
Showing posts from July, 2015

"Jojo’s Diary of Asia" on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia starting 3rd August

‘Jojo’s Diary of Asia’ starts airing in August 2015, every Monday at 8pm on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia. It’s an absolute wonder Celebrity TV Host, Speaker and Wellness author, Jojo Struys looks so calm and radiantly positive, despite living life predominantly out of a suitcase for easily the busiest, most hectic year of her life. Jojo Struys and her infectious positivity is beautifully captured in a host-driven travelogue entitled “Jojo’s Diary of Asia” premiering on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia, kicking off on August 3rd, every Monday at 8pm. You will be able to catch this dynamic and down-to-earth host in action as she embarks on a fascinating journey across Asia showcasing breathtaking natural wonders, travel and de-stress escapes, and relaxation techniques to help viewers become more physically fit and mentally positive.

Yoon 吴家润与Royce 陈志康拍档主持《MYFM 啱 Channel》

Yoon 吴家润与Royce 陈志康拍档主持《MYFM 啱 Channel》 Yoon 吴家润早前在七月头宣布正式在 MYFM 宣告复出。 7 月 6 日 MYFM 就隆重其事地为此举办了新闻发布会,正式确定 Yoon 吴家润 重磅加盟。同时,7 月 6 日也是 Yoon正式入主下班时段节目的“首映”。 随着 Yoon 加入伙拍 Royce陈志康,周一至周五下午 4 时至 8 时的节目时段也将以全新面貌 《MYFM 啱 Channel》 与听众会面,时段内的单元包括 《讲真真嘅》、《你识 D 咩吖?》以及 《睇真 D》,分别会和听众一起探讨现代社会真实情境与共鸣、分享世界各地趣味资讯以及网罗并介绍第一手电影及电视剧资讯。 新闻可是旧了些,但以下照片你应该只看过一张吧!!其实每个活动我都尽量把欢乐拍下来,希望你们从照片看到记者会的另一面。像不像拍婚礼party多一点?我就是这样练习的哈哈!!

[Photo+Video] Eric周興哲 《學著愛》之馬來西亞行- 關於生活與愛情 #Eric周興哲

Eric Chou 周興哲 《學著愛》之馬來西亞行 #Eric周興哲 當天在Puchong Setiawalk “LoudSpeaker大嘴叭”舉辦的 Eric周興哲媒體記者會 ,除了有 MYFM Jym Chong 庄靖毅 的訪問,Eric也有演唱幾首《學著愛》專輯裡的歌曲,包括一首Sam Smith的cover - “StayWithMe”。 Eric周興哲除了長得像來至星星的你的韓星,本身就有一個很好的嗓子。才剛過20歲的“小鮮肉”是大馬女性青睞的新歌手。除此之外,也有多至19位內外地歌手為Eric學著愛的專輯大力支持。以下是記者會當天的訪問片段,當然也少不了Eric Chou當天自彈自唱悅耳動聽的歌曲。 Eric周興哲我很看好你的將來,接下來就在MYFM THE SHOW見面吧!!

BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015 Official Photos!! #BIGBANG #BigBanginMY #MADEinMY

BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015 Official Photos!! #BIGBANG #BigBanginMY #MADEinMY Fantastic Baby""! Is the words to describe BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015. Due to flight delay the concert was started a bit later. However it was a good news for VIPs who got the Soundcheck Party Pass to check out BIGBANG's rehearsal moments. Even media friends were not allowed to watch yo. This is really exclusive indeed.  Courtesy of IME Production, me and my buddy Eric Chee got the opportunities to capture precious moments of your favourite K-POP Group BIGBANG Live in Kuala Lumpur. That's really an honour to start with!! Below are the rest of the approved official photos by IME Production after selection. Hope Malaysia's BBVIP like it!!

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》首次展开两场演出!! 海内外演出艺人包括...

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》首次展开两场演出!! 海内外演出艺人包括... MY FM年度盛事再次突破往年作法,首度展开两场演出,将于9月5日及6日(周六及周日)于云顶云星剧场举行,让更多听众有机会观赏和参与MY FM的盛会! MY FM The Show (前称台庆)即将于 9月5日(周六)晚上8时30分;以及9月6日(周日)下午3时 ,于云顶云星剧场隆重上演。今年的演出主题为 《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 ,故事从一位神秘少女的音乐盒所展开……

Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 照片影片焦点分享

Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 焦点分享 Nicole 赖淞凤 是一位我非常欣赏的音乐人。有了她对音乐的坚持,与EP出版商+赞助的支持,才会有今天的《我值得快樂》新EP。当天除了有Nicole粉丝的支持,也看到Geraldine的红粉。只有像她保持谦虚,然后继续加油的人才会走得更远。我在这恭喜你啦~~ 当天活动在户外,没冷气空调也没遮阳,所以如果不用闪光灯拍,Nicole和其他友人的五官将会有很暗的影子影响美观咯。看下面的照片有哪张是你们喜欢的,让我(或Nicole)知道好吗?? Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 焦点分享

Astro & TVB《星級健康3之星夢成真》- Nancy Wu 胡定欣體驗時裝設計師工作 實現兒時夢想

Astro TVB《星級健康3之星夢成真》- 胡定欣體驗時裝設計師工作  實現兒時夢想 健康資訊節目 《星級健康3之星夢成真》 ( Wellness On The Go 3) 由Astro與TVB共同製作,拍攝進行得如火如荼,接近尾聲,繼唐詩詠體驗生態攝影師的工作後,TVB藝人 胡定欣 於日前親赴大馬進行最後一集拍攝,當時裝設計師,展示時裝觸覺。  胡定欣兒時夢想成為時裝設計師,希望讓人穿上自己設計的服飾,終於,胡定欣透過 《星級健康》 來馬實現時裝設計師的夢想。

