MSS Day 1: Firefly, i-City & Uptown Shah Alam

Harlo guys, this would be my first post for My Selangor Story Travel! All bloggers were ought to gather at Subang Skypark Terminal around 3pm and this is the place we met- KAPITAN Kopitiam. I would like to thanks Wern for fetching me and Nicole to the terminal =)

Firefly is the sponsor for bloggers from Indonesia, Singapore and other states who need flights to reach here. I didn't take the flight but I am sure we all receive warm welcome from the Firefly crews. She has a big smile doesn't she? =)

There are familiar bloggers and new faces appear in the kopitiam. Here is one of the group photo that I manage to get.

Some finger food to welcome us and thanks to Firefly's pilot that give all passengers good treatment along the way.

Raja Sa’adi, the Head of PR & Marketing for Firefly giving an opening speech about what they are doing to serve people flying around the world. This is the third year Firefly serving the publics and the location plus destination of flight is increasing~!

You can fly from hub in Subang, connect to Penang, Kuala Terengganu, Kerteh, Kota Bharu, Alor Setar, Langkawi and Johor Bahru within Malaysia. In Thailand, Firefly fly to Koh Samui and in Indonesia, Firefly fly to Medan, Pekanbaru and Batam. From Penang, Firefly connects Malaysians in the northern state to Phuket in Thailand, to Banda Acheh and Medan in Indonesia, and to Subang and Langkawi in the Peninsular.

Firefly has also started its new route to Singapore from Subang, Ipoh, K. Terengganu, Kuantan. That's how all the bloggers from Singapore and Indonesia arrive at Subang Skypark Terminal in time~

Since I am not taking flights to reach there. You will be interested to read their stories from Indonesian bloggers - Alid Abdul, Citra Rahman & Husni Fahrizal.

The stewardess are friendly enough to take photo together with the bloggers too~!

Carlton Holiday Hotel & Suites is the first hotel we are staying in. I am sharing the room with Thristhan for the day. Below is a video for the inside view of the hotel room.

The view of Carlton Holiday Hotel & Suites

A very simple room with two single beds. Found a spot of the carpet floor is wet but don't know why. And it has the old place kind of smell. But still it is comfortable enough for us to stay overnight.

After half hour break in the hotel room we all meet at the hall to take PENTAX Camera that is going to loan on us during the whole trip. Some of us got the DSLR, while some of us got the water proof camera/compact cam.

I got the white PENTAX Optio E80 which is fairer than my skin =)

We were then introduced to the Tourism Selangor's Crews - Fazly Razally, Hafeezuddin and 3 more handsome+pretty.

Kak Ning, our Tour Guide along the trip will tell us bunch of stories about the point of interest in Selangor. She is talkative anddefinitely know how to tell jokes =D

We took the bus and heading to i-City Shah Alam. PENTAX Option P80 looks kinda elegant from the outside and I try to get familiar with this camera function.

I spotted a few dining tables in the middle of the i-City and was wondering which VIP is going to sit there. In the end, figured out that we are the VIP that will be sitting there~! How honoured could that be?! O.o

We reached i-City at the sunset time and it is a golden hour to take photo of i-City. Too bad I need to control myself from running away from the group to have the briefing ;p

Mr. Eu Hong Chew, the CEO of I-City is telling us how i-City was formed. i-City is the intersection of technology, real estate and technopreneur development. They have finished the Phase 1 development and now starting the Phase 2 development. Rhythmic Light Show is part of i-City second pahse development.

Mr. Eu showed us some of the i-City videos on the spot and I can say with their current Super High Speed Broadband, the whole Youtube video load finish with speed of light! I tried to connect to the Super Broadband with my BlackBerry but seems like I need to login first, if not I could have load youtube video as fast as his laptop does~!

In future, i-City will become like this. The whole city will act as the plug and play computer network equipped true Highspeed Broadband in the city not forget about shopping malls and office that won't worry about power failure =)

You can visit i-City during dinner time as there is a buffet style BBQ Steamboat restaurant named Restaurant Tasty Pot nearby the City of Digital Lights.

We had a luxurious steamboat dinner at the middle of i-City

I've never seen a whole big plate of prawns and crabs that was served in steamboat before. This dinner is crazy O.o

Thanks i-City and Restoran Tasty Pot for sponsoring the great venue and foods.

