
Showing posts from 2019


Wedding Professionals Association Of Malaysia (WPAM) Official launched at photobook Worldwide HQ The Wedding Professionals Association Of Malaysia (WPAM) was officially launched recently at  Photobook Worldwide HQ in Kuala Lumpur. Witnessed by all wedding industry professionals, VIPs and representatives from other associations. As a photographer and blogger myself, I went to check WPAM out and it was a great event to meet up with familiar faces and friends. Thanks Paul Kong for the invitation. Below are the press release so feel free to read more about Wedding Professionals Association of Malaysia (WPAM).

【2020贺岁新年剧 #春天花花花啦啦 】媒体联访:花琪最后和常乐还是陈帅帅在一起? #SingingInTheSpring2020

《春天花花花啦啦  Singing In The Spring 2020 》 2020年1月15日起,每逢星期一至四,晚上9时30分 2020贺岁新年剧 春天花花花啦啦  即将出炉啦。当天记者会在龙狮馆举办,灯光超暗的,幸好有带闪光灯,要不然演员们看起来都乌漆嘛黑了。这一次少了一些演员,但也来了些新面孔。只能说好景不常在,一定要有些新鲜感观众才会看,对吗?以下有访问片段,有时间就看看媒体联访片段吧,让您感觉亲临活动现场;希望下次我有特别的问题能问问看大家,给予你们不一样的体验,大家若有兴趣的话,记得守住我的YouTube或IG,有时候会收集问题问问演员们。当然要感谢 八度空间与首要媒体的邀请啦🤟 《春天花花花啦啦  Singing In The Spring 2020 》 将于2020年1月15日起,每逢星期一至四,晚上9时30分,由Orange 陈慧恬、Jordan盛天俊、Emily陈子颖、Rickman谢承伟、Coby庄可比、Yuan原腾 等人主演的 2020年贺岁电视剧!


AURUM THEATRE @ MID VALLEY SOUTHKEY, JOHOR BAHRU  AURUM THEATRE,  heard of it yet? It is the new experience that you can try if you love luxurious feel by doing more than just watching a movie. I would recommend you this, if you want to pamper yourself with the love one. It's something like 'Dinner In The Sky' but in a cinema hall with very comfortable recliner instead, plus some fine-dine food and drinks without hanging in the sky. Come on and have a look what I saw at the Aurum Theatre in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru . Watch the video below for a quick tour of the Getha Lux Suite movie hall and something that worth a shout out at the Aurum Theatre, especially the Getha recliner with wireless charging and port for your gadget. How much is it to watch a movie in Aurum Theatre?  Watching movie at Aurum Theatre and enjoy a meal or cocktail at Jin Gastrobar will cost you RM120 - RM150 for an Aurum Pass . You'll get to choose a fine-dining selection or

Best Time to Visit Nami Island Secretly Beautiful At Night | Things To Do In #Chuncheon

Best Time to Visit Nami Island Secretly Beautiful At Night  | Things To Do In #Chuncheon I guess you've heard of Nami Island 남이섬 because you've watch the Korean drama, but do you know there's a different kind of Nami Island especially when you wait until it sunset?? On my recent trip to Chuncheon, one of the most unforgettable moment and travel highlight was to visit Nami Island in the evening and see how it transform into something so different and beautiful at night. Staying in Chuncheon was pretty relaxing and I really love the slower life pace in that town. Waking up naturally and enjoying the relaxing burnch before we depart to Nami Island. We took a train from Chuncheon station to Gapyeong Station (total 6 stops) and then a quick taxi ride (5,000 KRW) to Nami Island Departure station. There's also hourly shuttle bus that transfer you at 1,500 KRW only. We need to take a ferry to go into Nami Island, the VISA Entry ticket (included Ferry Fee) to Nami

