Wong Fu Productions Being Poked @ Meet & Greet Malaysia [ Photos+Video]

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
After Wong Fu Productions Mini Symposium me and Lainey+Fresh went for a break somewhere in Taylor's Lakeside while hardcore Wong Fu Fans already queuing up to meet and greet Philip Wang & Wesley Chan while Ted Fu is still at "Bat-u Cave"

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Read my previous post about Wong Fu's visit to Malaysia kay? =)

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
When "Blue" found "Pink"

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Lainey & Fresh with her winning glory Nice Guy shirt

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Had some Jaz Lychee Beer. Doesn't taste sweet but have Lychee's scent

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Ikan Bilis sausages as my lunch++

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Fans queuing up to be the few few greet Wong Fu

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Emcee of the day - @Jinnyboy from Hitz.fm
Have you watch his video #ABUDEN? It's funny =)

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wesley Chan & Philip Wang suddenly appear at upstairs checking out the crowd.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Fans cheered loudly and posing with "WONG FU 4 LYFE" as Wesley was capturing a group photo. Check out WongFu's Tweetpict.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Guess who is the girl that manage to be the 1st one to hug Wong Fu?

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Excitement when fan girl meet Wong Fu. Some give Wong Fu presents, love shape RM1 note, director cut board and much much more. Jin did say all the stuff given will be courier to their home. Hmmm... Is it true? I would only keep stuff that's not bulky and worth to be kept. Something that people put so much effort in creating it.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wong Fu do have boy fans too. There's even a guy who asked for a kissed from Philip. Must watch the video at the end of this post to find out!

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wong Fu were trying their best to greet every WF fans while the organizer is trying to safe more time by rushing the crowd. Too bad no photo opportunity or else it would have take hours to finish.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Some of the loving hug. Is that you?

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
The moment Wong Fu thanks Jin for everything.
[Sorry Jin I don't have a better photo lol]

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Ah this is a funny scene when I try to help KenWooi capture a group photo with Wong Fu. Since every girl spent like 5 seconds to hug BOTH person. It wouldn't take long to have a group photo right? Too bad KenWooi didn't take the autographed postcard earlier or else he would had succeed. Read KenWooi's post regarding this incident haha!

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Facial expression FTW

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Something given by WF fans and being appreciated =)

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Not sure if there's any guy asked for hug but I saw a guy asked for kiss instead.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
A love letter I guess?

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Check out more photos of you being captured at my FB Page

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wong Fu Productions being amazed by Malaysia's fans

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wesley try to say thanks to the crowd behind

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
A picture for Wesley's fans

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
If you are smart enough you should have record a video meeting up Wong Fu (just like her) as the time is too short for a proper camwhore picture.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Wong Fu Productions Meet & Greet near to an end with a thumbs up.

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Malaysia blooming YouTube star Joseph Germani was there too
Go and debate whether guy should put on make-up

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
A WF fans that @Jinnyboy also like. See that smile haha!

Wong Fu Live In Malaysia Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
All right, enough here's a photo of me with KenWooi and Xiang.

Now please enjoy the video below!! Just start using Power Director to edit and hope I can do better next time. Cheers!

WONG FU PRODUCTIONS Being Poked @ Meet & Greet | TianChad.com
Spot yourself or special Wong Fu fans that do something DIFFERENT.
Like Poke Wong Fu and ask for a kiss?

Moon in Day Time | TianChad.com
Ah, the moon was so huge in the evening =)

Finally finished coverage for Wong Fu Productions visit to Malaysia. Hope to see funny Ted Fu someday? If you have time for more video, do watch this awesome fans video by HooiHooi and Cheryl =)

Read my previous post about Wong Fu's visit to Malaysia kay? =)

Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐, be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)


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