Worst Energizer Night Race 2011 Ever!! No Medals & Headlamps+++

Just came back from Energizer Night Run 2011 and I guess more than 80% of the participants have lots of comments. Too bad it is all complaints because of the "energetic" Energizer organizer.

Problems of Energizer Night Race 2011 :
  • RM10 parking. Legal/Illegal? Syndicate?
  • Not enough headlamps
  • Only one water station functioning instead of two. There was supposed to be water and sponging station at 2-3km but they only have it at 4 km
  • Lack of direction by race marshals at finishing line. They are rude.
  • Unorganized distribution of goodies bag. Only 2 collection counter with super long queue. They throw the goody bags to the crowd and closed down the pit door.
  • Never fill in the goody bag with goodies earlier, they only do on the spot
  • Not enough working staff at the cornering of the track which eventually cause a lot people crossing field using short cut. Not fair for people who are serious for the race
  • Not to forget, the rude MC *Correct me if I am wrong*

They think we are camel or hippo? You need to be a camel because there is only one water station provided instead of two in the 5.5km/11km race; 1.5L mineral water for one person?? It is wasting and you can see people drink a bit then it is on the floor already. Unless they wanna give hippo a bath?

This is the queue that me and friend has been lining up just to redeem our certification and goody bag. Wasted more than half and hour just for that.

[Picture credit to Facebook Fanphoto]
So who created the chaos and riot? The runner or the organizer?

Pit door was closed down at the Sepang International Circuit nearby the collection zone. Police were there to intimidate people to go out.

All the complaints are now appearing nonstop on Energizer Night Race 2011 Facebook wall and everyone is tweeting about how bad this race was organized.

Video of participants being chase off by the police because the organizer can't control the crowd...

Some of the screenshoot of the complaints:

"Disappointed. Everything turns into buffet style.

1) Parking issue - the ranger aunties said RM10.00 to masuk? WTF? Luckily no ppl come collect after all.
2) Headlamp collection - was a mess. No crew marked the BIB. Why putting the headlamp collection in such tiny room? You know the traffic and number of participant.
3) No clear map provide. Some even don't know where is the starting point.
4) Upon the finish line, when we ask the crew where to collect the goodie bag and finisher medal. He yelled at us loudly:"The race ends..go back. It is for top 5 only ..I don't know anything". COME ON, it is your job even if you may have PMS but don't yell at us.
5) Goodie collection - I don't need to mention it again. Why you don't pack everything inside the bag before redemption but do it ad-hoc?And just a single queue up line for all categories...."

"I wonder you guys did it good last year but this year turn so many people down.
Change the bloody organizer please.."

"Really F**Ked up! Ppl could have gotten injured trying to get the goodie bags. One of the energizer crew member was distributing mineral water by throwing it randomly and it hit a girls head! OMG! And the goodie bag was almost a stampede!! And they are one of the more expensive runs. MEN'S SHAPE RUN was like 1000 times better!! You suck ENERGIZER!! Boycott energizer!!! Everyone should write to the news papers and complain!!"

The organizer totally lost of control. Whose fault? The so called uncivilized crowd? Who start throwing the goody bag or even mineral water first? Poor sponsors having their products being thrown all over the people.

"I personally express my disappointment towards the organizer of The Energizer Night Run...a sincere FUCK YOU! "

"FUCKING MARATHON FOR 2011....this is the worst marathon that i have ever run.....Fucking Organiser. Stupid Brand Energizer for appointing them!!"

"So irresponsible!! They cudnt even control the crowd from the goodie bags. Police had to come in. They had to bring the shutters down! Real rip off!!!"

"And not to forget, Energizer Night Race '11 Organizer, u guys sucks. Sucks big time. I will post this to my #FB too, again, u sucks."

[Picture credit to Facebook Fanphoto]
I was lucky that I went back earlier or else need to pass through this 'Tunnel of Death'. I heard people passed out because of this. So many people to pass through this one small space.

Dear Energizer, you are not a small brand any more. First your race fee is not cheap. Secondly aren't you guys suppose to prepare everything in sufficient amount? Not enough headlamps during collections. Never notify about the extra parking fees.

The goody bags was thrown to the crowds before shut down the pit door. What if you guys hurt someone? Why there is only a few collection counters and the goody bags only fill with those sponsors' product on the spot? Isn't it too late to do that?

Since it is a big night race, you guys know the number of participants, therefore there is an expectation and the organizer should already know how many committees to present that night right??
Somehow my friend thanks me for stopping them joining long race especially 42km, run till so tired and in the end you get nothing...

Hope the organizer will do a proper announcement to apologize and solve these mess. What else did you guys encounter? Start comment below and share with us!!

Energizer Malaysia finally posted up a message stating:
"Attention all citizens of ENR2011, we appreciate your comments for the race. All finishing goodie bags will be given out and a official statement from Expose and Energzer will be out soon. TQ."
If appreciate our comments why do you delete them? I agree to delete comments with foul language but not complaints that can improve your race. Even last year race you guys have already receive the similar comments to improve the race for this year.

[Updates: 18/4/2011 on Energizer Night Race Facebook page]

Apology letter by Expose Media for Energizer Night Race 2011:
"We, Expose Media, as organisers of the Energizer Night Race 2011, sincerely apologise for any and all discontent experienced by the participants in the event. We take full responsibility for all our actions directly and indirectly leading up to the issues before and on the race day.

