My Smirnoff Vodka & Man U Merchandise

Hello to all my dear readers, sorry for having less blog post these days as my broadband will only "recover" after next month [being throttled because hit the monthly 3GB quota]. Seriously, I am now blogging in a cyber-cafe and just done my blogpost for LG Blog too. Please don't forget to visit ya.

Last month, I won myself a Smirnoff Vodka and some merchandise from CLIVE Magazine

First time won a Vodka
specially from Clive Magazine.

This is my lucky winning as I only send one SMS for this competition =)

Honestly I like to join contest as much as I can =)

Man U Shirts + Smirnoff Cap

The back of the Shirt

Since I am not a football fans I guess I will give it out to one of my lucky MU friend? =D
I won't know you are interested unless you tell me.


PS: Vodka will stay with me la ^@^"


  1. Erm..*knock knock*

    I know u only want the bottle rite? So, if the Vodka stays Nicole stays too..haha..i help u finish the vodka then u can fill ur bottle with water and keep. XD

  2. [KY]
    You do? =D
    *High 5*

    [† ИICHOLAS †]
    Vodka stay with me =)
    I will give it to someone having his/her birthday soon ;p

    [Wo Shi Nicole aka MsXeRoZ]
    Nicole go drink the fermented drink at ZJ house. More healthy ar! ;p

    [♥ Renise]
    Not sure about that, but I like the bottle too!! XD

  3. ooo this is sick as
    definitely would love to own this.
    since you are giving it away i thought i'd just leave a comment to let you know i'm interested.
    christmas is coming up and my boyfriend and i are doing a pressent a day thing.
    and i know he wants a smirnoff shirt. and you have no idea how unbelievably hard they are to find..and just to add i know how much he'd love this, see as though he is a huuuuuuuuge soccer fan.
    so yeah, just let me know.
    would help alot.

  4. [livingonadrenaline]
    Hi there, the shirt has been given to one of my friend as birthday gift ar.
    Now left with the Smirnoff cap, if you want =)


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