
Showing posts with the label Health

SKYTREX Challenge!! Would you?

Continue from last Skytrex post Now I would like to share and talk about the whole story ;p This is the Peacock like bugs that I found near the bench. It has a fury tail and it will jump 360 degree when you touched the tail. I guess it is a kind of bug that harm plants. Then I saw an army of insects leaving a trail on the road. They are the bloody red ants that wont let you go after they start bite you. Morning glory, blury me Later on, when I saw Li Ern arrived she start doing "DIY" for her car The automobile window broken and gotta cover with plastic to avoid rain + thieve I heard that Proton Wajar always need to have their broken window fixed too Can't wait and start photoshoot with the morning sun using "Self Potrait". Me + Sarita Chan A group photo before enter Skytrex ;p (acquired from Simon Koh) A statue appeared after passed the entrance This is the Mini Bus that fetch us all the way into the Skytrex Forest Munira + Me + Moon Chan (acquired from Simon K

ING Seminar @ BonTon Restaurant

On 12th of October, Me + Marccus + Pei Ying was invited by Nicole to attend an ING seminar. Thanks to Nicole for inviting us ;p The seminar talk was located at Bon Ton Restaurant which is kind classy and a good place to go at night. ING Annual Income Climate Structured Fund Marccus is doing the BMI + BodyFat + Body Age test. Look how happy he is ;p Because his body age is 19~ Whereas for me my body is older than my real age...Sigh After the seminar talk , we did our blood test using microscope and this is the Dr. who operate the microscope and do the test. He is always starting his talk with this before doing test for the person. "You know? Your blood is the river of your life!" The funniest thing happened is that the Dr. scare the girl will feel pain when he poke her finger for blood . So he adjust the "finger poker" to the lowest and safe level which kindly "touch" her finger. As a result, the girl was poked three times then only able to get a litt


I have been searching for the possible symptoms and here they are: The carrier will have a mild anemia which means that the carrier will have a mild reduce in the red blood cells within his body. The thalassemia minor carrier will also have a mild enlargement in the spleen (organ which is located adjacent to the stomach and which stores or filters the blood). A potential thalassemia carrier will also experience fatigue and tiredness more usual compared to a healthy individual. This means that, a potential thalassemia carrier will feel tired both physically and mentally. In addition to that, if an individual is suffering from shortness of breath, he should also be more aware about this health conditions as normally, an individual suffering from shortness of breath may very well be a potential carrier of the thalassemia disease. If blood trace is found on an individual's urine, the individual should visit his general practitioner as soon as possible as blood trace in urine may very w

"Look Gan"

Do you know what is this? It's called "Look Gan" I forgot if its name is in cantonese or malay. All I remember is the shape and the GOOD taste of this "Look Gan" It is tasty and the only thing that you need to do is to cook it in a pot without water. Therefore, I think next time BBQ can add this in menu :) ---------------------------------------------------------- Today was a rainy day, therefore overslept again~ I wonder what's wrong with my handphone, no signal at all. That time only I know today is my due date. I called my mom if she had pay the bill as I become her subline since Feb. Changing my prepaid to post-paid/family package. But after passed a few months only I know that my mum didn't use her line at all. That means every month RM 50 was paid for nothing for a period of time. Therefore asking her to cancel the line and reverse my line to prepaid. Aiks... something done wrong and both the telephone line was terminated and I'm not able to re

A traditional way to cure eyesight problem

This is a traditional way to help prevent your eye getting worst and also cure numerous kind of eyesight problems. In this movie clip you will see that the "doctor" will use a needle with a red thread sting through the nerve around the ear and pull it out again. Yeap, it will hurt but it is just like ant's bite. This "doctor" is staying in Malaysia, Melaka. And lucky that I staying there and can go for the treatment without traveling far. ;p And I gotta tell you that the treatment works! The only thing is it depends on the individual. Different person will have different effects and results.

What's wrong with what we eat?

