
Showing posts with the label Diary

Deman Denggi, Drought & The Lion Men #TCRandom

Kampung area will be covered with a layer of smoke as I guess that's how they chase away mosquito by burning dry leaves in the evening Hola people, how was your day today? I hope you don't feel hot with current weather as Melaka is very hot and humid now. *sila hujan* My mind always remind me of "你York了吗?" whenever there is a hot day but the expensive electricity bill stopped me to think of York again haha... I've been hearing and seeing news that friends/their family got caught up with Deman Denggi because of Nyamuk Aedes . So guys be aware of your housing area/neighbourhood and make sure to check and clear up the possible nest for mosquito. I saw KHIND's Facebook sponsored post promoting their electrical mosquito trap but some user comment not effective. (It is not cheap either) I wonder anyone of you is using it and if you have good feedback about it, do share with me so I can take in consideration in purchasing one. This constant hot weather

Cute Blu @ 'Volkswagen On Tour' Queensbay Mall, Penang #VolkswagenOnTour

Cute Blu @ 'Volkswagen On Tour' Queensbay Mall, Penang #VolkswagenOnTour I was in Penang last weekend together with girlfriend for a short getaway. Met this cute Volkswagen mascot called 'Blu' at 'Volkswagen On Tour' road show nearby Queensbay Malls, Penang. So I've decided to take a cute selfie with Blu of course!! PS: Does it looks a bit like Doraemon? I heard many Doraemon has landed on VIVA HOME for the 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo. I wonder if any of you has been there and check if it worth the time to check out that place. On a side note, the weather suddenly get so hot that I can't work properly without aircon... Perhaps all I need is a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice =) Epic way to win watermelon eating contest! #Maxis4GBloggersBlaze This is what you need to do to win a watermelon eating contest!! She went all out in this challenge!!! Read more @ Thanks for reading! Press the

Selfie with that AWESOME Fish-Eye

Acting cool in the bush  Okie, today is gonna be a random #TBT post as just submitted an advertorial draft and feels like wanna update something for my blog today. Above picture was taken before I went to the event as I couldn't resist the beautiful 'lalang' that growing awesomely as a bush. As usual, I brought my camera attached with my favourite selfie lens - Samyang 8mm Fish-eye (Now you know my secret weapon hahaha) to take a photo in that beautiful corner. I just wish that this happen to my next visit at Broga Hills as the picture will look freaking awesome!! Never been to Broga Hills? Read my post about hiking Broga Hills early in the morning below! Broga Hill Morning Hike: 7 Things to Bring & Prepare My First Broga Hill Timelapse Video using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 How to go to Broga Hill @ Semenyih? Another narcissist selfie in the 'lalang' bush I hope that next time I can shoot beautiful models in this beautiful place instead of mysel


The pink medicine - KUMUR The other day, my housemate came and asked if I still need this bottle of pink medicine. Immediately it reminded me of my awful encounter with it. Well, this happened in April... I went to Klinik Mediviron to consult a doctor because of my long-long-never-cure sore throat and fever. I still remember it cost me RM35 to get a few different medicine capsule and this bottle of liquid medicine. You know when people get sick enough they tends to lose their focus on certain things? It happened to me... I don't remember what the nurse said when she gave me all those medicine. All I could remember is "Oh here's this childhood pink cough medicine again...".  Immediately after lunch, I went to the kitchen to swallow all those bitter drugs, thinking that I would just get better the next day... BUT I never ever thought that the childhood-pink-cough-syrup is never the same again as it is a bottle of "Listerine" for gargle purpose only

Brazilian Wax to be a Modern Men. Really?

Hottest Hunk Malaysia 201 3 - Wax to be a modern man Do you know what's the current hairstyle trend  for men 2013 ?? Some people call it the Slick Cut but some call it the Under-Cut. Well, to get someone to cut your hair is easy but what if you wanna get someone to do a Brazilian Wax for men? I thought only girls need to wax unnecessary hair but with the coming trend, more and more hairy men are going for waxing, especially Brazilian Wax. So why do men want to do waxing in the intimate region? Men who shave are now opting to avoid the itchy 'five o'clock shadow' and go for a longer-lasting, smoother solution. Swimmers and body-builders tend to get all of their body hair removed, especially before competition. Personal preference, some guys hate body hair as much as some women! So now to be a fashionable gentleman, it does not only limited to hairstyle and clothing only but also related with your hairs (eyebrows, armpits & intimate region). Well,

