
Showing posts from January, 2011

Celcom RED BlackBerry Torch Giveaway on CNY!

RED BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone This Chinese New Year, Xpax is giving away an auspicious red BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone EVERYDAY from 20 Jan 2011 to 18 Feb 2011 . All you have to do in order to stand a chance to win a red BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone is to subscribe to the BlackBerry prepaid access plans from Xpax ! It’s Chinese New Year 2011, year of the Rabbit! I guess this year's CNY celebration will be different for me as I will meet more friend all over the place. As on how I keep in touch with everyone? It is my BlackBerry data Plan that saved me time to keep in touch with friends discuss the location for us to meet. On Facebook, Twitter and WLM! With Xpax Blackberry, you can chat & message your friends and family all day long, or catch up on how their holidays are going on all kinds of social media from your Blackberry! Yeap, that's what I am doing now =) Xpax has 3 different Blackberry plans to suit your different needs: BlackBerry Advance plan

Sakae Sushi+Mei Sim+再一次拥有

Had an awesome feast at Sakae Sushi @ Puchong IOI Mall with buddies and this is just one of many dishes. Hope that the sushi won't get smaller in size during my next visit. Used up all Sakae Sushi Gift Vouchers that I won from Men's Health Magazine. If you think I am lucky to win, I would say if you should participate the contest cos you will at least get a chance to win. Or else I might hear you say this, "Wah, TianChad you are so lucky wor. Win again! Why I never win one?" *Just an example* Heard a sweet voice after dinner and head to Sense Cafe for the music. 云镁鑫 MeiSim was the singer of the night.This one I call it coincident ar, didn't know she will be singing there. I like her voice since the 8TV singing contest and noticed she is getting prettier day by day. Congratz on become an emcee of 8TV show too. Listen to MeiSim's Voice: 再一次拥有 by 云镁鑫 Mei Sim @ Sense Cafe Do you like her voice? I do =) You can follow her on 云镁鑫 Facebook Fanpage and blog @ h

Thean Hou Temple First Time Model Shoot [Sneak Peek]

Today early in the morning went to meet up with Feeq , Jason Ong (Mynjayz) , Alicia, Cayenne , and YiChing for my very first time model photo shoot. Well I am not sure what and how to shoot but just go with the flow. Since Chinese New Year is coming, it is great to see all the ladies dressed in their nice looking cheongsam. Glad that the weather is not that cloudy/hot too. Bright enough for photoshoot but not too hot to affect their emotion and of course, make up ;p Had an idea of asking YiChing to read the Book of Fate *Don't know why got antenna build just beside the temple* After a few shot here comes the "ang-mo" a.k.a. tourist go there and able to capture his pose. Okie, I am really busy recently with all kind of stuff, let see if I will able to share more photo in future blogpost? Enjoyed the photoshoot today and thanks Cayenne + Jason for fetching us all the way. Thanks all the models for willing to pose to the camera =) You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or f

CNY Plum Blossoms @ Sunway Pyramid 2011

Happened to go Sunway Pyramid yesterday and found their Chinese New Year Decoration 2011 is with the real plum blossoms [梅花]. I can smell the flowers for the first time too . There are lots more flowers in the flower garden hall and I suggest you guys pay a visit too =) "一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春" Bokeh's effect FTW~! To all parents, thank you for queuing up at the bank to get new bank notes for our angpows ;p Remember to go bank earlier or else you will get stuck in the crowded banks, like KL's traffic jam. You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

Pre-Order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD Now | 周杰伦超时代演唱会DVD预购

Do you miss Jay Chou's The Era 2010 World Tour? No worries, now you can book and pre-order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD at nearest music retail stores. =) Date of Release: 27 January 2011 "睽違3年,演唱會名為 《周杰倫超時代演唱會》 ,意謂著周杰倫從2000年出道至今十年的時間,累積十張專輯,不斷超越自我、引領樂壇風潮的演出盛會!這也是繼2002年《The One》、2004年《無與倫比》及2007年的世界巡迴演唱會後,周杰倫個人的 第四次大型世界巡迴演唱會 ,演出內容涵蓋了周杰倫之前的九張專輯作品,以及 第十張專輯《跨時代》 ,充滿科技未來與神祕氛圍;演唱會門票一開賣即秒殺售罄,加場再加場,仍無法滿足所有向隅的歌迷, 此次推出現場實況DVD,除了完整呈現整場演唱會的精采實況之外,更另外收錄了周杰倫彩排、練舞的珍貴側拍花絮畫面,以饗歌迷! 亚洲天王周杰伦“超时代”演唱会DVD将于1月25日发行。DVD中收录了 蔡依林 担任嘉宾, 与周杰伦合唱共舞《给我一首歌的时间》 的珍贵画面,以及 陈奕迅 来欣赏演唱会时与周董互动的逗趣镜头 。 獻禮×堅定自我、戰勝未來幸運物 深藏版限定禮:【深藏不露雙杰棍】 此張 DVD+2CDs深藏版 ,特別製作以等比例縮小, 高17公分的迷你雙截棍 ,雙截棍對杰倫的意義非凡,不僅是演唱會必備的壓軸曲目,也是最能夠代表杰倫出道十年來為華人爭光的精神;雙截棍這項武器,是李小龍的必備武器, 更能代表華人不屈不撓的精神。作為贈品,也代表是堅定自我、戰勝未來的幸運物! 舞台×華麗中古+頹廢搖滾+未來世界太空船 整 體舞台視覺設計上是以「未來世界」及「太空船」為主要概念,舞台以「太空船」的形貌作主軸呈現,並融入「頹廢搖滾」與「中古世紀」的元素在其中,形成強烈 的反差,華麗的視覺衝擊,重新定義演唱會舞台的空間感與時間感,聆賞整場演出,不僅僅是聽音樂,而是創造一種全新的視聽體驗,呼應演唱會主題【超時代】, 就是要超越時代,創造新體驗! 特效×360度浮空立體呈像+Mapping技術=杰倫的音樂宇宙 前幾場周杰倫在台北的演 唱會都是在