2020新年贺岁歌与新春节目陪你一起过年 |《2020年新春推介礼》#鼠来宝 #笑笑力量大 #CNYKeepSmiling

《2020年新春推介礼》- “微笑大使”与众艺人主持人大合照 微笑大使 - Rickman 谢承伟, Orange陈慧恬, Henley许亮宇, Joey梁祖仪, Jordan盛天俊, Emily陈子颖, Wilson李伟燊, Sherlyn萧丽玲 配合2020年庚子鼠年的到来,首要媒体集团旗下全马收视率第一的中文电视台八度空间,强力打造 2020年新春活动和同名贺岁专辑《鼠来宝 笑笑力量大 》,与ntv7、网络电视tonton、综合网络新闻平台XTRA、购物平台CJ WOW SHOP、网站Rojaklah、Viralcham、TTN谈谈网,携手传递正能量,与大众一起笑迎新春佳节! 首要媒体《2020年新春推介礼》于雪兰莪莎阿南Central i-City盛大举行,8位新春活动“微笑大使”包括 Rickman谢承伟、Orange陈慧恬、Henley许亮宇、Joey梁祖仪、Jordan盛天俊、Emily陈子颖、Wilson李伟燊、Sherlyn萧丽玲 同台亮相,还有八度空间一众主持人 Chrystina黄玮瑄、Natalie小玉、Happy颜洁颖、Jan秦雯彬、Ley Teng陈丽亭、艺人Lynn林绿、Mayjune陈美君、Alvin王竣、Ziah张熙恩 、 CJ WOW SHOP主持人Emerson 连扬贤参与其盛,共度欢乐时光! 八度空间2020年贺岁MV :《笑笑力量大》#cnykeepsmiling 首要媒体2020年新春活动主题为 《鼠来宝 笑笑力量大》 ,旨在倡导以笑容传递正能量,并配合主题推出了鼠年吉祥物——“鼠来宝”(Shu Lai Bao),同时也盼借此主题提醒大众,以最简单且不费力的一个笑容,把正能量散播出去,让快乐回到每个人身边。

Dyson now in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru (JB) - Complete Series of Dyson Products All-In-One Place

Dyson now in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru (JB) - Complete Series of Dyson Products All-In-One Place Dyson Malaysia officially opens a brand new  Dyson Demo Store at Mid Valley Southkey, Johor  Bahru, Malaysia  on 30 October 2019.  This space has been designed to encourage visitors to pick-up, test and experience Dyson’s latest technology yourselves. Courtesy of Dyson Malaysia, I've got the opportunity to capture the interior beauty of this new Dyson Demo Store in Johor Bahru. Other than that, I have also captured the photos during the opening launch of this Dyson Store in JB too. All the photos featured in this post are captured by yourstruly. So feel free to contact me if you have new shop/store that need interior shots. Thanks to the awesome team members from Dyson Malaysia who make sure everything looks as neat as possible for these shots. You guys are awesome! (same goes to the models of the day~) Dyson Store Mid Valley Southkey Johor Bahru (JB) is lo

Soyanggang Skywalk At Night 소양강 스카이워크 | Things To Do In Chuncheon

Soyanggang Skywalk 소양강 스카이워크 | Things To Do In Chuncheon This is my first time to explore Chuncheon in Korea, and I am going to share with you the first attraction in Chuncheon that you should pay a visit - Soyanggang Skywalk. Soyanggang Skywalk,  which located in Chuncheon is an observatory attraction spot on Uiamho Lake. The bridge will stretch out all the way for a total distance of 174 meters to the lake, and the glass floor beneath is actually transparent! This makes Soyanggang Skywalk the longest glass structure ever built in the country. Scroll down and have a look on Soyanggang Skywalk at night. I love it colorful and enjoying a cup of coffee under the cold weather is actually pretty relaxing.


【好康】用手机SETEL打油 能省钱又有机会赢新车?! Pump Petrol using #SETEL to get Instant Cash Rebate Pump Petrol using #SETEL to get Instant Cash Rebate and Win new #MercedesBenz  . Download now >>   Please remember to key in the referral code 'PTZU' to entitle for the RM5 - CASH REBATE.

16th Japanese Film Festival 2019 Film List @ GSC Malaysia

Japanese Film Festival 2019 @ GSC Malaysia 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Oct 2019 The annual Japanese Film Festival (JFF) turns “16” this year and is set to light up selected Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide, boasting a broad collection of current and acclaimed titles across a variety of genres ranging from family to music and comedy. The selection of 13 movies will capture hearts and minds of audiences from all ages and giving the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the latest and finest Japanese movies on the big screen. The month-long celebration will be kicking off with the South East Asian premiere of “Little Nights, Little Love” directed by IMAIZUMI Rikiya on JFF KL Opening night on 3 September 2019. (official Japan release date 20 September 2019)

《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》 一部会令你感动的大马故事 | 首映礼红地毯众星绚丽登场

