
Showing posts from 2021

[Travel Guide] Snow Fall @ Genting Highlands Skyworlds Theme Park 云顶下雪跨年 旅游秘籍

[Travel Guide] Snow Fall @ Genting Highlands Skyworlds Theme Park 云顶下雪跨年 旅游秘籍 View this post on Instagram A post shared by TianChad Photography #田七摄影 🇲🇾 (@tianchad) 如果你是冲着看雪而上云顶,那一定要看caption咯。有领到票的才有机会看到下雪哦~    Travel tutorial: Genting Snowfall ❄️⛄️ Free till 2nd Jan 2022 only. Tag TWO friends 🌟 🎄 If you don't want to feel disappointed there's no snow in Genting. Watch and read this caption below for details. Winter Wonderland at Genting SkyWorlds is happening on 10.12.2021 ‒ 02.01.2022 , daily from 4pm ‒ 12mn. On Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the park will be open from 4pm ‒ 11:30pm. The entrance to the park is located at Arena of Stars, while the exit is located at SkyAvenue Gateway.  

八度空间 《虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!》16位新春活动大使亮相 #Yoohoo2022 #Yoohoo向前走

虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!#Yoohoo2022 配合2022年壬寅虎年的到来,首要媒体旗下全马收视率第一的中文电视台八度空间强力打造2022年新春活动和同名贺岁专辑 《虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!》#Yoohoo2022 ,与中文电台8FM、居家购物平台WOWSHOP、网站Rojaklah、Viralcham、TTN谈谈网携手献出“ 虎”助“虎”爱,让爱充满人间,伴大家过个好年 ! 首要媒体2022新春推介礼于今晚9时在八度空间现场直播,八度空间、8FM、WOWSHOP、Rojaklah、Viralcham、TTN谈谈网官方脸书同步直播,16位新春活动大使包括 Ching Yee 王菁忆、Owen 叶剑锋、Orange 陈慧恬、Rickman 谢承伟、Gary 叶俊岑、Royce 陈志康、Angeline 黄玉丽、Jordan 盛天俊、Pauline 陈俐杏、Melissa 翁昕瑩、Ash 卢信宥、Kendra 苏凯漩、Kyann 林志遵、Hana 张心怡、Nickkung 龚建华和 Joey 江颖怡 也参与其盛,一起散播爱的力量! 八度空间首席营运员傅传亿表示, “在这个充满挑战的时期,首要媒体希望透过2022年新春活动《虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!》发扬‘虎助虎爱’(互助互爱)的精神,与大家一起以积极的心态迎接挑战,继续向前走!” 首要媒体2022年贺岁MV :《Yoohoo向前走》 他也借此感谢所有乐意配合的赞助商与协办单位,“ 《虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!》 新春活动之所以能顺利进行与筹备,要特别感谢MV的合作伙伴Kinohimitsu、《盛放18 点亮台庆》赞助商Ensure Gold、八度空间全新贺岁电视剧《恭喜发财》赞助商Nivea和Caltrate、八度空间新春特备节目《Durian Kaya Teh Tarik 第三季新春特备》赞助商foodpanda、《幸福年菜斗厨艺》赞助商Panasonic,还有合作伙伴大众书局。我们相信赞助商们的加入,让《虎助虎爱 Yoohoo向前走!》新春活动成为最盛大及有意义的新春活动!”

