Random Chad: 7 Eleven, Bird Twitt, Support for Project Alpha, Best Photo!

Yesterday's weather is so sunny and bright. Shoot this scenary while driving on highway. Please do not learn what I did in the car.

I am still looking for 10 nice photos that appear on my blog and hope you could tell me which one is your favourite. Even pictures from old time blog posts also can!

That's why I can't help myself camwhore more in the car. This one need to do when car is stopped of course.

Suddenly found a creative way to "advertise" for Unicef. It is actually a car sticker on my mirror.

This morning 6AM, woke up by loud tweet from the bird that is just outside my window. It is so dark until I can't see how it looks like. But its tweet sounds nice! You can play and listen, then guess which bird tweet like this.

Used the RM10 McD Voucher that was given during Dutch Lady World Milk Day @ Pavilion. By ordering the McValue Lunch I can order an Oreo Mc Flurry as extra dessert =)

Visited 7-11 Malaysia office @ Plaza Berjaya to claim the Slurpee Video Contest Prizes.

Redbuttockz(YiWern) was with me today to redeem the prizes too. So how do we win the contest? It is through "The Amazing Grace". Thanks Nicole (MsXeroz) and ZJ(ImXeroz) participating in the making of video too!

The Amazing Disgrace
The guard at Plaza Berjaya even praised Redbuttockzs that she looks like an artist. Not sure if it is partially because after watched this video. Lol

Thank you all who voted for our video as your big support have made us win! Will write another post to organize a giveaway to reward you all =)

Went to TimeSquare shopping a bit and saw these bags. I forgot who want the bag with these design and posted it up here just to inform you that you can get it from here. At level 3/4.

If you are a hardcore reader of my blog I am sure you've seen my silly audition video specially for ProjectAlpha. If you don't mind, please visit this ruumz link and press the "Like" button to vote for me so that I can get one step further in the blogsphere kay?

If want some convincing reason, read this post.

PS: Kinda random post without any topic in focus as my brain is having dizzy condition now. Please do vote for my PA audition video as a support for me to write more blog post kay? Thanks~! T.T


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