik-Shila Amzah AIM 19 - Shila Amzah with her supportive fans Winners of AIM 19 @ 17 November 2012, 9pm, Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam A RT I S BARU TE R BA I K N O . N AMA A RT I S 1 M o jo P E RS E M BAHAN V O KAL T E RBAIK DI D A LAM L A GU ( LEL A K I ) N O . N AMA A RT I S T AJ U K LAGU 1 Ja ma l A b d i l la h B a h a g i a S em e nta ra P E RS E M BAHAN V O KAL T E RBAIK DI D A LAM L A GU ( W A N I T A) N O . N AMA A RT I S T AJ U K LAGU 1 Jacl y n Vic to r C o u nt i n g D ay s P E RS E M BAHAN V O KAL B E RK U M P U LAN TE R BA I K DI D A L A M LAGU N O . N AMA A RT I S T AJ U K LAGU 1 Fo rt e en S e p e rti D u l u KUL I T A L B U M TE RB A I K N O . P E R E KA T AJ U K ALB U M N AMA

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