
Showing posts from January, 2014

RAIN, Craig David to perform @ TWIN TOWERS @LIVE 2014!

RAIN performing at TWIN TOWERS @LIVE 2014  29 March 2014 (Saturday) 6PM @ Plaza Peronas KLCC Local K-pop fans will have plenty of reasons to rock up to Plaza PETRONAS, KLCC as RAIN makes a triumphant return to the live music scene. The Korean superstar is the first of a series of artists to be announced for the annual extravaganza. He will be performing on Saturday, 29 March 2014 , the second night of the two-night Twin Towers @Live 2014 concert . Rain represents the next in a long line of Korean icons to have made an appearance at the concert, after Girls’ Generation, 2NE1, Wonder Girls and U-KISS. Twin Towers @Live has made a name for itself in the Malaysian calendar of events for bringing in artistes sure to suit everyone’s beat, from rock (Hoobastank and Orianthi) and R&B/dance (Kelis) to house (DJ Tatsuro and DJ Face). Head turning performances by Demi Lovato and Backstreet Boys last year remains fresh in the minds of the attendees. Rain, otherwise known as J

KakaoTalk Malaysia Epic Launch @ The Bee Publika

KakaoTalk Huge Ferris Wheel spotted at KakaoTalk Malaysia Epic Launch Last Wednesday I was at The Bee, Publika for KakaoTalk Malaysia Epic Launch . I can see that they put tons of efforts to decorate the event venue into something really awesome within just a day! If you haven't know, KakaoTalk is a smartphone messenger for FREE calls and text. You can make group calls in high-quality sound and schedule appointments in your chat room (as what their latest advertisement shown).  KakaoTalk Malaysia Epic Launch @ The Bee Publika There was a huge KakaoTalk photobooth located right in the middle of the venue where you can take photo and add KakaoTalk cute frame to upload to your Facebook. Tons of finger foods including fresh Popcorns, Ice Cream Potong and many more!! Ice-cream Potong @ KakaoTalk Malaysia Epic Launch , The Bee Publika Blogger buddies Bobo and Budiey was there too! Say hi to SueAnn and Joyce from Nuffnang!! It's been so long I never bee

Birthday & Pool Party @ Philea Resort & Spa, Melaka

A selfie with travel buddies right on the flowing river in Philea Resort & Spa in Melaka Since today is TGIF, I would like to share a travel post with you today. If you want to know more about Philea Resort Hotel room, head over this post to see how my Pavilion room l ooks like with complete eye-view of the whole room and facilities. As for this post I will share more about the Birthday & Pool Party by featuring Merryn and her family ;p Quite a great view of the flowing river which linked to the man-made waterfall Bayu Cabana Outdoor Restaurnant @ Philea Resort & Spa, Ayer Keroh The birthday bash was held at Bayu Cabana Restaurant and many types of finger foods together with colorful cakes served along the buffet table. There will be chef preparing freshly baked pizza and they can also take your food order like Fried Mee Goreng, Fried Kwe Tiow and many more. The Hi-Tea Buffet availble from 2.00 -6.00pm. Healthy salad, sweet desserts and pizza avail

Astro Digital Publications Launch @ NAKED Restaurant & Bar, Plaza Damas

Astro customers can now get 5 new digital magazines at no charge (Style, Car, InTrend, Men's Uno, iFeel) Astro Digital Publications Launch @ Naked Restaurant and Bar, Plaza Damas If you hate the heavy weight of magazine, you can now read some of your favourite magazine online now!! Now we can download and enjoy reading the latest, favourite e-magazines at anytime anywhere with  Astro Digital Publication ’s new e-magazines. Astro Digital Publications has transformed itself to provide their customers and Malaysians with content on their mobile phones and tablets anytime, anywhere. To this end, Astro Digital Publications (ADPUB) is pleased to launch 6 digital publications – Style (English women’s fashion lifestyle), Car (automotive), InTrend (Malay women’s fashion lifestyle) , FHM (English men’s lifestyle) , Men’s Uno (Chinese men’s fashion lifestyle) and ifeel (Chinese women’s fashion lifestyle), which are now available for download on the Apple newsstand .

