Ferrari & Porsche Convoy DriveAngry to Penang 1st Avenue

Gotta thanks Ho, my housemate for fetching me to Sg. Buloh Highway Jejantas too. Without him I would have pay so much to a Taxi Driver
These cars look so colourful
Spot the cameraman from CinemaOnline doing some photoshoot *dangerous*
You can always pull the handle between the seats if you feel uncomfortable of sharing seats with same gender wtf
Review of DriveAngry Movie (2011):
To be honest, the movie doesn't look nice at all because there were too much scenes being removed. At one time you saw three guys alive, suddenly all three are dead in just 1 seconds, not knowing how they died.
Funny scene would be when Nicholas Cage having sex with the lady and start killing people WHILE CONTINUING BANGING AT THE SAME TIME. I guess the only main thing of the movie is to feature the car and the sexy babe in this movie.
His advice to me:
Always remember to drive safe although you and your car are capable of speeding fast. Pay attention to the 2 cars in front because you might not have enough time to press the break.
There are lots of cars on the highway that will give you pass the 3rd land because the convoy team wanna drive angry and reach Penang as soon as possible. But there are some people who is not part of the convoy thinks that it is fun to stuck between the line. He won't give us pass because he wanna be part of it. Especially the specific Mercedez Benz that we encountered on the road.
Learned not to drive fast behind a lorry carry rocks/sands because with the speed of 180kmph the stone is strong enough to break the front mirror. Sorry to all the bugs who flying pass all the Driving Angry Sport Cars too. All their juices were on the mirror.
There are lots of cars on the highway that will give you pass the 3rd land because the convoy team wanna drive angry and reach Penang as soon as possible. But there are some people who is not part of the convoy thinks that it is fun to stuck between the line. He won't give us pass because he wanna be part of it. Especially the specific Mercedez Benz that we encountered on the road.
Learned not to drive fast behind a lorry carry rocks/sands because with the speed of 180kmph the stone is strong enough to break the front mirror. Sorry to all the bugs who flying pass all the Driving Angry Sport Cars too. All their juices were on the mirror.
PS: Will share video of me inside the DriveAngry Porsche if you are interested =)
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On the other hand this is my second time spotted this strange logo when on the way to Pavilion. Quickly captured this photo to share with you guys! It looks biohazard but not exactly the same.
That time Redbuttockz was with me inside the car.
Then yesterday I received this weird document that consists confidential info. Not sure if it is because they saw my blog post about the first time I spotted this logo.
It looks like a leaked document from some top secret organization! What could this be? Looks more and more like FBI now =S
Found a piece of crumpled paper in that document and scribbled on it was Found out Kaki Misteri, the author of the blog found the same logo too! Seems like he’s been researching this mysterious symbol too and has share some news about the symbol appearing everywhere in Malaysia. Read it here.
That time Redbuttockz was with me inside the car.
It looks like a leaked document from some top secret organization! What could this be? Looks more and more like FBI now =S
In the end of the document it mentioned this URL Visited the website but it written "Unauthorize Access Denied". Weird isn't it?
In the document it stated that something big is coming up on the 6th of April, and the announcement will be made on this website. Hmm... I wonder what will be showed on the website...2 more days! Could it be alien or what?
Just now spotted the weird logo appear on 8TV too. Didn't manage to take photo cos camera wasn't with me... What could it possibly be?? Have you seen what I've seen? Especially the logos that appeared at Pavilion Street? O.o
Hope is nothing bad...
Hope is nothing bad...
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)