Nuffnang Music Bash '09 Happening @ Maison

Basically you have seen few of the pictures from here
And yeah I think I wasn't qualified to the "Live Blogging" Contest~
But nevermind, atleast I have fun right?
(Self consolation-ing)

I would suggest Nuffnang have a "Post-Party Blogging Contest" :)

WARNING: This will be another blog post with TONS of photo

Early in the evening I have arrived YengYeng's house.
I only told her that I will wear green+black shirt with a jean
Resulting she has tried many clothes to suit with me but still can't decide which one to wear.

Luckily I reach earlier and she gets the idea what to wear instantly.
She thought I was wearing mostly-green-with-some-black-stripes-shirt
and keep searching for the green clothes :X

Sorry for that ;p

On the way going to Maison
I accidentally took the wrong road and eventually had a "sight-seeing journey" of KLIA/Putrajaya Express Highway
This has eaten up a lot of my time as we can only U-Turn at the end of the Express Highway.

In the end we reach there around 7 PM
So this is YengYeng, my partner

I saw Ev (Yenniedoll) outside and think she was waiting for friend

We need to be tagged with the "Maison Bracelet" before go in Maison

The entry pass with an unlucky number C 00748 :X

Saw a lot of bloggers in the hall already and I just missed the performance by the Musicon Celebrities/ Bloggers!

The Hollogram Performance that I've missed
Not bad not bad :)

The 3 lovely ladies - Cindy, Kellster and Tzia

The nominated videos were broadcasted

In the party, free foods were provided and since it was very dark
The assistant there actually need to keep telling us
"This is Sotong, that is Beef & those are Chicken"

It would be better if can put spotlights on the foods :)

This is the "Star Making Movie Station"
You can see alot of star's video on YouTube :)

Yeng Yeng enjoying the foods

The second blogger I have take picture with - Gregorule

I thought we can only redeem one soft drink but hey free booze is being served too~!

YengYeng enjoying Heineken

After finished our foods we go walk around and give others the place to eat
Saw Zues with Goay on his name-tag
Wonder if it is about the incident he met not long ago? ;p

Ops, it is his surname! XD

Met CookieDonut at the toilet

And my favourite Comic Blogger - Jian @ Akiraceo
His video is nominated too :)
*Next time I will make sure we take a good photo :p*

Simon Seow as the 70's /80's Musicon Celebrity with grey hair
His Rihanna's Video was nominated too!

Looks like someone is providing free hugs
And it was provided by Serge!

Haha! I saw Andrew the X-Japan Artist!

And the usual Andrew :)

Still, Nigel Sia the guy with the happiest smile :)

Sitting at the couch upstair
Camwhore abit ;p

Saw Boss Stewie - Timothy Tiah
*Mis-spelled his surname, paiseh*

And his princess - FourFeetNine
She is really cute and her favourite quote is "wtf"
Haha ;p

Since something is going to happen at the stage
We went down and find a good spot to see the show ;p

Was standing beside Sue :)
I accidentally made her emo after the party.
Sorry again, I really didn't mean it T.t

CopyKate was there too :)
One of the Kate Perry that night

The first game that I witness :)
The longest breath singer will win them a PEAK Sunglasses
Ends up the winner are Bryan and Blue

The second game is interesting for people to win Armani's Belt

One of the performance by CookieDonut

Lets jumped to the PK section

Two extra participant was required to PK with each other on the stage
YennieDoll was on the stage :)

Okay, let see what you saw on this picture.
Ev was trying to dance with him?
Or titillate him??

If you see properly it was the guy accidentally step on Ev's foot while PK-ing
And Ev can only push him away cos it hurts!
Hope Ev's foot is recovering now by wearing the Armani Belt ;p

Here is the video

Later on after the win
She was requested to do the slow pace grooving :)
Did YennieDoll pawned you?

The Emcee that night is Liang
He is very humor XD

And a good dancer! Saw how he shake his buttock? XD

was doing the lucky draws and giving prize to the media :)
Later on "Let the Music heal your soul" performed by dearest Nuffies

Here come the Jai-Ho Performance by the five dearest Nuffies!
Please notice the dance step after 1:41
Does it looks like drying the cloth and mop the window again? ;p

After that, MC Liang calling out the finalists for Best Impersonate Celebrity

Jolyn - Lady Marmalade


Jolene - Lady Gaga
Okay, the 6 finalist has done their best to impress the judges

Took a picture with ShaolinTiger while we are waiting for the results
He is the tallest among us!

So here we are, who is the winner??

Inviting Maxis's Judge to giving out the presents for Most Creative Blog post

The Nokia 5800 Express Music goes to....

