
Showing posts with the label Thought

Finding Great Blog Topics [Blogging Tips]

If you run a blog, there's a strong chance that a week, a month, a year, or even ten years in, there'll come a day where you just won't know what to write about. That's okay - inspiration isn't a constant thing for anyone, and reading off a list can sometimes make the act of writing an interesting post feel robotic - which tends to come through in your finished post! So what do you do when looking at your blog and thinking "well, I'd better write something interesting"? The best thing you can do to start off with is to relax, unwind, and let your mind drift over what you've been thinking about today. It sounds random, but most good blogs are random! Author blogs, for example, are great if you're looking for writing advice, but this is somewhat misleading given that the author's not there to advise people - only to talk about what they're writing! But hearing them chat about anything from shopping to Partypoker makes them th

Pout At The Brightside

This picture was taken by the little kid in the house I am staying right now. He is always happy to play with my Nikon D90. As long the strap is hanging around his neck, I will let him play and to learn something =) Today marks the day I get myself 50mm f1.8 as belated birthday present. Will make good use on coming Chinese New Year! Below is a video with "Look at the brightside" spirit, hope you can understand it: A video about a person had a dream. He told 2 person. Same story but different feedback. It really depends on how you look at certain thing. Sometimes bad things that happened wasn't that bad at all =) This is a random post on weekend. I will try to post something relaxing every weekend in future =) Stay positive ar! Hwaiting! You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

Definition of Gorgeous [PG13/18SX]

[Attention] Some people might think this is "haram" or "porno" because of their religion. Therefore, please think twice before continue reading kay? For me, this is one kind of art. Vimeo is a place where I can stumble upon some nice video. Today gonna share a video defining "gorgeous" . I find it artistic yet beautiful with some common questions that female usually ask. Below are some screen shoots: "Gorgeous" means splendid or sumptuous in appearance "Everyone response to Gorgeous" "Gorgeous has no limits" "Gorgeous knows gorgeous when he see it" "Gorgeous, within reach by bodySCULPT " by *Click Play, then pause and let it load finish for better viewing experience* This is actually a commercial by bodySCULPT , a plastic surgery center in New York City. I didn't know this is a commercial until I google about the video. Does this video able to captivate your mind? This was taken dur

After Badminton Before Monday

Today marked the day I sweat the most just because I played badminton today. Until nose can appear pink+red. Figured out Tim and Nicholas are good player. Including Tim's friend - Gin. In short, my fault for those who teamed with me cos we keep losing lol. I am not a Malaysian when you are talking about badminton. I don't know the usual rules too. ^@^" Today casual Sunday is going to pass soon, are you ready for Monday (blue)? You are safe to stay in connect with Facebook, as Facebook will NOT end on March 15 . Will share more photos of the badminton moment =) You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

I Won A Netbook! Thanks Toshiba PC Malaysia!

Not sure if you guys remember Toshiba PC Malaysia X'Mas Dream Come True Giveaway that I shared and participated in. Guest what, I won a Netbook for the first time~! Thanks to Toshiba PC Malaysia for accepting my creativity =) Visit here to check my winning entry . First of all, thanks to all my friends who like the photo as support and congratz me on FB + Twitter =) Just now I checked on Toshiba FB Page and saw the feedback by some fans, which is quite unhappy with the result. But anyway, congratz to other winners [Bei Bao, Sue-Ann Chia, CiaWei Ong & Calvin Klein] as I think their slogan entries are creative too. Created a song for Toshiba and write in different language. Definitely creative people =) Before I join this contest, I did read through their T&C stated again and again before I submit my entry and to make sure it is creative + daring enough to catch the judges' attention. So I took risk for this contest because they never mention "No you can'

TianChad's #2010was a Revolution!