We absolve the title sponsor Energizer Malaysia Sdn Bhd, co-sponsors, and the management of Sepang International Circuit of all liability and responsibility.

We are committed to a full distribution of certificates, medals, finishers’ T-shirts, headlights and complimentary gifts to every registered participant in the race.

We will also be announcing the winners today, and they will be contacted personally to receive their awards.

Details of the distribution for the above will be announced at 6pm on Thursday, 21 April 2011.

We would like to clarify that Mr. Mohan Gobindasamy was the official race director on the day and not Datuk A. Chandrakumanan. We apologise to Datuk Chandrakumanan for any implication of his involvement in the race.

We recognise that safety precautions and logistical details were not up to expectations and we deeply regret all the issues that resulted from the situation. We apologise for our behaviour should any party be offended throughout the course of the event.

Josie Huang Wan Ling
Group Director
Expose Media"

[Updates 18/4/2011 on Malay Mail]
"Expose Media director Josie Huang Wan Ling said she was aware of the dissatisfaction among participants, including rants against the event burning up various online sites.

"We are working on an official response to all their grouses.

"The participants did not queue up accordingly and when those who had cut queue made it to the front, it provoked anger from other participants.

"Angry and tired, some of them began grabbing goodie bags by the handfuls and throwing them to the back of the line. Some even grabbed the medals and did the same."

When security personnel tried to stop them, the participants got aggressive and began swinging the medals around.

Huang said her team had filed a police report, adding they were also going through various Facebook accounts believed to have been created by irate participants.

She said a meeting would be held later today to discuss issues related to the race."

It seems like not the organizer throwing the goodie bags but frustrated participants who did this and eventually people start cutting queue and swarming towards the ONE AND ONLY ONE collection counter. I didn't saw this scene but all I saw are goodies bag being throwing to the crowd. Can someone clarify this? The organizer/the participants who did the throwing?

However, I still do believe if they have more collection counters as wider space will definitely ease their work, at least this riot won't be that serious. Enough water station will definitely able to relieve some of the "fire" but too bad there wasn't any water station nearby the finish line.

Oh yeah, if everyone joined the 5.5km but not 11km/21km/42km then this race can onlybe labelled as FUN RUN. Or else this is a sanctioned race for certain participants.

Anyway, does apology from Expose Media makes you feel better?? The Boycott Energizer Night Race FB Hate page is still having new members joining the site. Already 3177 people liked the page and it is increasing.

[Updates by Energizer Malaysia Sdn Bhd 18/4/2011]

Mike Foong, the Managing Director of Energizer Malaysia Sdn Bhd made a statement:

"We at Energizer Malaysia share the disappointment of the participants in the Energizer Night Race 2011 and want to express our sincere apologies as the title sponsor. We had such high hopes for the event.

At this point, Expose Media as the official event organiser has taken full responsibility for the shortcomings in all aspects of the event's execution and committed to an official plan of preparation.

In view of the regrettable experiences of many of those who took part in the event, Energizer Malaysia have decided to refund the full registration fees for every registered participant. Details of the refund will be announced this Friday the 22nd of April 2011 on the Energizer Night Race website and Facebook page www.energizernightrace.com.my; www.facebook.com/EnergizerNightRaceMalaysia"

[Updates 4/21/2011 Energizer Malaysia Full Refund & Goodies Redemption]
"As the title sponsor, Energizer Malaysia will now be taking over Expose Media’s prior commitment to fully distribute all certificates, medals, finishers’ T-shirts, headlights and complimentary gifts to every registered participant in the race.

Energizer Malaysia will also refund the full registration fees for every registered participant as previously announced.

Please note that the refund cheque will be delivered separately from the certificates, medals, finishers’ T-shirts, headlights and complimentary gifts.

"We will be using the original registration database to contact participants via e-mail and SMS, and this will also be announced on the Energizer Night Race 2011 website and Facebook page (www.energizernightrace.com.my; www.facebook.com/EnergizerNightRaceMalaysia)."

In the event your contact details have changed, we kindly ask registered participants to update their mailing address by visiting ( and entering their bib number and MyKad number or passport number.

If you encounter technical difficulties, you can e-mail your change request to cst.msia@energizer.com by providing the following information:
1. Bib number
2. Full name as per their MyKad or passport for refund cheque processing
3. MyKad or passport number
4. Mailing address
5. Telephone number

The updating of the contact details will be available from the 22nd of April 2011 to the 5th of May 2011, after which we will deem the contact database is final and complete.

All registered participants should expect to receive all dues by the end of May 2011.

Energizer Malaysia understands participants’ concerns in regards to race results and timing and is working towards a conclusion.

Once again, we express apologies as title sponsor to all participants in this year’s race.

Mike Foong
Managing Director
Energizer Malaysia Sdn Bhd"

So now you can get full refund of the night race. Do you prefer to get your hard earn medals or get back your money? I joined 5.5km only but what bout those who joined 21km and 42 km race?

Between the winners of each category has been announced @ Energizer Night Race Facebook Page. Check out if you are on the list =) If yes, congratz!

[UPDATE 14 May 2011]
Just received the refund from Standard Chartered Bank for Energizer Night Race 2011.
Hope you guys received it too =) If not it will arrive in these few days

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