She had a cannily written Music Bash Post

This is her Winning Video~
I think Maxis's Element increased her chance for winning

What is your opinion? :)
I don't dare to say she has the best voice BUT she has a good voice :)
*Sue please don't emo when you see this T.t*

iPod Touch was giving out~!
She is pretty :)

Yeah, the two winner of iPod Touch 8GB!

The Uninspiring Blogpost winner that get a pair of Gold Class Movie Tickets
She is _______?

Huai Bin with the "Harry Potter's Broom" + Two Pasar Malam's Plastic Guns ;p
He was one of the winner too

Here come the PS3 BIG Prize!!

Bye SONY PS3... Cos you are going home with Julian!

Julian won the biggest prize with his Bob Marley Impersonation

Yatz the winner of Best dressed male :)

Jolene the Best Dressed Female - Lady Gaga
So all the prizes has been given out.
But the party is not going to end
We are welcome to stay at Maison and hang out with others

This is the time I camwhored with the bloggerS I know

Jonathan @ K-Tucky

Chris Tock whom I first met at the Dragonball Evolution Screening

The humor MC Liang with Yeng2 :)

Yatz with his real long hair :)

Jamie the 2nd Kate Perry I met :)

Kate Perry Number 1 is on the dance floor

I went upstair and saw Julian and Jolene doing the Live Blogging

Lady Gaga posed for me :D

Went up stair just to capture down this scene!! ;p
Picture with flash is not nice using my cam
Luckily the light was switched on for a second

One of the New Music Bash USB Modem!!
The R&B Skin

I was playing with the laptop and
Testing the internet surfing speed @ Maison

Later then notice a girl from Music Bash
was keeping all the laptop and USB Modem one by one.

I have noticed that after 10PM all the stuff was packed up very fast!
Thanks to her for letting me play a while before keeping the last laptop ;p

Took a picture with her before we left Maison
Thanks alot to YengYeng because she is my cameraman all night long!

Anyone know her name?

Cos remember one's name is very important XD
*After went to PC Fair recently, saw her again and her name is Fiona*

After I went back, took a bath.
Then only I check the freebies...
Aiks...That was the time i found out there is another step required to join the "Live Blogging Contest"
Which is to email Nuffnang the link of our live post!

I suggest Nuffnang organize a POST-Party Blogging Contest next time
As we need to resize the large pictures to ease for reader to load the site
And yeah 6 laptop was not enough actually ;p

So what is in the bag?
A Window Shade, a Laptop Skin, Nuffnang Badges and other Maxis stuff.

I like this "Shining" POP star :)

This is what it looks like if the laptop skin was put on!This is my first time joining the big event and met so much blogger in one place :)
Perhaps hope there will have more prizes for us to win next time~!

Last but not least, thanks to Nuffnang without forgetting Maxis!! :)


  1. I was shy when I first saw you la ^@^"
    Btw, I was impressed with your "Power of Love"

  2. Who make-up for Andrew?
    You can ask him/her to make up for you too :-P
    Btw, r u the Elvis that night??

  3. We hired a makeup artist that day at Summit, USJ.
    I had the white retro specs so can't really see my face if I were to makeup.
    I was supposed to be David Lee Roth from Van Halen.

  4. Haha, if Nigel wanna be David Lee Roth.
    Need to wear a wig and need to strip cloth one ar.
    (That is what I saw from web's photo search ;p)

    But anyway, I don't know you can sing!

  5. didn't manage to see you too!! Aiseh

  6. Atleast I saw you dance? ;p

  7. Ya they were very quick to pack up at 10! I was in the middle of trying to blog and the lady pulled the modem out without warning me! o_O
    Sorry, I think I never said hello to you? :-[ I'm not very good at that kind of thing...

  8. Actually I can't recognize you are Julian without the "Wtf tag" on head ar.
    I thought you are the Reggae impersonator invited by Maxis that night! ;p

    The modem was plugged off, but still can online one;p
    I asked her already and yes it did (atleast for my laptop?)
    That's why I can surf the net while she packing other laptop XD
    between, she is a sweet girl, ahah!

    Why say sorry, lend me ur PS3 for 1 month enough oledi, wakaka!

  9. My one didn't seem to work... as for the PS3, well I'm probably selling it (sadly :(). Cannot risk spending hours playing games, and can use the money to help fund an expensive trip to Europe in June ...

  10. ahahahhaha my Free hugs sign

  11. Wah, hope you enjoy the trip to Europe soon~

  12. LOL i just noticed you removed the photo XD
    if you wanna put also can 1.. even I looked bad hahaha xD

  13. Yeah, I do care for my reader ^@^~


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