
Showing posts with the label Article

"Change your mind to change your life" 改变想法, 改变生活

寒门贵子 Happy Sunday!! Recently I saw this video post and instead of just sharing through my FB and Twitter share. I've decided to share it as my weekend post so both you and I will able to read it anytime anywhere. Sorry that this post and video is mainly in Chinese. If you want to understand just use the Translate tool at the side bar ya. Take care guys. "Change your mind to change your life" "改变想法,改变生活" ******************************** 亲爱的朋友,其实我们大部分人都不是出身豪门,都是要靠自己的。你要相信命运给你一个比别人低的起点,是希望你用你的一生去奋斗出一个绝地反击的故事,这故事不是一个水到渠成的童话没有一点人间疾苦, 这故事是有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;这故事是苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴 。

All-Day Flat-Belly Meal Plan

Ever wanted to open your shirt confidently? Your weight loss efforts should begin the moment you wake. Here’s a simple menu for one day of healthful eating. Repeat as necessary: 6:30 a.m. The moment you wake up, drink a glass of skim milk. The protein will energise you, dampen your appetite and prime you for a low-glucose carbohydrate breakfast that’ll supply long-lasting energy. 7 a.m. You need to eat early in the day or you’re doomed to high-calorie, fatty binges later. Stuff down some high-fibre oatmeal. Add brown sugar for flavour or cantaloupe chunks for bulk. 10:30 a.m. Have a piece of fruit—an apple or a pear. The goal is to never get hungry. 12:30 p.m . Midday meals need to be protein-heavy to keep you mentally alert and to ward off the afternoon slump. Think fish, chicken, or beans. 4 p.m. Mid-afternoon is when your natural cravings for food hit their zenith. Any fat you eat will quickly fire up your appetite for a high-fat dinner. So eat a high-fibre

Warning! Malaysia Acid Rain Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explode! 2011

Have you received some acid rain warning through your phone SMS, BBM, Facebook or even email? Below are two message I've received: "A nuclear power plant in Fukumi, Japan exploded at 4.30AM today. If it rains tomorrow or later, don't go outside. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It's acid rain . Don't let it touch you. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Please pass, stay safe and remind everyone you know." From BlackBerryMessenger (BBM) ".BBC FLASHNEWS: japan govt cnfirms radiation leak at fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. Remain indoors first24hrs. Close doors n windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precaution, radiation may hit phil at startng 4pm 2day" from Facebook Estimated shaking intensity of Japan Earthquare. Source:USGS If you did receive the SMS about the radiation leak at Fukushima

"Anymore?", he said

Taken during XiangXiang enjoy his sweet cupcake =) One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore". No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you." So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick . This is true for marriage.....And old cars... And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy,

Top 10 Sex Revelations in 2010

I guess this is my first time blogging about sex related topic. Saw this article when I register for a new Hotmail account. Understand that Christmas and New Year 2011 are coming, so the "activities" will increase tremendously and I decided to share this article. Sex - it is something that pretty much everyone is interested in reading about whether it be tips on how to make your sex life better and pleasing your other half, to educate, or interesting results that have come from researchers after studies, surveys, research and experiments. In light of that, MSN Malaysia are pleased to present you with their top ten sex revelations for 2010 and some interesting things they have found out about sex this year. # 10 The Kotex BodyLife IQ survey found that out of South East Asia, Malaysian women are the most ill-informed on sex related matters and ignorant on basic facts about womanhood . The survey was carried out on 1, 8000 women between 16 and 24 years in Singapore, Philipp

Warning! Acid Rain! Alert or Hoax?

