Do you know that whenever HTC ChaCha detected the website/photo you are surfing now is "FB-able" the customized FB button will shine? =) Let see what I shared this week using HTC ChaCha.

When it shine it means "FB Share time"!!

Having dinner at Sakae Sushi~

One of my favourite restaurant
Harbour Steamboat in Puchong is relocating soon

More food photos via HTC ChaCha instant share~

Does this looks tempting for you?

Bought a new MicroSD card for storing more photo/video =)

Was at SuaraKami Carnival since 1PM until the concert end. It was a long day and that's where I got my sexy voice [because of the flu]

The octopus shape-like stage for SuaraKami Concert 2011

Live sharing of SuaraKami Concert. Rania and Nelly performed!!

Posted a photo of Rania doing DR Feelgood dancemove

Here's a clearer version of Rania @ SuaraKami!!
They look different when they start dancing

I got lots more photos taken during SuaraKami concert. Wanna see more? =)

Nelly brought along his brother to perform together at SuaraKami Concert

"Don't hate me cos I'm beautiful"

Above are all the thing I like and share on Facebook easily with
HTC ChaCha.
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)