The Most Adorable Husky - Maxx

Woohoo! Happy Deepavali to everyone who is celebrating it and people who had a day off from work. If you were working on a public holiday, look at the brightside! Because 2 more day it is TGIF (again). I hope you guys are pumped up to strive harder today =) Well, I was slacking throughout the day doing nothing much for my work. Woke up around 9am++ and went to have dim sum as brunch. It was interesting to see people selling balloons just opposite the road . The red Angry Bird manage to grab my attention the most. Hmm... Maybe I should grab some for my next photoshoot. Wanna be my featured couple in the photoshoot? After brunch, went to Hometown Cafe to have another drink because the dim sum restaurant was too hot with the steam around us. Ends up I had another bowl of desserts, which wasn't taste so good. That's how my time passed quickly and I went back home to process some photos of the events that I have attended. Noticed I really have tons of topic to blog about nowadays (

My New Naked Mother + Board

One lightning evening without rain, I thought my PC would be safe from the lightening strike as it wasn't that strong. Unfortunately, my PC was the very lucky one after I back from Genting Highland Casino. No jackpot from the casino but striked on my computer... I was very worried about my harddisk as all the photo that some of them haven't back-up is inside it. Luckily the lightning is kind enough to burn my motherboard and the modem router instead of my priceless harddisk! Thank god ! =D The burnt motherboard. It still look very new, just that not sure which wire shocked. Downgraded my PC with ASUS M2N68-AM PLUS motherboard from Inforgine Sdn Bhd (IOI Mall 2nd Floor) for RM180.00 including the troubleshooting charges. Mr. Ong is the guy who save my PC, it took only 1 hour for him to finish repair my PC. I don't know if I was overcharged for this new motherboard but who cares when you are more worried about the harddisk? Bought a new modem router at RM68 because I am hig

Kena Jackpot

Today too lucky my computer get lightning striked before the heavy rain come. Wish my hard disk is safe as tons of valuable photos are inside it. Till then, look at the bright side!

After Phuket is R16 SEA Final

Just back from Phuket yesterday, tired but really had fun! Thanks Jack and Koko for organizing this trip and I appreciate their well planned schedule ;p In short: Relax and Lazy~! Sunset @ Phuket Sharing one photo first cos I am tired after tonight too. Tonight was R16 final and all of them are awesome dance crew! How I wish I can go to the 6D4N R-16 Korea Be Inspired B-Boy Festival! Looking for sponsor as I became broke after the Phuket Trip =S As the same, sharing one photo only! Wish me have more time to compile the photo asap and share with you all! Till then, good night!! Z.z

Bird on Bukit Jalil's River Trash

Bird on the River Trash , originally uploaded by TC CHeN . This picture was taken during I crossing bridge over the river near Bukit Jalil. That is only small pile of trash I am showing. There are more over the river...Guys, stop throwing trash at the wrong site. Just a short post, I falling a sick because get wet under rain + car aircon. [Definitely not because of the acid rain that was rumored recently]. So gotta eat plain food like porridge starting today. Tomorrow morning will go to be an "object" to be scan using ultrasound. I will able to hear my hear beat again. Preparing blog post for LG blog and hope it can be done latest by today! Heavy rain is coming again so dear all please drive safely. We are not casting video for Tokyo Drift =)

[Save Our Seahorse] - Dugong Where Are You?

The day after our first Seahorse trip, we had our lunch and then continue on second part of the day. Survey for the place/spots where Dugong @ "Ikan Duyung" appear. First Dr. Louisa showed us the bones of a Dugong that had went to heaven because it was his head was hit by hard equipment, probably boat's propeller. Later then we drive around the Kampung, interviewed a few fisherman and "penduduk kampung". Most of them said they didn't see any Dugong but sometimes have a swarm of "grey-colour-dolphin" @ "ikan lumba lumba" appear on the sea. Luckily we found a big family where the grandpa of this family seen Dugong before and told us the story about the "Mermaid Fruits" and the fairy tale of how and why a girl turn into mermaid. Dr. Louisa @ Dr. Dugong Bones Randomly saw this shining spider showing "I-will-attack" pose Dugong's Backbone @ Star Ship Trooper Dr. Louisa used a lot of efforts to clean the bones. The de

Here Is My Girl Friend~!

Today went to find my girl friend - PeiYing after two months not seeing her =) Nice to meet again as we have been long time to talking to each other since we are not working together. *Please ignore my messy look as my hair looks like that when it get long (and without hairstyling product)* Nothing special happen recently plus I am kinda quiet in the blog sphere already. Why? Because I haven't get my broadband pimped and current work made me busier and busier. I am going to an oil palm estate for work this Friday and can't imagine how it could be. Wake up early in the morning (4am), get into the field dealing with the bloody hell mosquitos. Anyhow, it would be a new experience for me la *self consoling* There is one good and bad news to share with you guys Thanks to Nuffnang & DiGi I will able to have a "Round Table" session with All-Americans Reject [AAR] but bad news is it is postponed to Saturday, 31 October 2009 at Car Park A of Bukit Jalil National Outdo