Dark Circle appeared around the moon = Acid Rain? Subject: Fw: Acid rain alert Hi Be careful from the 20th to 28th of this month, There is possibility of an ACID RAIN. The dark circle appeared around the moon on 17th of last month and this is an indication of Acid Rain. Apparently this happens once in 750 years. It rains like normally but It may cause skin cancer if you expose yourself to it. So ALERT your dear ones. This information is from NASA . DO NOT neglect. Plz Forward this to your friends, Better to be cautious than sorry. Have you received forwarded email about this acid rain warning? I have even receive SMS from a caring friend. "从今天到二十八号,请大家不要淋雨。七百五十年一次的酸雨,被淋到后患皮肤癌的机率很高。请大家注意!也把信息发给身边的朋友。。。谢谢!" Basically the SMS above is also to alert us and becareful of rain starting today till 28th of April. I start seeing friends sharing this news in Facebook and did a little research on this "warning". Actually, the dark circles around the moon are NOT an

人 生 都 在 學 做 人

星雲大師 有一位徒弟,台大畢業後,到夏威夷讀碩士, 又到耶魯讀博士,花了好多年的時間,終於得到博士,非常歡喜。有一天他回來,對星雲說:「師父,我現在得到博士學位了,以後要再學習什麼呢?」星雲說:「學習人。」學習做人是一輩子的事,沒有辦法畢業的。星雲覺得人生,不管是士農工商、各種人等,只要學習就有進步,今天要跟大家分享需要學習的事。 第一 、 「 學習認錯」。 人常常不肯認錯,凡事都說是別人的錯,認為自己才是對的,其實不認錯就是一個錯。認錯的對象可以是父母、朋友、社會大眾、佛祖,甚至向兒女或是對我不好的人認錯,自己不但不會少了什麼,反而顯得你有度量。學習認錯是美好的,是一個大修行。 第二、「學習柔和」。 人的牙齒是硬的,舌頭是軟的,到了人生的最後,牙齒都掉光了,舌頭卻不會掉,所以要柔軟,人生才能長久,硬反而吃虧。心地柔軟了,是修行最大的進步。一般形容執著的人說,你的心、你的性格很冷、很硬,像鋼鐵一樣。如果我們像禪門說的調息、調身、調心,慢慢調伏像野馬、像猴子的這顆心,令它柔軟,人生才能活得更快樂、更長久。 第三 、「學習生忍」。 這世間就是忍一口氣,風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空;忍,萬事都能消除。忍就是會處理、 會化解,用智慧、能力讓大事化小、小事化無。各位要生活、要生存、要生命,有了忍,可以認清世間的好壞、善惡、是非,甚至接受它。 第四 、「 學習溝通」。 缺乏溝通,就會產生是非、爭執與誤會。現在中國大陸、香港和台灣,兩岸三地最重要的就是溝通,相互了解、相互體諒、相互幫助,大家都是龍兄虎弟,互相爭執、不溝通怎麼能和平呢? 第五 、「 學習放下」。 人生像一只皮箱,需要用的時候提起,不用的時就把它放下,應放下的時候,卻不放下,就像拖著沉重的行李,無法自在。人生的歲月有限,認錯、尊重、包容才能讓人接受,放下才自在啊! 第六 、「 學習感動」。 我們看到人家得好處,要歡喜;看到好人好事,要能感動。感動是一個愛心、菩薩心、菩提心,在我幾十年的歲月裡,有許多事情、語言感動了我,所以我也很努力的想辦法讓別人感動。 第七 、「 學習生存」。 為了生存,我要維護身體健康,身體健康不但對自己有利,也讓朋友、家人放心,所以也是孝親的行為。 ~ ~ ~ 祝 好 友 共 勉 之 ~ ~ Seven good life les