After dinner we have free time to travel around City of Digital Lights. This is the Christmas Trees garden.

Below are panorama pictures captured using Pentax Optio P80, I tried to capture the surrounding of iCity with it.

This is actually a combination of two photos using PENTAX compact cam =)

Ms. Soke Cheng elaborate more about i-City before we get an hour free time wander around i-City the Digital City =)

i-City has now become a hot spot for family and friends to drop by every night. The crowds getting bigger when reaching late night too. Therefore, to control the people traffic flow, i-City was ought to charge RM 5 cash back voucher per car (Mon - Thurs) and RM 10 cash back voucher per car (Fri - Sun).

Me and Nicole when to the new opened zone where you can see big grasshoppers, frogs, tigers, horses and ....

BIG dinosaur! I consider this is a female dinosaur because she looks like wearing a crown.

City of Digital Light could be a place for you to find love too =)

It is actually one of the light tree in the middle of the digital light garden

Here is the video of what I saw @ iCity. There are new big TV screen at the big field and will have more in the end of the year!

Then I reached the desert place with huge cactus and firework lightning around it.

Here is a wider view of the desert.

*Acting being stung by the harmless cactus*

From the cactus corner you will able to see the i-City building with big Christmas tree besides it. That's where we are heading to.

Here is the location map of i-City to help you get there =)
*Click to enlarge*

Again, due to overwhelming visitors that visiting the i-City, adults and children over 5 years old will be charged for RM2/entry. This cold room have lots snow mans, christmas tree and penguins. Because I've visited i-City before, I didn't take much photo inside but you can read my previous post about i-City here. There are tons more photos in that post~!

This is the Chinese New Year themed corner of the cold room

A picture of kids pretending climbing the biggest Christmas tree in i-City.

Noted that there are certain part of the lighting not function anymore and it doesn't make the tree looks as good as it should. So I do hope that besides developing the i-City, required maintenance should be carry out too to preserve the beauty of this Digital Light City.

We were told that in coming Christmas there will have more awesome decorations being installed in this place. i can't wait to see that soon~!

Spotted Tourism Selangor's office facing the magical light trees~

There was this shop that selling all kind of lighting hairbands. This is the Minnie Nicole @ MsXeroz.

Nicole bought this Magical light ball and it somehow bring us to next destination.

Uptown Shah Alam Night Bazaar open from 8.00 PM to 3.00AM

I'm quite impressed with En. Aizul Hisham, the Managing Director of Dataran Usahawan Selangor Sdn Bhd who owns Uptown Shah Alam. Besides need to take care of the big bazaar, he also need to take care of his children as a daddy =)

He shared with us the recipe to success in his business. First you should cooperate with Selangor government leaders such as Exco Pembangunan Usahawan. Understanding between management and shop owner is important too to success. Besides, organizing different kind of promotion every month would definitely attract more people to visit the place too.

I like to take baby's photo by the way =)

Was treated with some supper dishes @ Jass Cafe and I gotta say we were eating non stop since the first day of My Selangor Story Trip =)

Here's a picture of the Pentax DSLR K-x white
  • 12.4 megapixel
  • 2.7 inch LCD
  • Widescreen HD 720p video at 24 FPS

We were brought to walking around the bazaar and I can say it is a very very huge place! There are various kind of shop exist in that place and it is definitely a good hang out place for people at night. This is the shop selling Shisha.

There are even Croc Shoes available at the bazaar too! Hmmm... As what En. Aizul said, "Uptown Shah Alam have branded items, just that it is ......" ;p

There is this shop selling army outfit, and this is the NOT FOR SALE corner that featuring the antique gun, katana and special equipment.

There is this sunglasses shop that selling all kind of glasses suitable for both children and adults. I look funky with it. No? =)

If you are thirsty you can visit this stall to have various kind of drinks! He looks friendly too =)

The coin and cash note shop. Good for people who collect them as hobby.

I stayed in this exotic pet shop for a long time because can see many kind of livingc reatures Shop name is Aqua 24, located at Seksyen 24, Dataran Usahawan 40000 Shah Alam. This is the fury Tarantula.