ZENSO30天真瘦 - 使用日本黑醋Kurozu助你零负担减重

ZENSO30天真瘦 - 使用日本黑醋Kurozu助你零负担减重 冤枉咯!你是不是也是这样减肥的? 肥胖不但会让人失去自信,还会带来各种健康问题,因此,减肥和瘦身已成了现代许多人生活中的一部分。尝试过各种减肥方式的你,是不是也不小心陷入了以下的迷思呢?   迷思一:完全不碰碳水化合物 碳水化合物是能量的来源,如果完全戒掉,会出现低血糖的症状如:头昏眼花、心跳加速、出冷汗、虚弱无力,甚至是晕倒等!正确方式是应该将碳水化合物减少,即一天的饮食当中不超过55%,以及尽量食用天然的碳水化合物而非精制碳水化合物,如以全麦面包代替白面包。   迷思二:减肥时期滴油不沾 虽然肥胖有一大部分是饮食中的油脂所导致的,但脂肪其实是人体必需的7大营养素之一,能够帮助促进脂溶性维生素的吸收,如维生素A和D等等。长期缺乏油脂时,可能会出现便秘、皮肤干燥和月经失调等问题。然而,我们要摄取的是优质的油脂,牛油果、橄榄油和葵花籽油等都是健康好油。   迷思三:什么都不吃一定会瘦 过度节食或只吃水果蔬菜代替正餐,是可以迅速瘦下来,但是后果是容易反弹和种种不适,如脱水、头晕、头痛、胃痛、营养不良、甚至隐患疾病等等,导致不堪设想的后果。   减重要有科学根据 减肥瘦身没有捷径,但是如果有科学根据的话,就会事半功倍! Zenso 是一个以 日本黑醋Kurozu为主要成分 的健康体重管理配套,经证实能通过各种天然世界级专利成分的协同效应,以 4大科学原理为基础 : 减少摄入 减少吸收 减少囤积 增加新陈代谢 帮助达到理想体重! 不管是“管住嘴”还是“迈开腿”,减肥都不是一件易事! 坚持是王道!找对方法是关键! 为了要让减重更顺利,你也许试过吃减肥药!还挨过饿!减肥效果容易反弹,还伤害了身体! 【ZENSO】 你的减重“助手”!提倡以科学基础管理体重!它经科学研究和临床试验证实,能通过这4个科学原理,更轻易的管理体重!才短短期间推出市场,已经得到了许多见证和反馈!今天就开启你的体重管理和健康之旅吧~ 肥胖是慢慢地,不知不觉地累积的!是这样的生活习惯把脂肪慢慢存起来的! 1. 水肿虚胖 排水功能差,多余的水分积聚在体内,造成水肿型肥胖! 2. 代谢障碍 代谢循环差,毒素和废物带不走,影响血液循环,多余的脂肪代谢不掉,容易引起肥胖! 3. 不良习惯 生活中一些不良小习惯,比如:三餐没有规律、喝水量不够

EROJAN got Side Effect? | Is it safe to use as Testosterone Booster? Read this

EROJAN | Natural Men Supplement containing six herbs  The first thing when considering buying the right men supplement is definitely the safety of the product, and then the effectiveness of this natural testosterones booster. People has been asking me whether EROJAN has any side effect. Is EROJAN a drug for erectile dysfunction? Can EROJAN increase sperm count? Instead of replying one by one, here's a detail FAQ for you who are interested with EROJAN. If you are interested to make a purchase or have further question about EROJAN, feel free to contact me TianChad through WhatsApp: Question: What is EROJAN? Answer: EROJAN is a traditional medicine with unique combination of 6herbal extracts that work synergistically to improve men's health by maintaining healthy testosterone level. Question: What is testosterone? Answer: Testosterone is the king of hotmone produced primarily in men's testicles. I

How to Make Instagram REELS Go VIRAL (9 SECRETS) | Instagram Algorithm 2021 by Simone Ferretti

How to Make Instagram REELS Go VIRAL (9 SECRETS) | Instagram Algorithm 2021 by Simone Ferretti Simone Ferretti said that he figured out the Instagram Algorithm. These are 9 secrets that he use every time to make his Instagram Reels go viral.  In the past few months, he grew from 28k to 110k+ followers on Instagram thanks to loads of reels that went completely viral with millions and millions of views 🤯 He has been working on this video for a while, he hope you all enjoy. (I did!) Let me know if you found it useful in the comments below:)  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> I Figured Out the Instagram Algorithm. How to Make REELS Go VIRAL (9 SECRETS)

MICROBIOME Probiotics for Kids 小孩益生菌群 - Is it really safe for kids to consume?