《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》 『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影 八度空间:2019年8月31日,星期六,晚上8时30分 《当时明月在 BACK TO YOU》- 『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影. 八度空间:2019年8月31日,星期六,晚上8时30分 八度空间将于2019年8月31日(星期六),晚上8时30分,播出由 Jasmine Suraya Chin陈香郿 、 Remon林奕廷 、 Ernest张顺源 、 Azizah Mahzan 、 Charlie Numan Salleh 、 Yuna Rahim 等人主演的『原创强档』国庆日特备电视电影—— 《当时明月在  Back To You 》 。 《当时明月在》 是 八度空间首部跨种族、语言,体现真正马来西亚多元种族文化的电视作品 。剧情讲述通过一宗寻亲事件,让两个不同背景,不同种族和宗教的族群跨越彼此的差异,缔结友谊。两家人从试探到理解, 从误会到原谅,最后因为爱而跨越差异缔结友谊 。

鬼仔巷 KWAI CHAI HONG AT NIGHT | Moonlight In The City 城里的月光 #TCTravel

鬼仔巷 KWAI CHAI HONG AT NIGHT | Moonlight In The City 城里的月光 【#KL全新打卡点🤳】 白天的 #鬼仔巷 👻你见过了,但中秋夜晚的鬼仔巷你见过了吗? 还没?! 那现在可别错过啦! 中秋节特备都把明月给请出来了~🌕💁‍♀️🐇 切记 #满月球 只出现到9月15号而已哦。PS: 8月24号星期六晚上才开放给大众 . . 趁着中秋节的到来而在鬼仔巷举办 “ #城里的月光”(Moonlight in the City) 活动,与民众共庆佳节,欢喜聚首。鬼仔巷与茨厂街平行,入口处位于戏院街。在为期一个月的活动中,民众可以参加各种独特好玩的活动,深入了解中秋节的历史、文化和传统。 精选活动和工作坊将于8月24日至9月15日举行。欲知最新活动及报名,欢迎浏览 @kwaichaihong 脸书专页 . . 感谢鬼仔巷的邀请啦! 昨晚拍得蛮好玩! 记得 这特别的 #中秋鬼仔巷 只到9月15号而已哦。带你家人朋友去吧~ 祝大家中秋节快乐了👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👴👵 . . You might have seen the day time Kwai Chai Hong , but now we have the night time KwaiChai Hong with #FullMoon appearance! Starting this Saturday, the #FullMoonBall will be there until 15 Sep. This brand new instaworthy corner with #MoonCakeFestival theme in KL is available for limited time only!  . . Tip: Best time to photograph the moon is from 7PM-7.30PM as the sky turn dark and yet the sky has mild blue tint color a.k.a. Blue Hour. To celebrate the festive and joyful occasion of the Mid-Aut

【WHEN IN HONG KONG】 - 街拍来到 中環碼頭 香港摩天輪 #DiscoverHongKong

WHEN IN HONG KONG - 中環碼頭 香港摩天輪  with Baki Zainal 巴麒 Let's throwback to June for a while, the other day me and Baki had a journey to Hong Kong and we were exploring places and scouting for some photogenic location. The first night we went to Central Ferry Pier (中環碼頭 ) looking at the  The Hong Kong Observation Wheel 香港摩天輪. Here's some photos that I would like to share with you tonight. We did some street photography capturing the moment I saw when in Hong Kong. Hope you enjoy!!

【#SaveMoney】Pump Petrol SETEL Using Smartphone, Get Cash Rebate Instantly & Win Mercedes-Benz

【#SaveMoney】 Pump Petrol and SETEL Using Smartphone, get RM5-RM7 Cash Rebate Instantly Have you heard of SETEL ? Now you can use this mobile apps to setel(gaodim)your purchase of car petrol at any Petronas Station in Klang Valley. It is going to extend to other state so download now! Just remember to use this SETEL referral code 'ptzu' for your first RM5 Cash Back Rebate, when you start refer to friends you will get higher cash rebate too! Remember, go download SETEL from your app store now and register with this  SETEL referral code 'ptzu'  for your cash rebate and grab a chance to win a brand new Mercedes-Benz . 【有好康!】有智能手机 🤳 的朋友请注意!!  能 #省钱 又有机会 #赢新车 #MercedesBenz 🏎 ⚡ 😮 1. 在 App Store 下载  Setel 2. 记得用通关密码'ptzu'以得到 RM5 回额折扣 3. 凡是打RM30或以上的汽油就有机会赢车车了 4. 还没用过手机打油的你一定要试啦~  # 做科技时尚尖端人物必试 🤓 PS: 为了安全起见,记得在车内启动电子预付打油 ⛑ ✌ 🆓️ 大放送  # 国庆日   # 8月31号  截止 🆓️ 记得 REBATE CODE 是小写  # ptzu . 大家可别错过啦~ Tag 你的男女友老公老婆亲爱的朋友家人  # 一起省钱赢新车 ! 666 Downloa