DiGi iPhone4 Review Focus on 5MP Camera

Still remember when I received this iPhone4 from DiGi, I was happy to be one of the selected blogger to review it . However, it wasn't that easy for me during the time reviewing it , there is pro and con of having a iPhone4 Demo Unit to review. Good thing for iPhone4 Demo Set , you get to enjoy a lot of games like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja and Avatar 3D that impressed me the most. The phone wasn't lag at all when playing this 3D game! Bad thing is I can't have all the social media apps as demo set iPhone prohibited me to download install any apps from Apple Mac Apps Store, and photo+video taken through the phone will not be able to retrieved to PC. Therefore, I meet DiGi personnel to get the iPhone4 have a soft reset so that I can customize it and suit my social media use. Immediately I installed TweetDeck, FourSquare, and some other aps including Instagram. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I wasn't able to review the phone properly especially when t

超級星光大道Jess Lee李佳薇-"勇敢"的满分赢着"回家"

超級星光大道 李佳薇-勇敢 About 李佳薇 Jess Lee: 昵称:铁肺女王 国籍:马来西亚 "不认识我,会觉得我樣子很骄傲。认识了我,会看到我傻傻的笑臉。跟我熟了,其实我是你好朋友。我不敢说自己热爱音乐,我只是爱唱歌~喜欢被聆听的感觉~" Jess Lee李佳薇 sang this song 张惠妹的“勇敢@Brave” in Taiwan Superstar Avenue 超級星光大道 with full emotions and managed to grab everyone's including judges' heart. 勇敢@Brave helps her get full marks 30/30 points! Let's listen to the song below. Jess Lee李佳薇-勇敢 ( 张惠妹) with invertiews and judge opinion Jess Lee李佳薇-勇敢 ( 张惠妹) [song only] 李佳薇30分至 喜极而泣 Jess Lee 's tears of joy after got her first 30 points full marks! "今天一覺醒來,覺得自己昨晚好像發了一場夢..多少人的祝福,多少人的肯定,讓我更勇敢地走下去...2個30分,真的讓我很難想像,真的很感恩....真的很謝謝我家人的支持,工作人員給我的意見,陶子姐&評審老師們的肯定,樂隊老師燈光師的配合,幫了我超多的叮噹姐,還有支持我的朋友們,佳薇會繼續加油,希望總決賽的表演會讓你們覺得更棒!!!+薇+油!!!!!!" I like her attitude of appreciating everyone who giving comments to her singing talent, fans who support her and music teacher that help her get one step further to achieve her dream. Do remember her name Jess Lee 李佳薇 “佳薇!! 你为马来西亚争光!! 加油!! 你的努力是我们

Volkswagen TSI & DSG Experience: The Golf & Scirocco

Harlo guys, my Volkswagen TSI & DSG Experience continues here. Last post I was talking about the driving experience of The Polo . Today I am gonna share about Volkswagen Golf and Volkswagen Scirocco. Above picture was taken when I was resting behind in Volkswagen Golf. The space is wider when compared with the Polo. Out of all three I personally like The Golf the most because not only it is more comfortable, the automatic speed up is very smooth too =) With just a soft press on the paddle, I can easily reach 140 km/h++. Usually when you driving that fast the car already emitting sound and vibrate but not for Golf. You still can enjoy the music in the car without all those annoying noise. If you ask me I will definitely pick Golf because I can fetch my parents comfortably. As for The Scirocco , it is more suitable for couple who like small and faster pick up speed. Since it has only two door, it won't be suitable for my parents/grandparents to sneak into the car through the f

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