In this fiery and funny talk New York Times food writer M ark B ittman weighs in on what's wrong with the way we eat now T oo much meat, T oo few plants; T oo much fast food, T oo little home cooking and why it's putting the entire pl a n e t at risk. --------------------------------------------------- What will our planet become in 10 more years?

Malta or Milo ?

This morning 4 AM, my stomach wake me up. The turning inside my stomach makes me feel really bad... Diarrhea attack me since 4AM and I can't go back to sleep as the pounding pain is still inside of me even I ate some medicine. Therefore, I prefer to stay at living room to prepare for my second diarrhea as sometime when I keep walking in and out of the room sure I will cause disturbance to my roommate which can't have a nice nap during afternoon. Sitting in the living room without doing anything. Closing my eye and can't stop thinking of my next paper that I haven't finish study and try to ignore the pain. It is like just a while and the clock showed 7 AM and the sky getting brighter. After a few more war in the toilet then go back to sleep after feeling better. Waked up at 11 something then sleep back after eating porridge that was "da bao" by WeiXian. Thanks. Now I know how tired to be sick as I only wake up at 6 PM again and this is how I spend my half day


一提到保護眼睛視力,大家都會聯想到維生素A。其實,還有很多的營養素也和眼睛發展、視力保健有密切關係,因此,請幫助孩子多多從不同飲食內容來均衡攝取這些營養素,讓孩子不但吃得健康,更能吃出好視力! 避免眼睛乾澀的 --- 維生素 A   維生素A是黏膜細胞分化的必須成分,黏液不夠的話,眼睛就會乾澀、疲勞、充血,因此維生素 A 或是它的前身 -- 胡蘿蔔素可以幫助預防眼睛乾澀不適,甚至夜盲症與乾眼症。維生素 A 的食物來源包括動物肝臟、蛋黃、牛奶及奶製品、黃綠色的蔬菜瓜果──如花椰菜、南瓜、紅蘿蔔、芒果等。如果吃魚肝油,需要注意適量原則,九歲以下的兒童需要量不超過 4200IU ,十歲到十五歲之間大約 4600IU 。對小朋友而言如果一天內攝取 18,500IU ,會引起中毒現象,例如頭暈嘔吐、胃痛、拉肚子喔。 視覺細胞的維繫功臣 --- 維生素 B 群   眼睛有不少的視覺神經細胞,因此維持神經系統健康的大功臣──維生素 B 群,也和視力息息相關。中國人烹調食物喜歡煎煮炒炸,很容易破壞怕高溫的維生素 B1 ,加上大部分的人喜歡吃精緻食物,米麥的胚芽、外殼精華成分都被丟棄掉了,減少維生素 B1 攝取機會。維生素 B2 、 B6 、菸鹼酸、 B12 一起攝取效果最佳,主要在動物肝臟、乳類、瘦肉、綠葉蔬菜、豆類、小麥胚芽、糙米或胚芽米、啤酒酵母中最多,以複方維他命攝取效果比單方好。 保護眼球健康的 --- 維生素 C   維生素 C 主要功能是在抗氧化,防止視網膜受到紫外線傷害、防止水晶體老化,增加眼睛裡面的細小血管韌性、修護細胞,幫助增進眼球健康。基本上人體無法儲存維生素 C ,必須要每天從食物攝取,在深綠色及黃紅色蔬果裡面最多,還有番石榴、蕃茄、草莓、奇異果、葡萄柚等水果當中也很多,所以不愛吃水果的人要試著改變習慣。盡量勿服用單方的維生素 C 來補充,免得長期下來導致草酸或尿酸結石。   這三類對於眼睛健康相當重要的營養成分──維生素A、維生素B群、維生素C,應能在平日飲食中就可以足夠地的供應了,因此,爸媽只要注重孩子飲食種類的均衡,不要吃太多精緻與加工食物,再配合正常作息與用眼習慣,就能夠擁有健康明亮的雙眼喔! ( 奇蜜親子網專業編輯 ) ---------------------------------------------


