LG Blog Launch - Angels & Devils on the LG Arena!

(Photo courtesy of Howard aka Guai-Chai-Kid)

On the night of 8 May 2009, LG Electronics is the first electronics company to officially launched its local LG blog, www.lgblog.com.my, at Metropol (Menara Hap Seng). This was a special event hosted for the Malaysian bloggers and members of the media.

LG noticed that Malaysian Blogging community has been growing up in speed. That's why LG blog was created specifically to get contact with the people in blogsphere . LG Blog also act as a platform for feedback on its latest electronics, events, activities and promotions.

That night LG Blog launch party was themed “Angelic White & Devilish Red”. I dressed myself half angel and half devil.(I was wearing a White T-shirt inside)

The message that I want to bring out is a person can possess both Angel and Devil character. Not that I say there is no pure angel or wicked devil. ;p

YengYeng is the devil with some angel elements. And I am half angel and devil...

Hmm... maybe MORE like a devil XD

Even my hairband also half angel and devil ;p

Which is what LG Blog want to bring out too!

Mr TY Ko, who is the Korean Managing Director and CEO of LG Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, mentioned that Internet has been an essential part of nowadays lifestyle. From keeping in touch with friends and family, to sharing our thoughts and opinions via blogs. It is the trend where LG Blog will be created to compliment LG corporate website. LG Blog is an easy and better platform for visitors to leave comments and provide their feedback.

For those who are on the look out to win prizes, like me, can always visit the LG blog for special online promotions with great prizes to be won. They are now giving out tickets for "BreakOut" Extreme Dance Comedy.

Those who interested please grab it now!

Besides having a LG Blog, LG has also introduced the LG Malaysia Fan Club on Facebook©, another platform where most people manage their social network online. The LG Facebook Fan Club page will update their beloved fans with most updated news about what are the new products, new events, promotions or even new contest.

So now I presenting you what I saw and captured in this LG Blog Launch Party. In short, there is "ONLY" four photo you will see.

I saw Angels and Devils everywhere.

Found the purest Angel - Kim Ong

When you saw someone dance like that, you know Life Is REALLY Good ;)

And yeah, a place with Alcohol can turn somebody to an Angel/Devil!
Can you see what the devil do after had some booze?

Actually how good is this party?
Detailed post as below~!

BEWARE: Too much photos down here, might cause your PC hang ;p

First, a pre-party photo takenStill looks fresh right? XD
(The time before I start sweat heavily)

Thanks Shalyn from Nuffnang keeping the invite passes for me ;p

I saw the first guardian angel, who gave us a marker pen to sign on the Angels N Devils board.

First time I sign like a celebrity :)

YengYeng aka Sarita
She has a good signature :)

Later then, we walk on the red carpet and welcomed by the Balloon Guardian Angels

One with Devil's Balloon, one with Angel's Balloon.
She told me there is something inside the balloon, for lucky draw.
That's all I know, at first.

You can actually explore LG Arena here as there was a little booth being set up.

The first thing we search is the drinks, because it is freaking hot outside!
Perhaps it is because of the HOT Devils and Angels wandering around ? XD

Will Quah was there to be one of the judges

And Pamela Chong is the emcee for this LG party
She has a sis called Vannesa Chong. Did I mixed them up?

After a speech given my Mr.TY Ko, a Korean Managing Director and CEO of LG Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. The party was started.

Mr. TY Ko with the LG work crews.
So, you saw Michael Song as the cupid angel? or the Starwars character? ;p

Mr. TY Ko, Serena C, Will Quah and the Christmas Angel
(So many different angels came to this party!)

LG BLog was officially launched just by a click!

With some blessing from the angels, LG Blog would have a good start! :)

After the launch, we go to grab some foods. This is the delicious-cute-tiny cupcake.

And the Squid Ramen. I won't know it is a squid ramen without the "halo" there.
(It can be the "carbon" mee)

Immediately after the launch, SerenaC as one of the judge

Together with WillQuah judging the
"Doing the Devil and Dancing the Angel" contest

So the Angels and Devils had a dance war for a chance to go on LG Arena
3 Angels and 3 Devils were chosen to be on the arena

Saw Will Quah starring on the LG Banner.
Hmm...What is he going to do with it?

Shrek Devil @ SimonSeow was eliminated
Left two Devils fighting for the arena
YengYeng & Tsu Ann

Also, left two Angels fighting for the Arena
YapThomas & KimOng
The one who tried to get attention was eliminated.
You can see it here ;p

SerenaC and WillQuah were happy to see them dance ;p
(Zoe and Jane was smilling ;p)

Here is the Winning Angel - Yapthomas
KimOng was eliminated for something bigger :)

Where as for my party mate YengYeng, she did dance well (until her hairband fall off) and won her self a LG Portable DVD Player!
*LG haven't contact her ...~*

I saw a potential Most Wicked Devil :)
Always misunderstand the good dresser as the hired mascot of event.
Same as what I saw in Nuffnang Music Bash Event.
I though Julian was the Mascot for Maxis Broadband Launch...~

I like this photo very much!
The Purest Angel - Kim Ong

After the first mini contest, manage to take pictures with some bloggers :)
Saw how lovely me and Suresh? :X

Went to the "Headless Toilet" to wash my face as I feel oily on my face
*And YengYeng need to put back some make up ;p*

Immediately after that, the BIG contest started.

