SHE Selina 浴火重生 Shown Up After Burn Injury
After S.H.E. Selina's big encounter with the fire incident and 3rd degree burnt, today is the first time she appear on press conference after admitted to hospital to appreciate everyone who concern about her current condition.
Glad to see Selina being so brave and face everything now especially after the explosion incident. Selinawill be is the idol to encourage other people to appreciate life and stay strong. I am sure her parents, including Ella and Hebe contribute a lot to make Selina stay strong.

Glad to see Selina being so brave and face everything now especially after the explosion incident. Selina
"歷經89天,浴火重生的Selina終於現身,與任爸、Ella、 Hebe一同出席記者會,原本一頭長髮的她,現在已是小平頭,首度露面的她,身穿粉紅色背心,手上也戴著彈性手套,左臉上依稀還看得出傷疤,走路的時候動作也較緩慢,情緒上顯得有些激動,第一句話就是謝謝大家的關心,感謝各界關心,也謝謝家人、未婚夫跟朋友的支持,特別開心表示終於可以回家了,在家人跟好朋友的陪伴下,SELINA勇敢地以平頭露面,沒有任何遮掩,展現屬於自己的那份堅強與勇氣。"by Sina TW
Keep on Jia You Selena!! Happy to see you getting better day by day~! I hope everyone else stay strong no matter what happened kay? Learn from Selina!You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)