Phoenix Chinese Restaurant at Holiday Inn KL Glenmarie: CNY Menu 2014

Did you know that Holiday Inn KL Glenmarie  has a halal Chinese restaurant well hidden inside their golf club?? Phoenix Chinese Restaurant is actually part of the Glenmarie Golf and Country club but managed by the Holiday Inn. The restaurant doesn't look really big and as you can see there were total 7 dining tables in there. In conjunction with Chinese New Year 2014, I was there to have my first 'lou sang' of the year with some blogger buddies and to try out their new CNY menu catered for the 2014 horse year.

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感

一路有你 The Journey - 笑迎感动1月30日全国上映 2014年1月18日,本人受Astro邀约到Paradigm Mall观赏 《一路有你 The Journey》 的首映。收到请柬当然非常高兴咯!!我个人非常期待这片片子而且看了后也非常的喜欢。《一路有你 The Journey》是一部温馨家庭喜剧也是一部 全民电影 ,有喜有悲,它可以把你的情绪从山顶带到谷底再到达巅峰。整部电影拍得很优美,尤其是风景那一部分,把金马伦高原拍得像仙境一样。在《一路有你 The Journey》里面,你熟悉的明星变成了配角,主要的角色们反而是普通的平民。

Wedding @ Ramada Plaza Melaka Grand Ballroom ft Jean & Lawrence

Wedding @ Ramada Plaza Melaka Lvl 7 Grand Ballroom ft Jean and Lawrence  Since recent years I've been receiving 'wedding bombs' from friends and family, I've tried out quite many different wedding dishes at different wedding hall and restaurant as well. Therefore, I think it is good to share with you guys my experience at the wedding.

[GIVEAWAY] Best Tips and Practices in Staying Safe Online - Norton Symantec

You love your partner, but how would you protect your Valentine from bad guys including cyber-crime?? As Valentine’s Day draws closer, a surge of spam is commonly observed – unbelievable discounts on jewellery, dinners, and expensive gifts are the key themes for the Valentine’s Day related spam. Other popular fake promotions include: online pharmaceuticals, fake e-cards, gift cards, chocolates, and flowers.  

《忆起回家》 Spring Chorus @ ntv7 : 用歌声唤起回忆, 用真心凝聚团圆 + 记者会访问篇

忆起回家 Spring Chorus 1月31日 大年初一 (星期五) 用歌声唤起回忆 用真心凝聚团圆 Premiere on 31 January 2014 at ntv7 继《媒人帮》、《哈比全家福》、《聚宝盆》后,2014年ntv7十大艺人再度携手献上全新贺岁电视电影—— 《忆起回家》(Spring Chorus) ,提醒大家这个新年,记得“忆”起回家,和家人庆团圆! 即将在1月31日(年初一),晚上8点半,于ntv7播出的2014年贺岁电视电影《忆起回家》,由ntv7十大艺人 Leslie蔡河立、Debbie吴天瑜、AiLeng王爱玲、Kyo庄仲维、Adrian陈凯旋、Jan秦雯彬、Lawrence王冠逸、Frederick李洺中、Karena张惠虹、Aenie王淑君及梁雅高 主演。有别于往年贺岁电视电影夸张嬉闹的演出, 《忆起回家》 今年转打温情牌,剧中透过父子和兄弟姐妹之间的关系,提醒观众,我们每个人都是家庭的一分子,别因为忙碌的日常生活而忘了自己在家的身份,这个农历佳节,记得放下手上的工作,回家为家人做点事,和家人团圆。