八度空间《启航》第七季 与《拼凑・记忆》8月11日起 每逢星期日 晚上8时30分 开播 - Desmond郑瑞钥 Wind李诗斌 Ley Teng陈丽亭

《启航》 与《拼凑 ・记忆》新一季  2019年8月11日起 『本地最霸』每逢星期日,晚上8时30分 那天在Mano Thinking Magazine Library举办的小型媒体分享会有 Desmond郑瑞钥, Wind李诗斌 和 Ley Teng陈丽亭 (没看到Cheryl李欣怡)分享他们拍摄节目的趣事。当天我则专注在拍摄他们媒体访问期间的“记忆”。喜欢照片的就继续往下滑吧~访问影片要多一点时间上传啊。 简单来说, 八度空间《启航》第七季   与 《拼凑・记忆》   新一季 将 由8月11日起,每逢星期日,晚上8时30分播出 。

K-Performance Show 2019 - JUMP, The Painters, Sachoom, VIXX Leo & T-bird in Malaysia

K-Performance Show 2019 - JUMP, The Painters, Sachoom, VIXX Leo & T-bird in Malaysia Sachoom dancers featured above Today we had a sneak peek to the K-Performance Show 2019 at KLCC Plenary Hall. I really enjoyed the non-verbal performances by JUMP , The Painters & Sachoom , and 2 Kpop artists: VIXX Leo & T-bird for FREE! (VIXX Leo and T-bird will perform during the weekend) Thanks KTO Malaysia for organizing this event! So below are some photos taken during the  K-Performance Show 2019 in Malaysia.  My personal favourite are the dancers from Sachoom and the talented painters from 'The Painters' all the way from Korea! Hope you'll enjoy the photos and see you guys tomorrow!   #KTOMalaysia  #koreanPerformance  #KPerformanceShow2019 Let's Dance Crazy with Sachoom Season 2 爱舞动2 音乐剧 | K- Performance Show 2019 @ KLCC in Malaysia


BRANDLAUREATE SMES BESTBRANDS AWARDS 2018-2019 - BIG PHARMACY BestBrands in Healthcare – Pharmacy Let's throwback to the evening in March 2019 where I shoot for  BRANDLAUREATE SMES BESTBRANDS AWARDS 2018-2019  courtesy of  BIG PHARMACY 's winning the  "BestBrands in Healthcare – Pharmacy category" . That's where I meet  Nicol David  and  Chris Leong  for the first time. In overall, it is an eye opening event of how grand an awards event can be, especially BrandLaureate Awards. Thanks for letting us capture the precious moments of you receiving the awards. Congratulation once again to BIG Pharmacy . Feel free to scroll down to check out the photos. Love the happiness captured during that night =) If you are interested with my photography or blogging services, feel free to contact me. All contact details is on the Contact Page .


【PHOTO】MyTOWN PARKSON SHOPPING CENTRE CHALLENGE - Million Loves In Me 宠我 罗老师 罗冠兰 John 虞日新 Ruby狄妃 Together with Parkson My Town Shopping Centre , 《Million Loves in Me 寵我》 had a shopping contest for audience to win RM1800 worth of shopping vouchers. I was there to capture the behind the scenes of how the participants shop the the exact and closest value and he/she will be the winner. Based on my experience, it's teamwork that will help you win this kind of contest. There were two participants who come to an agreement and join force to make their shopping value very close to the required amount. I give them a big thumbs up for that because 团结就是力量,赢了再互相分享,互惠互利啊 哈哈 Thanks John 虞日新 and the team for the opportunity to document this event. Ruby狄妃 and 罗老师 罗冠兰 was there too. Photos were captured in 2018 (21st May) but feel free to scroll down and have a look of this shopping challenge photo series. #宠我 #寵我 #羅冠蘭 #虞日新 #狄妃 #rubydfaye #李伟燊 #得奖电影 #awardswinningmovie #电影 #m

Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Kuala Lumpur - Visit KL Instagrammable Location

Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Instagrammable Location During my staycation at ANSA Kuala Lumpur , it was just a 15 minutes Grab ride away to this place. Since we were staying right in the middle of KL City. I've decided to spend more time exploring the surrounding including this beautiful Islamic Art Music Malaysia where it is just right opposite National Mosque of Malaysia . But today, I am going to share only photos that I got from this instagrammable museum in Kuala Lumpur. Trust me, you should go there and check it out for yourself, one of the instaworthy place in Kuala Lumpur. Just scroll down and have a look =) 