【MICROBIOME Probiotics for Kids 小孩益生菌群】 【MICROBIOME Probiotics for Kids 小孩益生菌群】 👉 KidAone MICROBIOME is a probiotic product specially formulated for children. 👉It is the first 3-in-1 child probiotic, which contains probiotics, prebiotics and epibiotic, and has a synergistic effect on children's intestinal health. 👉This is a high-strength probiotic supplement containing 10 billion CFU per bag, which contains 3 clinically verified probiotic strains. Extensive strain-specific clinical trials have been carried out in young children: - Bifidobacterium breve M-16V  , Bifidobacterium longum BB536 & Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG . 👉Taste: MICROBIOME is an individually packaged powder product that contains blackcurrant, strawberry and grape juice, and is a mixed juice flavor. ✨KidAone™️ Microbiome includes✨ ✅ 3 world-class branded probiotic strains] highly beneficial to gut health ✅ 3 types of prebiotics] which ensure constant growth of probiotics in the gut ✅ Gut lining enhancer, [po

Garmin Malaysia Forerunner 55 | Easy-to-use running GPS smartwatch

Garmin Malaysia Forerunner 55 | Easy-to-use running GPS smartwatch Runners can focus on the fundamentals or take their training to the next level Garmin Malaysia today announced the Forerunner 55 , an easy-to-use GPS smartwatch designed for fitness enthusiasts of all and diversified skill levels to track their stats and achieve personal fitness goals. A simple press of a button introduces users to a variety of features such as daily suggested workouts, additional built-in sports applications, detailed running data and much more.  The Garmin Forerunner 55 is unveiled jointly with the annual Global Running Day where the sport is celebrated through encouraging beginners to make a life-changing commitment to running and transforming their fitness for the better. New users can expect a preface to tracking their time, distance, speed, pace and heart rate data right off the smartwatch. “To appeal to a large range of athletes and running enthusiasts, the Forerunner 55® is built as a simplifie

IMUGLO免疫王 - Improve & Strengthen Immune System Superfood | WELLOUS MAY PROMOTION

 IMUGLO免疫王 - Improve & Strengthen Immune System Superfood Yesterday since 12pm I tried to register for AZ Vaccines but in the end due to system technical error and I was not fast enough, I still didn't get to register for this second batch of Astra Zeneca Vaccines... How many of you got stuck at the choosing states and date stage? I was really disappointed and I wonder why we need to so pity 'fight' for the vaccines online like Hunger game? So instead of feeling sad, I believe prevention is always better than cure . What are the supplement or superfood that could help strengthen our body immune system to prepare to prevent any bacteria or viral infection? If you haven't heard about 'Black Elderberry Extract' before, try google about it and listen to what the doctor said. It's a really powerful plant extract that helps strengthen our body immune system, let me share the video about 'Black Elderberry' below. Will introduce Tigrox IMUGLO to you

What to do if you got COVID19? 萬一不幸染上新冠病毒 應該如何自處?

What to do if you got COVID19? 萬一不幸染上新冠病毒 應該如何自處? Covid19 case has recently increased drastically again recently and I believe I need to share some info that you might find it helpful. The sudden increase in COVID19 cases are because of increasing asymptomatic patients that didn't know they caught the COVID19 virus and infected many others before they have mild or no symptom at all. Which is why the pandemic is currently wide-spread  and the mutated COVID strains made it harder for us all to combat when the vaccine doesn't give 100% protection to the residents.  So if you recently had a close contact with COVID19 patience or always hanging out with your parents staying at different place, please treat yourself as a possible-Covid patient and quarantine yourself (at least try not going out). Be aware of the risk of unforeseen Covid infection ya. Even when you get infected, the RAPID test might show you false-Negative result because the virus has not multiply enough to make it


