Malaysia #Bersih 2.0 Marching On

The differences

"12.45pm: Dataran Merdeka - Police have fired tear gas at a group of protestors who are marching towards the area. The tear gas cannisters landed near the Bar Council building.

This group is believed to have marched from the former KTM headquarters nearby. The crowd is estimated at 1,000 people. " - MalaysiaKini

Hope no one get hurt further as a student was hit by a tear gas cannister.

Tian Chad Tian Chua was arrested at KL Sentral

"12.40pm: Official police update: As of 12 noon, 441 people have been arrested - 421 males and 20 females.
1.15pm: Official police figures - 514 arrested. 478 males, 36 females.
5.34pm: PDRM Facebook - As of 3.30pm, a total of 924 people have been arrested."

"We're Marching on" no matter how we look

OneRepublic - Marchin On

"We'll have the days we break,
And we'll have the scars to prove it,
We'll have the bonds that we save,
But we'll have the heart not to lose it. "

Bersih 2.0 Live Update @ KL

There's so many wars we fought,
There's so many things we're not,
But with what we have,
I promise you that,
We're marching on...

I don't know how to express with words therefore use a song to elaborate it.
Hope everyone is fine...


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