

Wedding Professionals Association Of Malaysia (WPAM) Official launched at photobook Worldwide HQ The Wedding Professionals Association Of Malaysia (WPAM) was officially launched recently at  Photobook Worldwide HQ in Kuala Lumpur. Witnessed by all wedding industry professionals, VIPs and representatives from other associations. As a photographer and blogger myself, I went to check WPAM out and it was a great event to meet up with familiar faces and friends. Thanks Paul Kong for the invitation. Below are the press release so feel free to read more about Wedding Professionals Association of Malaysia (WPAM).

【2020贺岁新年剧 #春天花花花啦啦 】媒体联访:花琪最后和常乐还是陈帅帅在一起? #SingingInTheSpring2020

《春天花花花啦啦  Singing In The Spring 2020 》 2020年1月15日起,每逢星期一至四,晚上9时30分 2020贺岁新年剧 春天花花花啦啦  即将出炉啦。当天记者会在龙狮馆举办,灯光超暗的,幸好有带闪光灯,要不然演员们看起来都乌漆嘛黑了。这一次少了一些演员,但也来了些新面孔。只能说好景不常在,一定要有些新鲜感观众才会看,对吗?以下有访问片段,有时间就看看媒体联访片段吧,让您感觉亲临活动现场;希望下次我有特别的问题能问问看大家,给予你们不一样的体验,大家若有兴趣的话,记得守住我的YouTube或IG,有时候会收集问题问问演员们。当然要感谢 八度空间与首要媒体的邀请啦🤟 《春天花花花啦啦  Singing In The Spring 2020 》 将于2020年1月15日起,每逢星期一至四,晚上9时30分,由Orange 陈慧恬、Jordan盛天俊、Emily陈子颖、Rickman谢承伟、Coby庄可比、Yuan原腾 等人主演的 2020年贺岁电视剧!


AURUM THEATRE @ MID VALLEY SOUTHKEY, JOHOR BAHRU  AURUM THEATRE,  heard of it yet? It is the new experience that you can try if you love luxurious feel by doing more than just watching a movie. I would recommend you this, if you want to pamper yourself with the love one. It's something like 'Dinner In The Sky' but in a cinema hall with very comfortable recliner instead, plus some fine-dine food and drinks without hanging in the sky. Come on and have a look what I saw at the Aurum Theatre in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru . Watch the video below for a quick tour of the Getha Lux Suite movie hall and something that worth a shout out at the Aurum Theatre, especially the Getha recliner with wireless charging and port for your gadget. How much is it to watch a movie in Aurum Theatre?  Watching movie at Aurum Theatre and enjoy a meal or cocktail at Jin Gastrobar will cost you RM120 - RM150 for an Aurum Pass . You'll get to choose a fine-dining selection or

Best Time to Visit Nami Island Secretly Beautiful At Night | Things To Do In #Chuncheon

Best Time to Visit Nami Island Secretly Beautiful At Night  | Things To Do In #Chuncheon I guess you've heard of Nami Island 남이섬 because you've watch the Korean drama, but do you know there's a different kind of Nami Island especially when you wait until it sunset?? On my recent trip to Chuncheon, one of the most unforgettable moment and travel highlight was to visit Nami Island in the evening and see how it transform into something so different and beautiful at night. Staying in Chuncheon was pretty relaxing and I really love the slower life pace in that town. Waking up naturally and enjoying the relaxing burnch before we depart to Nami Island. We took a train from Chuncheon station to Gapyeong Station (total 6 stops) and then a quick taxi ride (5,000 KRW) to Nami Island Departure station. There's also hourly shuttle bus that transfer you at 1,500 KRW only. We need to take a ferry to go into Nami Island, the VISA Entry ticket (included Ferry Fee) to Nami

2020新年贺岁歌与新春节目陪你一起过年 |《2020年新春推介礼》#鼠来宝 #笑笑力量大 #CNYKeepSmiling

《2020年新春推介礼》- “微笑大使”与众艺人主持人大合照 微笑大使 - Rickman 谢承伟, Orange陈慧恬, Henley许亮宇, Joey梁祖仪, Jordan盛天俊, Emily陈子颖, Wilson李伟燊, Sherlyn萧丽玲 配合2020年庚子鼠年的到来,首要媒体集团旗下全马收视率第一的中文电视台八度空间,强力打造 2020年新春活动和同名贺岁专辑《鼠来宝 笑笑力量大 》,与ntv7、网络电视tonton、综合网络新闻平台XTRA、购物平台CJ WOW SHOP、网站Rojaklah、Viralcham、TTN谈谈网,携手传递正能量,与大众一起笑迎新春佳节! 首要媒体《2020年新春推介礼》于雪兰莪莎阿南Central i-City盛大举行,8位新春活动“微笑大使”包括 Rickman谢承伟、Orange陈慧恬、Henley许亮宇、Joey梁祖仪、Jordan盛天俊、Emily陈子颖、Wilson李伟燊、Sherlyn萧丽玲 同台亮相,还有八度空间一众主持人 Chrystina黄玮瑄、Natalie小玉、Happy颜洁颖、Jan秦雯彬、Ley Teng陈丽亭、艺人Lynn林绿、Mayjune陈美君、Alvin王竣、Ziah张熙恩 、 CJ WOW SHOP主持人Emerson 连扬贤参与其盛,共度欢乐时光! 八度空间2020年贺岁MV :《笑笑力量大》#cnykeepsmiling 首要媒体2020年新春活动主题为 《鼠来宝 笑笑力量大》 ,旨在倡导以笑容传递正能量,并配合主题推出了鼠年吉祥物——“鼠来宝”(Shu Lai Bao),同时也盼借此主题提醒大众,以最简单且不费力的一个笑容,把正能量散播出去,让快乐回到每个人身边。

Dyson now in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru (JB) - Complete Series of Dyson Products All-In-One Place

Dyson now in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru (JB) - Complete Series of Dyson Products All-In-One Place Dyson Malaysia officially opens a brand new  Dyson Demo Store at Mid Valley Southkey, Johor  Bahru, Malaysia  on 30 October 2019.  This space has been designed to encourage visitors to pick-up, test and experience Dyson’s latest technology yourselves. Courtesy of Dyson Malaysia, I've got the opportunity to capture the interior beauty of this new Dyson Demo Store in Johor Bahru. Other than that, I have also captured the photos during the opening launch of this Dyson Store in JB too. All the photos featured in this post are captured by yourstruly. So feel free to contact me if you have new shop/store that need interior shots. Thanks to the awesome team members from Dyson Malaysia who make sure everything looks as neat as possible for these shots. You guys are awesome! (same goes to the models of the day~) Dyson Store Mid Valley Southkey Johor Bahru (JB) is lo

Soyanggang Skywalk At Night 소양강 스카이워크 | Things To Do In Chuncheon

Soyanggang Skywalk 소양강 스카이워크 | Things To Do In Chuncheon This is my first time to explore Chuncheon in Korea, and I am going to share with you the first attraction in Chuncheon that you should pay a visit - Soyanggang Skywalk. Soyanggang Skywalk,  which located in Chuncheon is an observatory attraction spot on Uiamho Lake. The bridge will stretch out all the way for a total distance of 174 meters to the lake, and the glass floor beneath is actually transparent! This makes Soyanggang Skywalk the longest glass structure ever built in the country. Scroll down and have a look on Soyanggang Skywalk at night. I love it colorful and enjoying a cup of coffee under the cold weather is actually pretty relaxing.

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