
Kena Jackpot

Today too lucky my computer get lightning striked before the heavy rain come. Wish my hard disk is safe as tons of valuable photos are inside it. Till then, look at the bright side!

HP Future Is Prize Giving Ceremony @ Alexis Bistro

In April 26th, was invited to attend HP Future Is Prize Giving Ceremony located at Alexis Bistro . I have wrote a blog post for this event [HP Futre is...Fly Up High!] but too bad it was not good enough to help me win a laptop above yet. Yes I need a laptop for me to blog and travel around =D Once I've arrive almost all of them are busy with their gadget. I think that's part of our futurn - Having another world with the mobile phone If you know the nuffies well you will know who is playing Pokemon la (Hints: Always with Magic cards) First time drop by Alexis Kitchen Bar/ Bistro Wine Bar Nice Coaster Almost everywhere were illuminated with these big light bulb. Part of the design. Next time I would like to check out this sinful cake - Chocolate Berries Meringue It looks so luxurious HP Future is everybody busy with their gadget. At least 3 of them are BlackBerry users Vivien Sam , Ginny Yap , Michelle and XinXian Danny Lee, Country GM of Hp was there too! Kelvin Tan the even

After Phuket is R16 SEA Final

Just back from Phuket yesterday, tired but really had fun! Thanks Jack and Koko for organizing this trip and I appreciate their well planned schedule ;p In short: Relax and Lazy~! Sunset @ Phuket Sharing one photo first cos I am tired after tonight too. Tonight was R16 final and all of them are awesome dance crew! How I wish I can go to the 6D4N R-16 Korea Be Inspired B-Boy Festival! Looking for sponsor as I became broke after the Phuket Trip =S As the same, sharing one photo only! Wish me have more time to compile the photo asap and share with you all! Till then, good night!! Z.z

Phuket Camwhore!

Hola everybody!! Using Nicole's PC to online and make a short blog post =) Like the view behind very much ar. So must camwhore with it! Kinda not get use to the weather here, having a mild stomach ache and hope myself get well soon! Till then, "sawadikap"!

Having a KitKat

Have you seen a KitKat vending machine before? Yes? No? The above picture is one of the vending machine I saw after Glee FlashMob in MidValley . But this one is different. It is a human-controlled-vending-machine. Basically we just need to pay as least as RM0.20 to get a small packet of KitKat chocolate bar. Different kind of marketing strategies they are using la. Do visit MidValley for their chocolate bar and see who is working like a machine! I believe some people are super workaholic and don't care about the stress level that they are having now. Which ends up hair-loss, obesity, bad temper, or even had severe sickness. So to prevent this. Have a break, have a KitKat. *Am I promoting free for KitKat?* PS: Hope the girl who working in that vending machine get high pay =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides sharing about picture stated above, I would like to say I am having a KitKat (Break) for a trip. Yeap, flying to Phuket in coming early morning to become a more sun-shine b

Glee FlashMob Malaysia | MidValley Garden

Before writing stories about Malaysia Glee Flashmob today, I would like to share experience during the second dance rehearsal at school .( I have share my first time rehearsal here ) These are the bigger crowd compared to the first time rehearsal. Why are we in school but not Mid Valley Garden Ballroom? I am not sure, I guess it involve with money =S However, kinda impressed with what RA(Random Alphabets) able to do as they are able to get us all practice in S.M.K. Bukit Bintang Secondary School . Thank you to the school headmaster! It was a rainy day, super humid which cause all of us sweat like nobody else. Some more so pack. Chris and friend set up the projector on first floor. Yeap we "conquer" the upstairs too. Then Zain typing out some I-Know-How-You-Feel-Message And trying to arrange transport for those who go back late. This is a good move. It is definitely not a good idea to rehearse at a place that is so humid without air-con, but looking at the crowd practisi

Rita Rudaini, Aidil Zafuan Kena Denda RM500

Rita Rudaini dan Aidil Zafuan Teks oleh Wartawan GengMurai KUALA LUMPUR, 7 MEI 2010: Pelakon Rita Rudaini , 34 dan suaminya yang juga pemain bola sepak kebangsaan Mohd Aidil Zafuan Abd Razak , 23, masing-masing dikenakan hukuman denda sebanyak RM500 atau 15 hari penjara selepas didapati bersalah bernikah tanpa kebenaran. Hakim Syarie Mahkamah Rendah Syariah, Yunus Mohd Zin semalam menjatuhkan hukuman itu selepas pasangan berkenaan mengaku bersalah melakukan perbuatan tersebut di Thailand beberapa tahun lalu. Rita dan Aidil didakwa berkahwin di wilayah Songkhla, Selatan Thailand pada 25 Februari 2008, kira-kira jam 9.30 malam. Zafuan memberitahu mahkamah, dia bernikah di sana kerana tidak mendapat restu daripada keluarga. "Tidak ada persetujuan daripada keluarga sebelah saya," kata Zafuan ketika menjawab soalan Yunus. Pada 24 April 2009, Yunus yang membuat keputusan dalam kamar bahawa perkahwinan itu sah, bagaimanapun, memerintahkan pasangan itu mela