罵香蕉皮 @ Scold the Banana Peels

I would like to share a story that I got through forwarded email today. Sometimes not all forwarded mails are the "if you don't forward you will get bad lucks for whole year" . So yeah, read mail that your friends sent to you =) PS: Pls don't forward the "cursing" mail to me/anyone as no body want to feel annoyed with that kind of email. Just delete it if you've receive one. Besides, if you received MSN/Google or whatever that they are going to charge you for their FREE service if you don't forward their mail, just delete or ignore it. I am sorry if you can't read Chinese, but I think Google Translate can help you ^@^" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 大學階梯教室裡,一場演講會即將開始。 主講人是蜚聲海內外的知名教授,海報兩天前就貼出去了,反應異常熱烈,同學們紛紛趕到現場,要一睹教授的風采。 離開講還有十分鐘,學生們紛紛進入到會場中,在他們跨進會場的一瞬,不約而同地發現腳下有一塊香蕉皮,在抬腿避開時,都不忘埋怨兩句:是誰這麼缺德?一點公共意識都沒有! 組織者是怎麼搞的?現在的人,什麼素質? 大家嘰哩咕嚕抱怨著跨過那塊香蕉皮,坐到自己的位置上,靜等著教授的光臨。 幾分鐘後,教授準時到達。 他也發現地上的香蕉皮,扶扶眼鏡上前仔細端詳。 教室裡頓時靜了下來,大家都伸長脖子,看教授的一舉一動。 教授看清楚腳下是一塊香蕉皮,勃然大怒,指著它大聲說道

Debunking Rumors about Advertising and Photos

Today I have a message from Facebook that I would like to share. You can now stop the email forwarding thingy about this rumor =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "In the past couple of days, a rumor has begun spreading that claims we have changed our policies for third-party advertisers and the use of your photos. These rumors are false, and we have made no such change in our advertising policies. If you see a Wall post or receive a message with the following language or something similar, it is this false rumor: FACEBOOK has agreed to let third party advertisers use your posted pictures WITHOUT your permission. The advertisements that started these rumors were not from Facebook but placed within applications by third parties. Those ads violated our policies by misusing profile photos, and we already required the removal of those deceptive ads from third-party applications before this rumor began spreading. We are as concerned as many of you are about any potential threat

A Complaint Letter Written to UTAR. Looking forJob?

As an Alumni of UTAR, I would like to share an e-mail with my friends and juniors who are looking for job. Below is an e-mail that I received. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Dear graduands and alumni, especially those who are still looking for jobs , This email may be important to you, please read on this letter written to UTAR by a " Group Manager from a chain of companies" . Although his comments might not be true about the majority of you, but would definitely jeopardise career opportunity of a lot of our garduates . " I am writing to you in response to the several interview I conducted with your former students for various position within our group of companies. I have never come across such ?interesting grooming? that set a very bad first impression to the interviewers. I wonder if you have any specific guidelines on student attire during interview as well as in your campus? I am sorry to have questioned both of you on this matter but let m

Google Is The New God In 21st Century. Agree?

I am sure everyone who use the internet agrees when people ask if Google is one of the greatest invention in 21st century. Now we not only have Google search, we also have Google Adsense, Picasa 3, Google Map, Google Chrome and more! First their famous search engine. You can easily search for thing that you want to know on net by just logging on to What else you can't know from Google? News, articles, photos or even video also can be found by Google! Not forget to mention their safety feature during surfing the website with virus or malicious software. Google Adsense, this is the first advertisement platform online that made both advertiser and publisher happy. It help the writer earn a better living by just blogging or writing at home. A new types of income from the virtual world-Internet. It is easier for advertiser to target their customer of interest and this is a win-win situation. People nowadays can't really live without internet right? Yes, another grea

Foods That Fight Belly Fat

This is a health article from RealAge® that I would like to share today~! Did you know that besides doing wonders for your health, a certain nutrient group might also help keep your pants size down? It's true. Flavonoids -- those antioxidant-like compounds found in fruits, veggies, chocolate, tea, and wine -- seemed to help ward off belly fat in a 14-year study. Multitasking Flavonoids Specifically, catechins, flavonols, and flavones -- types of flavonoids -- may help curb belly bulge by improving the body's metabolic profile, the researchers noted. So where can you get your fair share? The study participants got most of theirs from pears, apples, tea, chocolate, broad beans, onions, leeks, and sweet peppers. Pretty tasty choices. Try adding some to the menu tonight with these EatingWell recipes: Got some chicken in the freezer? Got an apple rolling around the crisper drawer? Great! Then grab some leeks on the way home and make this: Saute of Chicken with Apples & Leeks