Samantha Brown Travel to Asia KL!
"Home to more than three billion people and some of the most intoxicating places on earth, Asia is a heady blend of languages, cultures, traditions, people and cuisines that can be an overwhelming experience for most. Unfazed and ever-ready for something out of the ordinary, experienced and well-loved globetrotter Samantha Brown sets her sights on discovering the allure of this diverse continent in her latest series, SAMANTHA BROWN’S ASIA. Hopping across Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Japan, the world traveler seeks out authentic experiences while providing travel tips and unique insights to each country she visits. SAMANTHA BROWN’S ASIA premieres every Monday at 2200 hrs (10:00 p.m.), beginning July 25 on TLC (Astro Channel 707).
Rediscover the amazing wonders in your own backyard in SAMANTHA BROWN’S ASIA this July, as Samantha visits the following Asian countries: Vietnam, Hong Kong/Macau, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and Bali.
Samantha heads to Malaysia, a country whose beauty is derived from a cultural landscape comprised of extreme contrasts. In Penang, Samantha finds a medley of traditional cultures and food, and in Kuala Lumpur, towering skyscrapers and larger-than-life characters. Samantha heads to the heart of the rainforest and along the way learns some fascinating lessons about Malaysia's rich cultural traditions."
Courtesy of TLC and Astro, it was my pleasure to be invited to meet and greet Samantha Brown in person @ KL. How great she is to be able to travel around the world and share the unique of every place she visited =)
It is my first time having food from different countries at one same place - Hilton KL
Samantha was switching from table to table to social with all of us therefore I guess she doesn't really ate much. Anyway, thanks Samantha for spending time with us cos we do appreciate it =)
Remember to catch Samantha Brown's Asia every Monday 10:00 p.m. on TLC (Astro Channel 707). Thanks AstroLife & TLC for having this event =)
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