WELLOUS PRODUCTS APRIL PROMOTION (Promo Date: 13th Apr until 27th April 21) I started consuming LIVEON Reviving DNA and EROJAN for Men to improve my health. After I saw the positive effects by consuming these two health products, I started recommending to my friends and family and they found it helpful to improve their health. Especially LIVEON 复活 DNA that helps many friends with joint pain condition. I eventually understood that Wellous Group is having more than just two good products. There are more complete super food products that keeps us healthy. Other well know products including TIGROX TIGER MILK KING, IMUGLO, LOQUAT,  BIO-LINGZHI, BIO-GRAPESEED, SPIRO, FRUSSO, M-COLL, iBLINGs (E-VITE, S-GLOW, D-VINE), NOVIA, HOMEGA, PROBIOME and many more health products coming in near future. It's been more than half a year since I joined Wellous Group (since Oct 2020), other than sharing these beneficial health product that can help people, I am glad that not only I become healthier

【PHOTO】Kwai Chai Hong 鬼仔巷 Everlasting Beauty 万寿无疆 | 2021 CNY Decoration

Kwai Chai Hong 鬼仔巷 Everlasting Beauty 万寿无疆 | 2021 CNY Decoration Now can check out Kwai Chai Hong 鬼仔巷 latest art installation themed Everlasting Beauty 万寿无疆 , showcasing a series of installations to commemorates timeless Chinese Art & Culture:⁠ Chinese Floral Design - "Bao Xiang Hua" (寳相花) on Porcelain and more⁠ Traditional Fabric-Dye Factory Display - In collaboration with Epson Malaysia for artistic fabric printing⁠ Turning Waste to Art - Meet "The Lady" sculpture , designed and hand-sculpted by Alice Chang (Lai Lai Art) at the entrance of Kwai Chai Hong. This exquisite sculpture is made from hundreds of porcelain pieces from repurposed Chinese porcelain bowls, plates, teapots, cups/mugs, and more. ⁠ ⁠ Get your cameras ready as KWC take you on a journey discovering Chinese culture and history at Kwai Chai Hong. ⁠ ⁠ ㊟ REMEMBER : Please RESPECT the art installation and enjoy them with your eyes and not your hands. Do not tug, pull, sit, kick, lean, or put any

【REVIEW】AEMIS PROBIOME - Probiotic and Prebiotic for Healthy Gut

AEMIS PROBIOME Billions of guardians for your gut from Prebiotic to Probiotic 【REVIEW】AEMIS PROBIOME - Probiotic and Prebiotic for Healthy Gut I have a weak stomach, and I love to try out street food whenever I travel. Therefore most of the time I easily catch stomach flu or diarrheas if I ate too much of street foods. With the bio-science base knowledge that I have, I do know that probiotic and prebiotic are both very important and healthy to me to maintain a healthy gut.  After consume Aemis Probiome for almost a month, I can see that I have stronger immune system when it comes to food. For example, after I ate the raw crab, prawn and salmon dishes at @omgcrab in The LincKL, my tummy have no issue at all. I noticed I have better bowel movement and no pain when I excrete human waste a.k.a. poop. It is very suitable for someone who has constipation or diarrhoea, loose and watery stools, so if you want a healthier gut like me. Try out AEMIS PROBIOME probiotic for better health today.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S21 ULTRA UHD 8K Video Sample Review #withGalaxy

SAMSUNG GALAXY S21 ULTRA 8K VIDEO | ULTRA TRUE HD Photo video snap from the 8K video Ever thought of your phone are capable of recording 8K video footage? I didn't, but dream came true when I found out the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra can now shoot 4K 60fps video and 8K 24 fps video . I have never imagine that technology has improved so fast that such a small size camera* can shoot such huge resolution video. So here's the 8K video I recorded using Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra featuring the little snail I found in my neighborhood. 24 Frame-per-second (fps) is actually pretty cinematic and I would say okay for slow moving object. If you ask me, I will still prefer 30fps or 60 fps so that I can do some slow-motion video for my vlog and YouTube video. SAMSUNG GALAXY S21 ULTRA 8K VIDEO | ULTRA TRUE HD Photo video snap from the 8K video Anyhow, hope you find this 8K sample video recorded using Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra helpful. So far, I am loving the versatility of zooming at 3x and 10x o

