A Complaint Letter Written to UTAR. Looking forJob?

As an Alumni of UTAR, I would like to share an e-mail with my friends and juniors who are looking for job. Below is an e-mail that I received.

Dear graduands and alumni, especially those who are still looking for jobs,

This email may be important to you, please read on this letter written to UTAR by a "Group Manager from a chain of companies". Although his comments might not be true about the majority of you, but would definitely jeopardise career opportunity of a lot of our garduates.

"I am writing to you in response to the several interview I conducted with your former students for various position within our group of companies. I have never come across such ?interesting grooming? that set a very bad first impression to the interviewers. I wonder if you have any specific guidelines on student attire during interview as well as in your campus? I am sorry to have questioned both of you on this matter but let me relate my "wonderful" and "eye washing" experience with you.

We have received 18 applications from your former students for an interview and eight of them came for the interview from last week until yesterday but all of them have been rejected in the first 15 minutes. They do not know what and how to wear in showing respect to the interviewers. Among some of the fashion faux pas includes blonde or colourful hairs, short sleeves or raised collar shirt, messy jeans, ?pants, slippers/sandals, chunky necklaces and bracelets. One of them even came for the interview as though she is going "clubbing". This is office work and in executive position. How can they wear like these to an interview?

I further went to your campus in Setapak this morning to personally look at your students attire and I got a shock of my life. Your students did wore singlet, ?pants, sandals and messy jeans to class. When I approached few of your students, they simply said its allowable in the campus. In fact, one of them said the lecturers like it so much?

May I advise you that students MUST respect the University, the lecturers and other co-students by wearing appropriate attire in the campus at all times. We cannot allow students who bore part of their flesh and body hairs in the campus. What had becoming to this generation's students attitude and behavior? Where are their discipline? Being an educator, shouldn't it be our responsibility to ensure students' characteristics are well formed here?

I sincerely hope UTAR can look into this matter seriously and come out with a more stringent guideline with regards to student attire. Obviously, we want to avoid any possible incidence that could have happened as a result of baring too much of our flesh in the campus. I understand that UTAR students are very much sought after in the labour market but this record can become history if the newest generation continues to wear inappropriately in the campus and carry the same mindset when they look for jobs in the market.

For your information, after such incidence, we have decided not to proceed with interviewing the balance ten applicants. UTAR students may be good academically but it's their character and well being that counts during the first interview."

Last but not least, some advice from UTAR: You can be as fashionable as you wish during social interactions, but for formal occassions, especially like attending interviews, it would be advantageous to be vigilant about your attire, gesture and hair style, ie. formal office attire is preferred.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Mr. "S"


First, I agree that during interview we should dress formal, without those fancy colour stuff on hair or "baring" too much of the body part. Why? To show respect, especially the executive office work. Interviewer who met you for the first time sure look at the surface and that's why first impression is important!

So, yes.
For those who interview job that require formal wear. Do dress up formally without giving them the wrong impression and jeopardise the career opportunity of friends who graduate from same university.(Unless you are going for "I wanna be a Model" or "Superstar" job interview ;p)

Where as for the dress code at campus. I won't agree if we are required to dressed formal everytime we go to uni. Wearing black shoes, black pants, everyday the same long sleeve attire, cover hand and leg, cover every bodypart like an Arabian(no offense). The campus will look so dull and boring! What worse is you still need to wear a coat even it is a hot weather...

But still, dress smart if you are attending interviews that required formal dress code.

Anyway, I think he/she did enjoy the "wonderful" and "eye washing" experience as he/she interview for 15 minutes. I wonder if he/she will kindly reminded the next person who came for interview or just let it be...~

So, what do you think??


  1. Well, I do agree with your point. University students should be given the freedom to dress the way they like. Maybe not to the extent of "clubbing" style to lectures, but formal is a lil' too much. After all, freedom to explore possibilities is what university is all about.

    Btw, the remaining 10 ppl are really innocent lah. @.@

  2. [Francene]
    Yeah *high 5*
    Hope the 10 ppl get better job as I think working in the company might make you look dull and feel dark ;p

  3. good sharing, but if possiblepls include the picture of proper attire for interview (in case some naive graduants dunno what to wear), i afraid the picture you posted only for student, not for job interview.


  4. last time in uni, me and my gang used to declare friday as hawaiian day..wear flower shirt take off 2 button, wear flipflops to class..haha...!

  5. Hey, Good one. I totally agree with you. Honestly speaking, I'm embarrassed being a UTARIAN.

    After working for 1 year, people always ask me, why u go UTAR? Then start shooting me with the academics stuff. T.T

  6. It such a shame if this is really come out of a company ...

    It might be right that freedom should be allowed for student attire, but you will never know that in FES there's at least 20% of the student are wearing sleeping clothes to class. Embarrassing ...

  7. [cklim]
    Thanks for the advice :)
    Picture added~!

    Haha, that's how you attract the ladies~

    [Biotech Courserep 08]
    I would say " If you never go to this uni, you will hardly appreciate what is available to you." Let them shoot ba, as long as we are still capable of doing great job, we are still a better one! Some successful CEO also not so highly educated what, but they are success in anyway!

    Sleeping cloth as in pajamas?! I hope not...
    People always remember the embarrassing stuff but not the good stuff. Hope more people pay attention on the stuff that worth for honor~

  8. i think this all boils down to the individual's common sense. my uni last time they allowed us to wear casual to class. but when we all came out to work, we all knew that wearing that for an interview is juz not a very wise thing to do..

  9. As much as I hate this to have happened to our Uni and its students, I'm afraid the group manager could be biased to a certain degree.

    First of all, 8 out of 8 of our students not wearing appropriate attire? I don't know whether to believe this or not. It could be true but some of the other things he said just strike me as weird.