10 Tips For Interstate Road Trip In Malaysia

10 Tips For Travelling Interstate In Malaysia Selfie taken at Petronas Twin Towers It’s not uncommon for us to grow jaded with the country we are born into and the sense of wanderlust often sends us searching for an escape beyond our Malaysian shores. However, with a land area of over 300,000 km2, it is undeniable that a large part of Malaysia will be left unexplored by many locals. Furthermore, with Kuala Lumpur rising as a bustling hub for the biggest events and parties, you shouldn’t have to miss out even if you reside in the deepest depths of Pahang. Domestic travel saves you the hassle of visa applications, passport renewals, currency changes and also the difference in languages. If you know how to manoeuvre your way around Malaysia effectively, there’s no reason why you can’t treat yourself to a mini vacation every weekend within your budget and in the comfort of your own country. Below are tips for maximising your roadtripping adventure around Malaysia:

MTC Photography Competition 2015 - Win Up To RM10,000 Cash Prize

MTC Photography Competition 2015: 15 June 2015 - 16 August 2015 With 61% of Malaysia’s land area of 32.98 million hectares currently covered in natural forest, it’s no wonder that our country’s rainforests are truly a treasure trove for nature lovers. Believed to be one of the oldest and among the most biologically diverse in the world, the Malaysian forest is once again the focus of a photography competition organised by the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) , with the theme “Wonders of the Malaysian Forest” .

[Concert x Interview] UsTheDuo Live In Malaysia 2015 - About Love & Music #UsTheDuo

It was a lovely evening to listen to Us The Duo Live In Malaysia a week ago. Thanks to Universal Music Malaysia, I get to listen to their singing live, do a little ticket giveaway for readers, and most importantly being able to interview the love birds in person. Now below are some photos and videos taken during the music showcase in Malaysia. Hope this give you a picture of what happened that night =D

[Photo|Video] CNBLUE x The Class Meet & Greet @ Mid Valley Magamall - 10 Lucky Fans Got Individual Group Photo

CNBLUE x THE CLASS Meet and Greet @ Mid Valley Megamall As title mentioned, this will be a post full of CNBLUE's photos and specially dedicated to Boices in not just Malaysia, but all Boice around the world!! Thanks to Parkson Group and The Class Malaysia , me and my awesome team members got the opportunity to cover this event and I would like to present you a series of photos taken during CNBLUE Meet N Greet @ Mid Valley Megamall event . I've combined photos taken by my partner Mango Loke so I can tell a better photo story. Do check out his awesome work at !! Without him you guys might have missed the important moments of CNBLUE haha! Honestly, I was very nervous as we need to shoot from one location to another and the light ambience keep changing from one place to another (warm to cold light, outdoor to indoor). The harsh light that shine through the top of the roof casted strong shadow on CNBLUE members face and it is a must to use a speedlight to

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 - Astro全佳HD 与中国同步首播:胡军,刘烨,邹市明,林永健,夏克立

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季即将于7月10日,每逢星期五晚上10时播出,Astro全佳HD(频道308) -  中国实力派演员胡军与7岁儿胡皓康 本着给80后父母展示一部“生活教育百科书”,在亚洲大受欢迎的中国亲子户外真人秀 《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 ( Where Are We Going, Dad? Season 3) 即将于7月10日, 每逢星期五晚上10时播出 , Astro全佳HD(频道308) 确定将 首度与中国同步首播 这档叫好叫座的亲子户外真人秀,让大马观众在不受地域限制下也可第一时间观赏节目! 从韩国MBC电视台引进,中国湖南卫视制作的第三季 《爸爸去哪儿》 本着给80后父母展示一部生活教育百科书, 找来明星艺人爸爸在72小时的户外体验中,单独照顾子女的饮食起居,共同完成节目组设置的一系列任务,带领观众展开暖心又有趣的村庄旅程

Of CNBLUE @ Mid Valley | Upcoming Interview with Us The Duo Lovely Musician Couple

CNBLUE Meet & Greet @ Mid Valley Megamall | The Class Malaysia Last weekend was a very busy but fun days!! I had CNBLUE Meet and Greet photoshoot at Mid Valley Megamall, then rush back to Melaka to attend friend's wedding. After that rush back to KL again just to meet Us The Duo couple who sing angelic songs live at Bentley Music Auditorium. CNBLUE's event photoshoot was really challenging but fun to shoot. Looking at all the boice (mostly girls) who came early to see CNBLUE, you guys are really awesome yo!! Including the powerful shouting and cheering when CNBLUE finally appear haha!!

[Contest] Family.Nature.Fun @ Club Med Cherating Beach Resort this Summer

Club Med Cherating Beach Resort Family Nature Fun Program - Nature. Arts. Wellness. Music June - July 2015 With more than 60 sun resorts to explore across Asia and around the globe, Club Med is primed to provide avid travellers with a catalogue of idyllic, tropical locations. Look no further this summer holiday, Club Med Cherating Beach is the perfect getaway for a truly enjoyable family retreat. As the first eco-nature resort in Malaysia, Club Med Cherating Beach has been hosting thrilling activities for the past two months since June under the Family Nature Fun program . Family Nature Fun is a holistic campaign that promotes everything Club Med stands for – the nature, arts and wellness. With less than one month in the program, guest can still enjoy a myriad of fun and uplifting performance under stunning panoramas of Club Med Cherating Beach Resort. Jungle Walk @ Club Med Cherating Do read my post on 20++ things that you can do at Club Med Cherating !! All

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