Malaysian photographer & blogger who capture precious moments and share with like-minded people worldwide. Currently spending more time with his baby princess. Check out Instagram @tianchad
This would be the individual post about my DiGi Internet Pimped my day and I will share what I feel.
Seriously, I was sick that day, but due to the spirit of teamwork and my die-die-also-must-go spirit, I still went to duel with this DiGi challenge.
DiGi Internet Pimp My Day @ Mardi Gras (1Utama), 9 Jan 2010
You know how it feel when you are sick and still need to drive? Fortunately I was saved by my angelic teammates. I feel super lucky because my teammates offered to fetch me instead of let me drive alone to 1U. Thanks ZJ and Nicole +Wern the paramedic that can supply many different types of medication to me =)
Once we registered at the counter we were given something to Pimp Our Day~! What was it? DiGi Internetof course =)
Everybody were dressed in Yellow because we wanted to win the RM300 Levi's Cash Voucher
Even though I was sick I still attracted by the appearance of the DiGi dolls. One of the doll - Adele
I found that the emcee for the night, Samuel is a really funny person. That's why you can't see my sick face from the picture above.
We were given eight challenges (what a lucky number?) to finish before go for the final round challenges. Insides all the challenge, some will needs your stamina, some needs inteligence, creativity, and speed.
I kinda stunted when I saw Celebrity Fitness inside the list as that is the place where you'll see human running on the treadmills. Sigh...sick people's stamina (me) = almost zero and inteligence + speed will also deteriorate too.
Without much time given to choose which challenge we are going to have first, Samuel started the run already.
So we, being the Yellowcitizen for the day started our challenge by rushing out from Mardi Gras, like a swarm of DiGibees.
Something funny happened to me, I thought the security stopped me for a body temperature check up because of Ms. H1N1 but no it is not. I was questioned by him, "Where the hell you all yellowcitizen come out from? What are you doing? Got permit or not?".
I replied him question by question just like the small little kid. Then only he let me go and I found my teammates already rushed to nowhere....Yes, I am lost!
Sigh, that's why my team ends up reaching late because I was being questioned while they rushing to the first station. Guys, sorry for being too obedient!
Here we are, the 1st challenge station in Celebrity Fitness. The DiGiman kinda shy with two girls.
We were ought to run for 800m and then our running speed will be recorded. Fastest team speed will win them RM300 Nike Voucher !
My three very energetic teammates - Ange, Nicole, ZJ
Since I am still waiting for my machine, I go and snap the running face.
All my teammates are running fast and I know I am the slow runner. This is because my anemia getting worst once I fallen sick.
To further challenge my stamina, we heading to Batting cages which is way up high on 1Utama. I really really shouldn't choose to climb the stairs because it is freaking damn long and high! I was wonder how I can finish the climbing, maybe I-will-follow-you-spirit made my day. *grins*
My stamina immediately dropped from 60% >> 15%. Just left enough for my other challenge...
Batting Cages is the cool place for you to play ball. I mean HIT the ball.
Even though we were there, we decided to change to another station because there are many teams that queuing up to do this challenge and it needs long time.
So there we go, Quicksilver station. The modeling us. With DiGi and Quicksilver. We surf without fear, pose without fear!
Then we went to DiGi Center and need to create a play list throughDiGiMusic adding LadyGaga and Akon to the list. I always download music from DiGi Music since I become a member since they launched, but yet still not familiar with creating playlist...Therefore...forget about scoring it...
After that we went to blowpipe to shoot the "bull's eye"
This is my funny moment captured by my teammates
There is another challenge around RainForest which about solving the number puzzle. I gotta comment about that challenge. We were asked to watch a video on the phone. The video quality is so harsh that we can't see clearly what is inside. So I guess we just need to listen?
What more, to solve the puzzle you don't even need to watch the video as all you need is your mobile dictionary. Besides, the example given at above of the question kinda confused us. That's why I feel cheated in this round of challenge.
DiGi, always the smarter choice, but customer now are cleverer too
Last station for us, the Swatch + DiGi Internet Video recording session. At this moment my brain already stop functioning. So I let the girls do the thinking.
After finish this challenge they decided to go back to the Batting Cage and hit some ball. I refuse to go there because I feel that we are running out of time as haven't upload the video and photos + tag each of them. Another reason is because I am seriously running out of stamina, won't capable to climb the stairs and stay alive again. [I know there is lift, but I just don't feel like moving that time]
Thanks my teammates for so considerate, love you all =D
We went back to Mardi Gras to check in and the challenge haven't over! We were told to blog about this whole challenge within 2 hours using the given DiGi Internet. Their judging criteria including our creativity, continuity and most importantly the teamwork spirit.
Since Nicole is the team leader she will write the team blog post. I am already in PC "Sleep" mode as you can see on the picture! Oh, we choose to blog at the food court instead of Mardi Gras because the WiFi signal for DiGi Internet is way better there. With just few clicks all our photos were uploaded to Facebook and the tagging is instantly done too!
Not to mentioned we upload our video to YouTube and FaceBook with ease too! At that moment I feel like I wanna dump my home internet service because I like the high speed DiGi Internet when we are at the food court! [PS: To all DiGi Internet User who reading this post, 1Utama FoodCourt is definitely a good place for you to surf the net. Got power plug point some more~!]
Nicole is the one who edit our video. She totally makes the video looks much better =) So...below is the video~!
In the meantime I was hoping that I can be as energetic as this kid hanging on the steel and playing around. Like DiGi said:" All so easy~"
Thank you for the fast DiGi Internet especially at the food court, we able to finish the blog post in time and submit to TimeOut and DiGi. I feel relieved that we all have done our job and can enjoy the dinner now~!
Every team was given a table number and here is ours lucky 7, specially for "The Ultimate Clue Busters!"
DiGi are so generous to employ two sexy DiGigirl do poledance performance. I am sure all the guys in the hall are pumped up.
9th Jan 2010 is also the prize giving ceremony day for people who joined DiGi One day One Laptop contest. All you have to do to win is to subscribe to DiGi Internet. It is extremely easy you know?
The mom and the adorable winner~!
Generous DiGi give out a laptop everyday for a month, so they are all the lucky winners!
Eh? What are my teammates doing? Haha they are praying hard for the war cry contest =)
However, here is the war cry winning team - The Beacons~! Congratz!
War cry by The Beacons
War Cry by The Ultimate Clue Busters I definitely hope that there is at least a 2nd prize because we do understand what is a war cry With our war cry can call out DiGi-Superman you know?
There are other performance besides the pole dance. KL Stompers did a great job in creating rhythmic music. Just feel the beats and clap your hand~!
In order to judge who should be the winning team of best dress out. Both team (DiGi Dolls and "DiGi Crown") trying very hard competing with each other. It always involve the poles. Don't trust me? See below
"Shy versus Wild" To be a blogger we need to be open sometimes. But sorry, I am the shy one when come to dancing ^@^"
By comparing the wildness and open of the two teams, the team who get the loudest cheers from the crowd will bring back the RM300 Levi Voucher. Congratz to the "DiGi Crown Team" [ Sorry I forgot the team's name]
Last but not least, thanks to DiGi and Nuffnang for organizing this Pimp My Day Challenge as I have learned that teamwork is very important for us to win this game. I feel lucky to have caring team members and they are so supportive, creative and capable! Of course, without DiGi Internet our pimped day won't be so smooth.
DiGi, you already Pimped my Day, would you pimp my year? =D ~THE E.N.D ~
Thanks for the mention. :D
ReplyDeleteWoot your team are worth to be mentioned~ No problem =D