EASON'S LIFE IN PENANG 2014 @ PISA 陈奕迅《EASON’S L I F E》演唱会: 4 月份槟城首度开演

陈奕迅EASON’S LIFE 演唱会-槟城站 EASON’S LIFE in Penang陈奕迅 Date: 19 April 2014, Saturday Time: 8pm Venue: Penang International Sports Arena (PISA) Ticket Prices: RM488, RM388, RM288, RM188 and RM98 Ticket Launch: 22 January 2014, 10am 陈奕迅《EASON’S L I F E》演唱会: 4 月份槟城首度开演 香港巨星陈奕迅的《EASON’S LIFE in Penang》演唱会空降槟城 位处香港乐坛的指標人物,陈奕迅无疑是后97香港音乐产业时代最具感染力的男歌手。他曾被美国《时代杂志》誉为“影响香港乐坛风格的人物“,並於2012 年被香港TIME OUT 杂志加冕“亚洲流行音乐之王”。Eason 也是首位亚洲歌手在伦敦著名的O2 Arena 大舞台上开个人 演唱会。 《EASON’S LIFE in Penang》演唱会即将在4 月19 日,星期六晚上8点,在槟城国际体育竞技场 Penang International Sports Arena (PISA)/sPICE 隆重登场。 《EASON’S LIFE in Penang》是陈奕迅在吉隆坡以外首次在槟城举办的个人大型演唱会。 陈奕迅《EASON’S L I F E》演唱会: 4 月份槟城首度开演 香港巨星陈奕迅的《EASON’S LIFE in Penang》演唱会空降槟城 2013 年7 月6 日,以全新概念“EASON’S LIFE”回归香港红馆开唱, 取得了巨大成功。凭借超高的叫座力以及压倒性的售票数量,为了满足众多粉丝的要求,主办方不得不从最初的12 场加至17 场、20 场、23 场,最终以一个月唱满25 场圆满结束。 EASON'S LIFE IN PENANG 2014 @ PISA 陈奕迅《EASON’S L I F E》演唱会 陈奕迅自身也对本次演唱会的叫座程度表示惊讶,并把成功归功于各方所给予的巨大支持。他指出,现今社会发展迅速,大家只着眼于自已的工作及生活等大事,往往

Romantic Vacation @ Philea Resort & Spa Ayer Keroh, Melaka [Review]

 Philea Resort and Spa in Ayer Keroh, Melaka I believe every love birds love travel to somewhere relaxing and pamper themselves. So do I. Melaka is my hometown but I never know there is one luxury  and huge resort which made of pine log hidden at Ayer Keroh until today. Philea Resort and Spa, Ayer Keroh is easily accessed when you come out from Ayer Keroh Toll, it is 30 minutes away from Melaka Town. I highly recommend you to have your own transport if you want to travel to town for some good street foods at Jonker Street or go to the infamous heritage area - Stadthuys (Red Square). You may wanna travel to the Butterfly Farm which is nearer to the hotel too. Throughout the trip in Philea Resort and Spa , I would like to say this place is more suitable for family/couple tourist instead of business traveller. Although complementary WiFi was provided, the WiFi signal is not strong enough although you stay nearby the lobby area. Other than that, Philea Resort has a fascinating

Super Junior Kyuhyun & Kangin @ KyoChon Malaysia 1 Utama Grand Launch #mykyochon

SuperJunior Kyuhyun and Kangin @ KyoChon Malaysia 1 Utama Siwon's wax statue located at KyoChon outlet in Malaysia Courtesy of Nuffnang and Churp Churp, I was invited to the grand launch of  KyoChon Malaysia at 1 Utama . VIPs and two SuperJunior  members  Kyuhyun & Kangin  flew all the way from   Korea exclusively to deliver speeches and meet their loyal following, such as KyoChon’s Chairman Mr Kwon, President Hwang, President Lee, and brand ambassador Super Junior. During the event, KyoChon’s signature assortment of fried chicken was served.

