Vote for "Beyond the Still" - Visual Story Telling
"With his only chance in getting on the basketball team, Ryan has to score 3 shots while his good friend, Rika watches him from the side. Armed with a dSLR, she hopes to snap a couple of photos to preserve the moment. After snapping blurry photos of Ryan on the court, her problem is solved when the official photographer approaches her to help. Will Rika be able to capture Ryan in his moment? And will Ryan get on the team? Watch it to find out."
"Beyond The Still" - Visual Story Telling
This is a video contest by TheStar In.Tech and Canon to showcase their dSLR camera in making short films (called EOS Movie) and also to tell people on how to capture good photos based on 5 topics : White Balance, Fill Light, Motion/Action Capturing, Low Light and Depth Of Field.
Ryan - Ben Theng
Rika - Isabella Wong (
Challenger - Benny Kok
Coach - Chris Khik
Official Photographer (basketball audition in film) - Loong Yik Hoe
Director - Chang Lih Ren (
Director of Photography/Film Editor - Nigel Sia (
Audio - Joshua Ong (
Storyline - Visual Story (the team of 3 of us) (
Behind The Scenes Photographer - Jason Lioh (
Behind The Scenes Videographer - Joshua Wong (
You can visit Visual Storytelling Facebook page for those who would like to help out or get involved in future video projects too =)
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