GSC Hungary Film Festival 2019 @ Pavilion KL | Hungarian 2019 Film Fiesta 2.0 in Malaysia

GSC Hungary Film Festival 2019 @ Pavilion KL | Hungarian 2019 Film Fiesta 2.0 in Malaysia Hungarian 2019 Film Fiesta 2.0   (Hungarian Film Festival 2019) at GSC Pavilion KL was successfully held on 20th June 2019. As usual, I would like to share some photos taken that evening. Always love the fun people who are ready for some fun portrait.  Special guests of the evening includes H.E. Attila Kali (Ambassador of Hungary to Malaysia), Mr Lionel Loh (GSC Senior Marketing Manager), YB Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi (Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture), YB Tuan Muhammad Bakhtiar (Deputy minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture) – backup , Dr Balázs Orbán (Deputy Minister from Prime Minister’s office of Hungary), Mr Mugen Rao (Malaysian music artist/actor) Feel free to check out some of the photos taken below. Thanks for all the smiles~

Marvel Studios Malaysia Exhibition - What's Inside?? Does It Worth RM58/Entrance? 十年英雄展 大马站 里头到底有什么?值得票价吗? 【田七送礼🎁】

【田七送礼 🎁 】想赢就的就要马上看 ‼️ #MARVEL10MY   Giveaway   #MarvelStudios ⚡ ⚒ 🛡 AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!  🛡 ⚒ ⚡ #MARVEL10MY   #Marvel   #PavilionKL 【Marvel Studios 十年英雄展 大马站】   🗓 2019年6月28日-10月27日期间开放 📍 Pavilion Elite 10楼 🎟 入门票从RM28起   Photos and video taken with  #withGalaxy   #GalaxyS10 ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ 如果你是Marvel铁粉那可就别错过【Marvel Studios 10 Years of Heroes Exhibition】今天的媒体发布会除了有Marv el英雄Cosplay的出现连我们首相 Tun Dr.Mahathir 🦸‍♂️ 和老婆 🦸‍♀️ 也有来支持叻!   #可惜没机会自拍 【Marvel Studios 十年英雄展】 🔸️ 能和超级英雄们的1:1模型拍照 🔸️ 电影 🎥 拍摄演员们穿的正版服装武器装备 🔸️ 有Ironman, Thor,Dr. Strage,Black Panther, Captain America还有很多英雄的出现 🔸️ 有各种好玩好拍的互动荧幕可尝试   #DrStrange扭曲现实世界   #被Thanos弹指消   #和Groot一起跳舞   #帮CaptainMarvel制定服装   #Galaxy英雄电子彩色   🔸️ 可以定制个人专属的   #Avenger身份证   #听说首一千位是限量版卡 🔸️ 给小孩完成任务的Avenger Passport   #收集盖章 🔸️ 有售卖很多正版Marvel周边产品   #衣服模型钥匙圈收集系列样样有   #空中漂浮Ironman最特别   #冰箱磁铁最可爱   #给小孩子的全身英雄装备   #要什么有什么 【田七送礼 🎁 】想赢就的就要马上看 ‼️ #MARVEL10MY   Giveaway   #MarvelStudios 【田七送礼 🎁 】想赢就的就要马上看 ‼️ #M

【Review】Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort 3D2N Sabah Staycation - Sea Full of Fishes & Perfect Sunset at Sunset Bar

【Review】Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort 3D2N Staycation - Sea Full of Fishes & Perfect Sunset at Sunset Bar Usually I fly to Sabah for diving trip in Mabul Island, but this time we decided to explore the other part of Sabah - Kota Kinabalu for its beautiful sunset. This time we flew from KL to Sabah with Malaysia Airline and stay at  Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa .  I've heard of the review that one must check out the #SunsetBarTAH hence I was eager to find out. One of the day we went for a picnic session at Mamutik Island. Continue scroll down to read our experience

BOYZONE LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2019 with Brian McFadden - "Thank You and Goodnight Farewell Tour"

Boyzone   "Thank you and Goodnight Farewell"   Tour 14th June 2019 @  Malawati Stadium ,  Shah Alam Wowstar Creative Entertainment is proud to present Boyzone "Thank you and Goodnight Farewell" Tour with guest artist Brian McFadden this 14th June 2019 at Malawati Stadium , Shah Alam . Former boy band Westlife member and songwriter Brian McFadden has been announced as special guest performer in Boyzone’s “Thank You and Goodnight Farewell Tour” last show on 14th June 2019 at Malawati Stadium, Shah Alam.

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