How to Easily Capture Moon Photo with Phone | Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

How to Easily Capture Moon Photo with Phone | Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra This is how easy it is to capture moon photo using phone year 2021. You may now easily capture super moon with phone. Starting from Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, Note 20 Ultra and now Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Capturing beautiful moon photos is getting easier and easier as the technology and camera lens on your phone improve. All you need to do is watch the video below for detailed tips when you shoot moon photos. And you can get nice full moon photos to share every 15 days haha Tap in and watch this video below for a few useful photography tips now. It's free! How to Easily Capture Moon Photo with Phone | Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 想说那晚半夜月亮特别圆 而且还有夜鸟陪伴 所以试试看现在三星最新的手机能多快telezoom月亮 把它给摘下来 送给你的女朋友/男朋友/好朋友 #手机摄影 #满月 #手机拍月亮 PS: 裡里头有分享拍摄月亮的摄影诀窍哦

SONOS MOVE REVIEW: Portable & Powerful Speaker with High Flexibility #SonosMove

SONOS MOVE REVIEW: Portable Elegant and Powerful Speaker with High Flexibility Since last year, I have spent more time at home without going out much due to the global situation. Hence me and love one started to enhance things we can do at home. At first we started to learn cooking and baking, then we learn indoor plant gardening and fell in love with it. Since we can't go to the outdoor, we brought in the nature instead. Now we have a mini garden indoor and at the balcony.  Spending majority of our time at home eventually makes me want to improve my home entertainment system too. Something small yet significant to improve our quality of life. That's when I found SONOS sound system and decided to go with SONOS MOVE . This versatile smart speaker not only able to be moved around, it is also both WIFI and Bluetooth configurable. Added that it is weatherproof and drop-resistant, it is good to listen to music both indoor and outdoor. Let me share my experience in detail as below:

BEST Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra Case THAT IMPROVE CAMERA PHOTOS | Moment Thin Case & Protect Glass

BEST Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra Case THAT IMPROVE CAMERA PHOTOS  Moment Thin Case & Protect Glass BEST Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra Case THAT IMPROVE CAMERA PHOTOS Moment Thin Case & Protect Glass After getting Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra , I have no excuse to buy the best phone casing for it. (because this time NO soft case included) We all need a tough casing to protect the Note20 Ultra , but don't want too thick, hence I got the Moment Galaxy Thin Case that allows me to take better photos too. A case that protect the phone body (front & back) and especially the camera elements . With additional Moment lens , I can shoot better Wide Angle (very useful for #hyperlapse), 108 MP high resolution macro photos, and beautiful low light photo at night by just simple handheld for a few seconds. PS: If you are a #timelapse /hyperlapse lover, you will definitely need that wider view (use 18mm Moment lens to maximize your view point) 【Use 'firstmoment10' for 10%

MCO PKP 2.0 MALAYSIA 2021 - FORM 5 Student how? UK Mutated Viral Strain is Here too

MCO PKP 2.0 MALAYSIA 2021 - FORM 5 Student how? UK Mutated Viral Strain is Here 11 January 2021,  Malaysia PM just announced that there will be Movement Control  Order (MCO) from Jan 13 (12.01AM) to Jan 26 2021. Affected states including Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Labuan, Melaka, Johor, and Sabah. Looking at the daily 3,000 infected stats, Malaysia are back into MCO again. My working schedule need to be postponed again. But what I worry the most are for our dear Form 5 students who are suppose to take SPM test this year. At the same day KKM announced that the COVID-19 variant UK B.1.1.7 (20202/01) spike protein mutation has been detected in Malaysia today. It was reported that the adventure guy was found positive on 28 December 2020 and has been quarantined for treatment. "Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa satu kes COVID-19 varian UK B.1.1.7 atau 20202/01 mutasi spike protein telah dikesan di Malaysia pada hari ini. Kes tersebut telah di

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