禁忌: 痛风别喝豆浆 鸡蛋与白糖豆浆别同吃   豆浆是一种老幼皆宜、价廉质优的液态营养品,它所含的铁元素是牛奶的6倍,所含的蛋白质虽不如牛奶高,但在人体内的吸收率可达到85%,因此有 人称豆浆为“植物牛奶”。清晨,喝一碗豆浆吃几个小笼包子,这种传统的吃法既方便又营养,可有时候,喝了豆浆肚子疼的事时有发生,甚至与“食物中毒”联系 起来。 N=1 忌喝未煮熟的豆浆   很多人喜欢买生豆浆回家自己加热,加热时看到泡沫上涌就误以为已经煮沸,其实这是豆浆的有机物质受热膨胀形成气泡造成的上冒现象,并非沸腾,是没有熟的。   没有熟的豆浆对人体是有害的。因为豆浆中含有两种有毒物质,会导致蛋白质代谢障碍,并对胃肠道产生刺激,引起中毒症状。预防豆浆中毒的办法就是 将豆浆在100℃的高温下煮沸,就可安心饮用了。如果饮用豆浆后出现头痛、呼吸受阻等症状,应立即就医,绝不能延误时机,以防危及生命。 N=2 忌在豆浆里打鸡蛋   很多人喜欢在豆浆中打鸡蛋,认为这样更有营养,但这种方法是不科学的,这是因为,鸡蛋中的黏液性蛋白易和豆浆中的胰蛋白酶结合,产生一种不能被人体吸收的物质,大大降低了人体对营养的吸收。 N=3 忌冲红糖   豆浆中加红糖喝起来味甜香,但红糖里的有机酸和豆浆中的蛋白质结合后,可产生变性沉淀物,大大破坏了营养成分。 N=4 忌装保温瓶   豆浆中有能除掉保温瓶内水垢的物质,在温度适宜的条件下,以豆浆作为养料,瓶内细菌会大量繁殖,经过3~4个小时就能使豆浆酸败变质。 N=5 忌喝超量   一次喝豆浆过多容易引起蛋白质消化不良,出现腹胀、腹泻等不适症状。 N=6 忌空腹饮豆浆   豆浆里的蛋白质大都会在人体内转化为热量而被消耗掉,不能充分起到补益作用。饮豆浆的同时吃些面包、糕点、馒头等淀粉 类食品,可使豆浆中蛋白质等在淀粉的作用下,与胃液较充分地发生酶解,使营养物质被充分吸收。 N=7 忌与药物同饮   有些药物会破坏豆浆里的营养成分,如四环素、红霉素等抗生素药物。 ■ 特别提醒   ★急性胃炎和慢性浅表性胃炎患者不宜食用豆制品,以免刺激胃酸分泌过多加重病情,或者引起胃肠胀气。   ★豆类中含有一定量低聚糖,可以引起嗝气、肠鸣、腹胀等症状,所以有胃溃疡的朋友最好少吃。胃炎、肾功能衰竭的病人需要低蛋白饮食,而豆类及其

Health Tips: Getting your nap on

NAP is not just for toddlers. Napping makes great sense for adults, whether or not it puts you in touch with your inner child. When adults napped between 2 and 4 p.m. , one recent study showed, they performed better on tests and had no problems falling asleep at night. NASA found that military pilots and astronauts who took a 40-minute nap improved alertness by 100 percent and performance by 34 percent, and recent Harvard University research also revealed that college students who napped between tasks performed better than those who stayed awake. How does napping work its brain magic? "It may protect brain circuits from overuse until those neurons can consolidate what's been learned about a procedure," says Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., coauthor of the Harvard study. Unless you know the correct way to conduct a daytime doze, however, you could snooze and lose. "Napping can steal the drive for nighttime sleep, so you need to be cautious," says David Neubauer, M.D., a