That time they were feeding the little phyton with a mice. Aiks....bye bye little mice cos served as dinner for that night T.t

I took my chance to take photo with this albino snake which is more tame compared to phyton. Too bad can't see its head in this pict.

There is this Duta'Z saloon too, which was inaugurated by Maria Tengku Sabri. Irwan Shah who is the ambassador of Uptown Shah Alam has his big portrait photo inside too~

Even Nicole also want to become a Duta when step inside the saloon =D

Mr. Jackee Collection doing kinda great with their jeans and T-Shirt Stall in Uptown Shah Alam. This is because we saw him come out from a huge car ar =)

If you like magic, then you shouldn't miss out this magic house that sell all kind of magic equipment. If my brother saw this he sure bought something from there already. Faries is the guy above that performed coin magic to us. You can visit his blog @ MagicHouse2009.

If you need a jacket, make sure you spotted this half-naked model wearing it. I think he has become one of the landmark of Uptown Shah alam =/

There is a stage in Uptown Shah Ahlam where you can see people perform live.

I didn't know that Amelia Tan, our MSS Mommy can sing so well until she step up on stage. I recorded her singing too, but was told not to upload by herself. However, if you still want to listen to her voice, do drop by Thristhan's blog to watch the video~! ;p

Before leaving the place, I manage to take photo with Irwan Shah and En. Aizul Hisham

Was served with Coconut Jelly before we left~

Amelia passed us the P1 W1ggy at night as P1 is the official broadband provider for My Selangor Story.

The P1 coverage is very good @ Carlton Holiday Hotel and this is a prepaid P1 Wiggy that we can keep even after the trip~

Tested the download speed and seems like it is a 1MBps speed line =)

However, we found out that P1 Wiggy cannot install on laptop with x64 bit Operating System. That means my roomate Thristhan wasn't able to use the internet. Luckily, Carlton Hotel does provide free wifi at the lobby and saved his day =)

Luckily that night we don't need to publish the blog post on the same day as we reached hotel at late night. If not you won't able to see this post in a complete piece ;p

That's the end of my Day 1 of My Selangor Story. Please do support me as I will have constitutive 6 days blog post about My Selangor story for this travel+blogging competition. How to support? Commenting on this blog post and giving me 5 loves by clicking the banner below to vote will absolutely helps a lot =D

You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

PS: Will upload more video about i-City when my bandwidth allows =)


  1. I'm already missing the #MSS experience already. =(

  2. [Dylan Phuah]
    Me too! That's why I try to write everything I remember~

  3. looks like you had a great time at i-city and the uptown Shah Alam... can't wait for your next few posts =)

  4. [RedButtockz Wern]
    Yeah I am sure not only me having fun at there =D

  5. everyone has started their post except me. >.<!!!

    lazy bug lazy bug please fly away~

  6. [Nikel Khor]
    Yes of course =D More fun to share with you guys later~

  7. Wah ! :) Y e firefly girls' hair got 1 hand there ? :P

    A so damn long post but cool experience !

    Looking forward to more #MSS blog postssssssssss :)

  8. [Sy]
    That's your hand? =)
    Aiks yeah cos tryng to put all thing inside one blog post. Will separate for future blogpost liao~

  9. Wa so fun. Great pics there. All d best in winning, voted!

  10. the tomyam was really nice la... still remembering it until today!

  11. wah nice many food and looks like a lot of fun there..wish u all the best! sorry to 'kacau u' during ur #mss..hahaha

  12. [chris federick]
    Thanks Chris! Will have at least five more post coming that need your kind vote too~! =D

    [Abang Ben]
    Haha jom find one day go back again~!

    Thanks for the compliment~! It is definitely full of fun and good food along the trip~!

    Besides, u didn't kacau me la =) Glad can help u out also~

  13. wooh. tasty pot branched out to i-City already. must be making loads of money kekeke. they have to thank for my review :p

  14. [Simon Seow]
    Hahaha! Promote pulak ;p

  15. [Simon Seow]
    Hahaha! Promote pulak ;p

  16. wooh. tasty pot branched out to i-City already. must be making loads of money kekeke. they have to thank for my review :p

  17. [RedButtockz Wern]
    Yeah I am sure not only me having fun at there =D

  18. [Dylan Phuah]
    Me too! That's why I try to write everything I remember~


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