[LIVE] ntv7十大艺人合唱2014年电视电影 《忆起回家》主题曲 - 春天的花蕊 +歌词

[LIVE] ntv7十大艺人合唱2014年电视电影 《忆起回家》主题曲 - 春天的花蕊 #SpringChorus  今天去了ntv7 2014年电视电影 《忆起回家》 的记者会,十大艺人们都穿得很华丽。在我还没分享当天拍到的照片,我先分享帅哥美女们现场演唱 《春天的花蕊》 的片段吧!!请问你们觉得谁最帅最美啊? ntv7十大艺人祝大家恭喜发财,新年快乐,马年“忆起回家” 《忆起回家》主题曲 - 春天的花蕊 歌词 合唱:春天的花蕊,绽放红红当当 岁月怎么转有它的习惯 为什么我们心有灵犀,共欢聚一堂 幸福其实很简单圆圆满满 春天的花蕊,奔放飞飞扬扬 你不再彷徨烦恼,有我分担 这一刻我们欢唱团圆歌颂在我身旁 相亲相爱不散爱的光  天瑜:生活过得太匆忙 爱玲:麻布不仁心交痒太孤单 可立:不能原谅如果我还一样 仲维:忘了远方亲情还在呼唤还在装忙 凯旋:管它塞车到回家在我心上,家永远像避风港 合唱:团圆饭过年歌比情长 熟悉的幸福像朵花 春天的花蕊,绽放红红当当 岁月怎么转有它的习惯 为什么我们心有灵犀,共欢聚一堂 幸福其实很简单圆圆满满 春天的花蕊,奔放飞飞扬扬 你不再彷徨烦恼,有我分担 这一刻我们欢唱团圆歌颂在我身旁 相亲相爱不散爱的光  雯彬:生活过得太匆忙 淑君:麻布不仁心交痒太孤单 惠虹:不能原谅如果我还一样 洺中:忘了远方亲情还在呼唤还在装忙 冠逸:管它塞车到回家在我心上,家永远像避风港 合唱:团圆饭过年歌比情长 熟悉的幸福像朵花 春天的花蕊,绽放红红当当 岁月怎么转有它的习惯 为什么我们心有灵犀,共欢聚一堂 幸福其实很简单圆圆满满 春天的花蕊,奔放飞飞扬扬 你不再彷徨烦恼,有我分担 这一刻我们欢唱团圆歌颂在我身旁 相亲相爱不散爱的光 ntv7 贺岁电视电影《忆起回家》,演员们将北上南下向您拜早年! 《忆起回家》造势活动 1月11日 星期六 3pm Mahkota Parade,马六甲 8pm Kluang Mall,柔佛 1月17日 星期五 8pm Alor Star Mall,吉打 1月18日 星期六 2pm Village Mall,双溪大年 9pm Auto City Shop d'Park,槟城

Meet & Greet with Lee Kwang Soo in Malaysia was... #KwangSoo

Meet & Greet with Lee Kwang Soo in Malaysia @ Hilton KL Hotel Since there are some readers curious on what happened during the private Meet and Greet Session with Kwang Soo. I am gonna share my story here. I arrived at Hilton KL prior the event start and everything was great until one of the organizer personnel said "No photography during the interview session, you are only allowed to take group photo after the interview and fans meet and greet session." That moment I was like... WHAT?!

35 Photos to describe Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in Malaysia #KwangSoo

Did you went to Kenanga Wholesale City Mall for Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in Malaysia yesterday?? If yes, I bet you had great laugh as much as I do haha. This time I've spammed more than one thousands shutters just to capture the precious moments of Kwang Soo and YOU, yes YOU guys awesome who were there!! I've finalised 150++ photos out of all the collection and here's some that I would like to share with you after posted  10 Epic Photos of Lee Kwang Soo @ Fan Meeting in Malaysia . Lee Kwang Soo, the tall and funny guy you should meet at least once in a life time because he can surely make you smile Lee Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in Malaysia Instead of putting all 150 photos here, I think I will choose my favourite 30++ photos to be featured here and you may find the rest on my Facebook Page   TianChad @ 永遇乐

10 Epic Photos of Lee Kwang Soo @ Fan Meeting in Malaysia

Yo guys!! It was a tiring but awesome day to shoot for Lee Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in Malaysia . Today shooting was harder as there were so many limitation when I wanna take photos of Kwang Soo. ("during interview cannot take photo", "okay one group photo enough" +++) I do understand that he is doing his job but I need to do my job as a photographer too... So yeah, took some risk on the photoshoot today for the sake of Kwang Soo's avid fans!! On a side note, Kwang Soo is a very outgoing person who dare to do stupid but funny thing to make us laugh. Maybe that's why so many people love Girin/Giraffe and addressed him as a tall, cute, handsome, romantic and funny guy. I am exhausted from today photoshoot but I am very happy as Kwang Soo really really entertained me in many ways.  Below are 10 sneak peek photos taken during Lee Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in Malaysia just now and I hope you guys love the photos as much as I do. I will process more photos an

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