Coffee Jelly Frappucino @ STARBUCKS

Recently time past just like a sudden flip of the RM1 Coin Do you still remember how it looks like? It is now getting near to the end of the of July and August is already coming!! This happen when one have so many things to do x] Just now went to one of the STARBUCKS in Selangor to meet someone Who provided me a good opportunity =) She will be one of my "贵人" *Any English word for "贵人"? * Since I seldom visit STARBUCKS for the pricey drinks I decided to try some new stuff and order the BIG one "Coffee in the Jelly, Jelly in the coffee" You prefer Latte or Frappucino? The last STARBUCKS Drink I had was with my bestie Was fetching him off to KLIA and yeah it is nice to have a good friend like him ! Last time I had Dark Berry Mocha Frappucino I still remember it tasted really Berries but a bit too sweet This time I have the new drink STARBUCKS - Coffee Jelly Frappucino [Blended Coffee] I topped it up, make it large and add some sinful cream on it. That'

My Men's Health Night Run Shirt Has Arrived but...

Yesterday I have received the postage of Men's health Night Run 's shirt and the number. No more hassle to collect the shirt by paying through Hooha Asia . Number "0", "4" and "7" has been around me for some times, so I hope it means lucky number for me =) Even though I have ordered the "S" Size it somehow looks like "L" on me =.=" Looks like gonna do some modification for this shirt using the pins. What foods do you suggest me to eat to gain more weight? [Not gain fat ar] Still wonder if I would able to go to this Night Run as I somehow wish for something else that made me happy for not going to this run. What is the "something"? Hint here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heading to Shout! Awards soon! It's time to gain new experience and explore the other small side of the world! Wishing to meet Marion Caunter again~! *grins*

職業性格心理測驗 @ My Career Character Psycology Test

分析:您的性格類型是「ISFP 」( 藝術家 ) 沉靜,友善,敏感和仁慈。欣賞目前和他們週遭所發生的事 情。 喜歡有自己的空間 ,做事又能把握自己的時間。忠於自 己的價值觀,忠於自己所重視的人。不喜歡爭論和衝突,不 會強迫別人接受自己的意見或價值觀。 ISFP型的人平和、敏感,他們保持著許多強烈的個人理 想和自己的價值觀念。他們更多地是通過行為而不是言辭表 達自己深沉的情感。ISFP型的人謙虛而緘默,但實際上 他們是具有巨大的友受和熱情之人,但是除了與他們相知和 信賴的人在一起外,他們不經常表現出自我的另一面。因為 ISFP型的人不喜歡直接地自我表達,所以常常被誤解。 ISFP型的人耐心、靈活,很容易與他人相處,很少支配 或控制別人。他們很客觀,以一種相當實事求 是的方式接受他人的行為。他們善於觀察周圍的人和物,卻 不尋求發現動機和含義。 ISFP型的人完全生活在現在,所以他們的準備或計劃往 往不會多於必需,他們是很好的短期計劃制定者。因為他們 喜歡享受目前的經歷,而不繼續向下一個目標兌現,所以他 們對完成工作感到很放鬆。 ISFP型的人 對於從經歷中直接瞭解和感受的東西很感興 趣 ,常常富有藝術天賦和審美感,力求為自己創造一個美麗 而隱蔽的環境。 沒有想要成為領導者 ,ISFP 型的人經常是忠誠的追隨者和團體成員。因為他們利用個人 的價值標準去判斷生活中的每一件事,所以他們喜歡那些花 費時間去認識他們和理解他們內心的忠誠之人。他們 需要最 基本的信任和理解 ,在生活中需要和睦的人 際關係, 對於衝突和分歧則很敏感 。 您適合的領域有:手工藝、藝術領域、醫護領域、商業、服 務業領域等 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "藝術家" aka "Artist " 喜歡有自己的空間 - That's why I have a blog now? :) 對於從經歷中直接瞭解和感受的東西很感興 趣 - Indeed, that's why I like to go new place try new thing and experience it myself. 沒有想要成為領導者, 對於衝突和分歧則很敏感 - I figure it out since I was

He say I am 50/50 Girl and Boy!

Today boring so I did a quest in Facebook "Are you a girl or boy?" And result... showing that I am 50/50 Girl and Boy. Damn balanced lah! =.=" There is one of the question asking if I like square or round? I just like both of the shape Looks like people who like square = boy, round = girl, or vice versa? That means if I actually forced to dressed like a girl and have a long hair. I might be a leng lui? *touchwood!* This quiz has further convinced me to have a makeover But makeover does cost much money right? Luckily one day received an e-mail from MyStar about the new contest organized by cloveTwo *I am active in online competition ^@^" * It is a Makeover Contest ONLY for Men . So I hope I can increase my macho-ness through this opportunity. BUT help needed, to be selected in this makeover, I can either nominate myself or YOU, to nominate me! Prizes include Philosophy-Men voucher worth RM1000, Lab Series Skincare for Men products worth RM1500, plus a total makeover

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