Since it a bit troublesome to review month by month, I will pick certain posts in every month while look back at 2010. Whether it is a success or bad encounter in 2010. Ah, a person can change a lot in just 12 months right? JANUARY Early in 2010, I have figured out that staying in a lab with a 9-5 fix hour job is not my future vision. It took me quite long time until I dare to take an action in April. Bought my first DSLR Nikon D90 and it serving me well starting that day. The reason to get a DSLR is I wanna take more nice looking photo especially at night. Thanks to Xeroz couple to buy along with me =) Down with dengue fever and only manage to find out after I am recovering with itchy hands and limbs. Lucky for not being sent to hospital =) Blog featured on The Star R.AGE A little success to get this page noticed~ FEBRUARY Kris Allen music showcase thanks to LG for invite~ First time impressed with my DSLR because it produce nicer picture~ Look at the brightside - Sunshine Boy The

Alviss Kong Suicide followed by Lun Sky. Hoax or Not?

I am sure tons of Malaysian and even people from other countries already knew about this news regarding a Malaysian - Alviss Kong suicide after leaving a note and countdown on Facebook . Picture credits to For this incident, he mentioned that he "wish" the new guy will take care of his beloved girlfriend very well. But I would say he is somehow threatening both of them with his death. This is not the right way to wish happiness to others. Besides, a person should have positive thought as he/she could get something better than what he is having now. That's how most of the people can success in certain thing. But he choose to leave the world. Not long after that, another guy on Facebook with nickname (Lun Sky) did the similar thing counting down he want to leave the world (again) on 12AM tonight (15 Dec 2010) . "我又想死了,我活的好苦啊!!!你们又懂些什么!!!你们了解我吗!!今晚12点,我将安静的离开!到时候你们就知道这是不是玩笑!!!爸妈,我走了,我要去一个新的世界,开始新的生活!!粉丝们,谢谢你们的支持,我并不是在炒人气!我就是我!不需要模仿别人!剩下的几小时我会慢慢的过这些时光

Sleep Like An Acorn + Thank You

This little insect was found at Bukit Tinggi sleeping like an acorn. It was hibernating and I put it on a chair for snapping its photo. Caption created because that's the feeling I am having now. I need to sleep Z.z Yesterday back from Wonder Girls concert @ Genting and found my car battery died off. Asked help on Twitter and thanks for friends who retweeted it and try to help =) In short, I have two savior (Zi Jian and Raymond Phan) come all the way just to jerk start/ jump start my car. You guys totally save my life! This is what would happen when you are a guy who studied Biotech instead of Engineering course lol. Appreciate for their help and this post is actually for me to remember what happened at this particular date. Feel blessed with friends like this and gratitude for everything! Okay it is time for me to sleep like an acorn. Rest well everyone! Seems like the news about Marion Caunter getting married with Nassarudin is getting hotter and hotter? You can subscribe t

Amit Concert @ Genting Rocks + Wonder

Back from Amit + Ah Mei Concert at Genting Arena of Star and would say she is awesome when she rocks =) If only I could stand nearer to snap her photo like the camera man. Casinos in Genting, went in 4 times IC being checked twice. Should I feel good or bad? ;p Seems like it is time for me to sleep earlier tonight. Hope you guys have a happy weekend! I guess some of you already having December the whole month as holiday? If free remember to visit i-City Shah Alam for their Christmas decorations ~ Now all I ever wanted is upcoming 1st Wonder Girls Concert @ Genting ~! You can try to win concert tickets from Resorts World Genting's FB Page ~! *finger crossed* You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

Stop Child Abuse...Stop Abandon Us

"I have no name, abandoned in a place where my parent hope I won't be found." The first thing that appear in my thought about child abuse will be the dumping of babies/fetuses and they were treated like a rubbish. There were cases of newborns abandoned in the streets or at rubbish dumps. Imagine a body of a baby boy who was left on the roadside was found by passers-by, with his left hand bitten off by wild dogs... Some were abandoned, dump at toilet or even buried... What happen to parents nowadays? How could the parents just dump their babies without even have chance to see the world better. If you are not ready yet to be a responsible parent, stop the "reproduction process". There is always this thing call condom and it is even cheaper than the cigarettes. Don't be a selfish guy just to have short moment of "happiness". I am sure some of you have watched the baby abortion video before. So do I. Sometimes a person can promise to take care o

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