AIDSAware is a first of its kind awareness movement which is a joint collaboration between
PT Foundation and
ruumzcauses whereby the public themselves become the vehicle for creating and spreading AIDS awareness utilizing social media. The public is encouraged to take a picture of themselves, their friends and/or their family members holding a AIDS/HIV related message on a piece of paper or card and posting and sharing their "photo messages" online.

It incorporates a
Public Service Announcement (PSA) angle whereby
42 prominent personalities and celebrities got together for free to shoot high quality photos holding their own messages on AIDS in the vein of the
"Got Milk?" campaign from the United States. These shots will be compiled into a calendar, postcards, posters for PSAs and more.

During the photoshoot, behind the scene videos and celebrity video messages were also shot to raise awareness and encourage further participation. The project hopes not only to create more awareness on HIV and AIDS prevention, but also to make it less taboo to discuss and talk about HIV and AIDS.
AIDSAware advocates safer sex, being responsible for our own and other people's health, being accountable for our actions and not discriminating against people living with HIV.
We hope to collect 13,000 "photo messages" by end December 2010, as 13,000 Malaysians have died to date from AIDS in Malaysia.
"photo messages" collected up to 31st December 2010 will be printed and
displayed in one of the largest social photographic exhibitions ever attempted in terms of exhibits in Malaysia, in January 2011.
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)