    How could a group manager be so free to "personally" go to observe our UTAR students, interview them, and believe in such an answer from a student: "the lecturers like it so much?" Seriously?

    The manager also decided not to interview the other 10 applicants. Generalising what they saw in the 8 students (if that is even true) to whole UTAR students is really bad and unfair, especially to the other 10 applicants, who might have been informed earlier of the interview. How would they feel if out of a sudden they are told the manager no longer wants to interview them for the mere reason of the "inappropriate attire" incident?

    He further commented on how students wear also wear in an inappropriate manner in campus. Firstly, UTAR is not a public but private Uni. Secondly, if they have got a problem with students from public Uni wearing like that, what about students from Taylor's and Sunway to name a few? I am a frequent visitor to the mentioned Unis and I have seen their students wearing even more "eye washing" attires compared to students from my batch! At least I didn't generalise what I saw to say in a biased and negative manner about the rest of the students.

    All in all, I think what the group manager says could be true to a certain extent and that UTAR students need to improve in as far as appropriate attire is concerned. However, I doubt group manager's sincerity and do not agree to his/her decision to cancel interview with the rest of the 10 applicants. That is very unprofessional.

  10. I agree with yr opinion on looking dull at uni. i also agree with kenneth lee's opinion. other college n uni student wears more flashy n the manager is picking on utar students..indeed there are many skillfully qualified utar students but at the end of the day.. utar students shd be treated equally as other students..

  11. [cklim]
    Thanks for help making my post better~

    Yeah, I wonder in 18 of the post-graduate, the first 8 being interviewed really that 'naive' and not having a formal attire?

    [Kenneth Lee]
    Hey bro, thanks for your opinion! :)

    I believe the group manager is looking for more "eye washing experience" when going to UTAR campus.

    Lastly I 100% agree with you about his/her decision for not interviewing the rest of the applicants. Really unprofessional.

    But still, I hope the 'naive' people (not only UTAR student) would know how to wear during interviews for the office job especially this one! ;p

    [Sean Lon]
    Haha, I think the manager would like to hire employees that fully covered his body by wearing black/white only clothes...

  12. UTAR should learn from APIIT. APIIT's have dressing rules for their student. Which is formal office attire. Long sleeves, or short sleeves shirt, slacks, leather shoes or PVC lah. No jeans, no shorts, no T-shirt, no slippers. That's why graduates from APIIT has high hireable rate compared to other colleges because they were train as if they are working in the real world even while studying.

  13. The other 10 student should have given opportunity to present themselves and thanks for the info.

  14. [Simon Seow]
    Yeah, they were trained since they were "child"~! I wonder if all the students are happy with it XD

    Agree and welcome~

  15. It doesn't matter how dull it could have been, but when you are in the workforce, it is all about unspoken culture. And in this case, the managers did hold strong on the dress code and attire principles. To them, it is the first impression given to them when they first met the interviewees.

    I could say that we are not here to judge other ppl's attire and dress code but when we are in the workforce, we have to obey and respect the dress code of that given organization. That's why we put on uniforms in schools, in societies, and even universities.

    I believe that those managers are dissapointed with these graduates and harsh words had been set forth in their letter to UTAR. It may not have been a reality, maybe exaggerations are implied, but it do reflects the intensity and seriousness on this matter.

    I felt sorry for those remaining 10 graduates that missed their interview because of the bad examples set forth from their uni mates. There could be a brilliant graduate that this organization missed out. But, it is still a lesson to learn from. Graduates should learn how to dress during interview and when they are absorbed into the workforce. It is good enough that you dress in formal rather than putting on uniforms rite? So, we should be grateful for having the freedom to choose our formal attire.

    I believe there are many brilliant and excellent gradutes being nurtured from UTAR. Every Uni has its own good students and poor students. We cannot judge a Uni performance based on an individual or a group of individuals.

    Let us take this as a lesson for all graduates and undergraduates who will be entering the workforce. And, i'm sure UTAR's image was tarnished to an extend because of this issue, but hope that the future undergradutes of UTAR will be able to make up for it.

  16. [Lexxie]
    Thanks for leaving a comment here :)
    Seems like this has become a major concern for every job seeker and the Alumni of UTAR.

    The future undergraduates should know about the proper attire before go for interview. Seriously :)

  17. There's another thing about UTAR is...whenever they have complaint...they will do their best to "end" the issue ASAP and after that...no news already or in other words no follow up...and no precatiuos action taken neither there is a "standard" solution for it...they always wait something happen very bad only take some action...a temporarily solution is taken but then do not care anymore in the future...until the issue arise again...

  18. [Eugene]
    This might not only happen in UTAR, certain BIG parties in Malaysia also dealing with this manner too. There are only action taken when the issue is getting bigger and become major concern.

    Eugene, thanks for speak up as I assure no issue no improvement =)

  19. lol you are most welcome...

    anyway...i doubt there is any improvement also...

    But look at the bright side...I am currently working for UTAR and do my best to do whatever I can to make UTAR a better place...

    But I am very disaapointed and sometimes so sad to say I am drawn into the culture as well...and also to see my ex-uni's image and quality is going down to the drain as we are speaking...

    Anyway, I still keep on going...and I hope I wouldn't give up so soon...

  20. [Eugene]
    Happy that you are working in UTAR and to make it better.
    Always remind yourself not to drop too deep into the culture as we need person who speak up and action.

    All the best~! ^@^

  21. Thank you so much...

    Anyway...if have anything...please please please do use the feedback system in your intranet...alternatively you can always email to pur president...or can see me oso...hehe

  22. [Eugene]
    I barely drop by the UTAR intranet ;p
    But if got feedback sure I will do it

  23. then I think it is a good time to use your utar intranet...haha


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