One of the Devil contestant, he washed off his makeup as it start falling off on a hot weather.

The Harp Angel - KimOng

She has a BIG Angel Wings too!

Who are they looking at??

It was Robb, who was one of the Angels finalist
He has a great pose ;p

I believe this picture is Serena C judging a freaking horror Devil that wore a mask.
Till now I still don't know who he is.
He should try harder to freak Serena out ;p
Cos that time it looks like he want to kiss her, instead of make her scared~

Jolyn, the second purest angel princess :)
She has a nice dress
(Above are some of the picture I managed to capture, some devils looks too devil. That's why not much photo taken XD)

The judges is deciding who are the winners

And me snapping the Angels Couple during the waiting time~

Tada, as expected KimOng is the winner of LG 32" Full HD LCD TV
It becomes a present given to her mom as Mother's Day gift

Immediately follow by the second purest angel~ Jolyn :)

Overexposed picture that eventually makes her shine!

Eventually I think almost everyone know who is the Most Wicked Devil :)
Congratz to both who won the 32" LG TV

HengJovi was the second wicked devil. He made all the skulls by himself
Yes, he seserved it.(Picture courtesy of LG Blog)
*I can't decide Jovi is a he or she as he looks metrosexual ;p*
*Somemore he wear lipstick in his current video! XD*

After the BIG Contest end, was waiting for the lucky draw thingy
Really really unexpectedly we were suppose to collect the paper in the Angels N Devils Balloons
Instead of looking for "You are the lucky winner!" paper strip...

We made a BIG mistake
Wonder what were the prizes ~ T.t
Nevermind, atleast I made my friend YengYeng won something right?
*self consolation*

After those contest and lucky draw end, we start to camwhore with other bloggers
Ewin - the Good Yoyo Player


Robb again ;p

The three gorgeous ladies

Kim Ong :)

A photo with Serena C and her friend before she leaved

Yatz, with his long hair :)
~ Jamie ~

Vanessa Chong, sis of Pamela Chong XD

Howard, also known as Guai Chai Kid
With good photo on his blog :)

Not forgetting the sweet angel Tzia :)

The naughty devils
Cindy and YengYeng

If not wrong her name is Ruby
Looks like China Doll :)

And Zues, a future business man.

The sexy ladies :)

TsuAnn and YewJin
The rumored devil couple

Two angels are dancing :)
(Tzia and Robb)

Another one with Tzia's bright smile :)

Greg, my junior in UTAR

Simon Seow the Shrek Devil

Hitomi and Yengyeng

YengYeng want me to dance, BUT I don't know how to dance!
So...Any quick and easy dancing course available? ^@^"

A person who don't dance will ends u become a bag and camera guardian~

After some Alcohol's Effect
People do gets wild XD

Simon poking himself with the devil fork

Or being poked by other Devils (Ruby & Hitomi)
*Good Posers!*

Here it is, the modern Devil Killing the Angel

The lovely "couple"
Serge (Free Hug Guy) and Bernard
Maybe Alcohol revealed their real character? XD

Took a photo with Jolyn :)

The winner of LG Cookie - Jolyn
She come for this event eventhough she need to work the next day morning.
At night need to take 1AM bus go back PENANG and work tomorrow!
Impressed with her spirit!
Atleast she brough something back right? :)

Since outside is hot, we moved inside Metropol, where aircon is at full power

Without the high heels, you will able to dance freely!

YengYeng found a good friend from blogsphere :)

Saw the burning fork of Yenniedoll~?
She made herself!

I am gonna say this guy do make peoples happy! :)
See how energetic and happy he is?

"Life is Good with LG"

He is the guy that gave me a flower for Jolyn
My first time giving someone flower ^@^"

Can you see how good his life @ LG Blog Launch Party? XD
Yesah, thats how someone looks when he feel good!

Now, www.lgblog.com.my is sticked on my car mirror
Do pay a visit at LG Blog as they are giving out free gift and promotions too.

"Life is good when you see people and yourself happy."
Thanks for made me a "celebrity" ^@^

Thanks LG for choosing me as the winner of LG Arena KM900~!


  1. wei tat guy serge kissing is bernard not me la..WTF XD

  2. your digital cam is GOod man...those pictures are great...guess you have all the exclusive pictures wei...

    eVen me din even get a chance to shoot with celebrities >.<

  3. [Jackie Loi]
    Haha, sorry for that! I just remember Issac hug you very tightly during MDG2 ;p
    Corrected anyway~

    Thanks :)
    Later got DoMain ar? ;p

    It is very long for me, will only create collages next time ^@^"

    Haha, thanks to my Laopo - Panasonic LUMIX FX-100 :)
    Next time when I saw a celebrity besides you, will snap for you~ :)

  4. wowwww
    reallly really a long post.
    nice one!

  5. Fwah.. Im da first lucky lady to get flowers from you.. yeay me... =P

  6. [Ewin]
    Thanks :)
    Won't be so "Cheong Hei" next time

    [Jolyn Goh]
    Yeah, you are the first one *blushed*

  7. I'd say you got a whole lot of photos, probably the best person to win the LG Arena!
    *wink* *wink*
    Good luck!

  8. [Marvil Lee]
    I do hope I can standout with my LG post :)
    Thanks again for your blessing XD



    Congrats hahah


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