BunkFace finally on stage for
Twin Towers@live KL Concert 2011. Seen their face so often recenly especially after TM Everyone Connect campaign
Sam - Vocal, GuitarPa'an - Lead GuitarYouk - Bass - Backup VocalThis time more photos of
Youk instead of
Pa'an as he is kinda good at posing when playing his guitar.


Sam with stars sunglasses

Pose with guitar

When Pa'an and Youk plays together

"You, like my fluffy hairs?"
Sam said they are like 3 Justin Bieber with wavy hairs

My best shot for Pa'an

Now featuring Youk from Bunface

Leading us to clap hands.
*I can't because time to take more photos*

When Youk fling his hairs

I somehow like this photo of Youk

And this one too when Youk cross over to stand nearer to the crowd

When all three of them are together - BunkFace rock the stage =)

This is what I mean, a fans from Iran


The moment Sam wanna kiss someone
*Any better caption?*

"We have one last song to perform together with Azenders before Wonder Girls come out. "

After a few songs, Sam wanna transform into a
peacock and sing the song by
Katy perry
That's the moment I find Sam become super feminine

So how is Sam's peacock looks? Yay or Nay? I guess he can choose better sunglasses

When peacock-Sam show his colourful tails

Will Sam wear something more interesting in his next show? Like Lady Gaga?

Fireworks were lit up after Bunkface and The Azenders finish perform

There was a little fire incident after the fireworks. It was quickly put off after noticed by the security.

This is the cheering & happy girl after they finished perform. Why?

Because Wonder Girls is coming on stage now and they wish they will take them on stage! Hope you guys like the photos and press the Like Button!
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)