
Showing posts with the label Press Conference

16th Japanese Film Festival 2019 Film List @ GSC Malaysia

Japanese Film Festival 2019 @ GSC Malaysia 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Oct 2019 The annual Japanese Film Festival (JFF) turns “16” this year and is set to light up selected Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide, boasting a broad collection of current and acclaimed titles across a variety of genres ranging from family to music and comedy. The selection of 13 movies will capture hearts and minds of audiences from all ages and giving the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the latest and finest Japanese movies on the big screen. The month-long celebration will be kicking off with the South East Asian premiere of “Little Nights, Little Love” directed by IMAIZUMI Rikiya on JFF KL Opening night on 3 September 2019. (official Japan release date 20 September 2019)

【PHOTO】ONG SEONG WU FAN MEET IN MALAYSIA #ongseongwu1stfanmeetingtour #옹성우

ONG SEONG WU FAN MEET IN MALAYSIA @ W Kuala Lumpur #ongseongwu1stfanmeetingtour ONG SEONG WU ETERNITY 1st FAN MEETING IN MALAYSIA had a press conference today at W Kuala Lumpur Hotel. Ong Seong Wu, the former WANNAONE member is having his first solo Southeast Asia fan meet tour, with Kuala Lumpur as his fans meeting second stop.  The press conference started with Seong Wu saying "Selamat Dang!!" with his super cute smile. While the actual pronunciation is  suppose to be "Selamat Datang", which mean 'Welcome' in Bahasa Melayu. We thought there would be a Q&A Session for media but apparently the emcee and Ong Seong Wu already answered almost all the questions themselves. Hence for more about the Questions and Answer session during the press conference in Malaysia, just watch the video below: 【EXCLUSIVE】 ONG SEONG WU FAN MEETING IN MALAYSIA PRESS CON #ongseongwu1stfanmeetingtour

【PHOTO】Million Loves in Me 寵我 Press Conference in Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Million Loves in Me 寵我 Press Conference @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur Here's a throwback to the recent event I've documented through my camera. Although it was just a press event and media interview. It is crucial to capture their precious moments too. With that, it won't makes you feel 'it-is-just-another-press-event' or boring. At least that's what I like to deliver to the eyes who look back at these event photos. Guests of Honour includes multi-award winning actress Lo Koon Lan罗冠兰 , lead actor John Y  虞日新 , producer Kenny Chan , supporting actor Wilson Lee 李伟燊 and supporting actress Ruby DFaye 狄妃 . The session involves each of the cast member sharing their experiences and thoughts about the filming process. Million Loves in Me 寵我 Press Conference | Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur It was Million Loves in Me 宠我 Press Conference held at Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur . I always love their lobby's decoration with


【EVENT】MXM FANSMEETING PRESS CONFERENCE IN KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA It was such a beautiful Monday morning in Malaysia to welcome such cute, handsome yet talented two boys from South Korea and they are IM YOUNG MIN and KIM DONG HYUN from MXM . MXM is a new K-POP Idol group under one of the famous Production Company in South Korea, Brand New Music, were both Produce 101 season 2, former members and they have been chosen to form MXM last year.  The name MXM reportedly stands for both ‘Mix and Match’ and press conference was hold at Ritz Carlton Hotel morning and lets check it out their this interesting get joyful interview together. 

马來西亚版《姐妹淘》All Things Girl 第二季 [记者会]

 [记者会]  马來西亚版《姐妹淘》All Things Girl 第二季 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》第二季,即将于9月3日,晚上9点,于Astro华丽台(频道311 and HD频道310)以及翡翠台(频道326)同步播出。 新一季 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》 All Things Girl 拍摄主体围绕在美容、健身、时尚等专题节目,由 江美仪、姚子羚、龚嘉欣、滕丽名、黄翠如 和 宋熙年 担任星级主持,Astro本地圈艺人 Yoke曾洁钰 和 Janice钟素敏 将是节目的嘉宾主持。 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》第二季,即将于9月3日,晚上9点,于Astro华丽台(频道311 and HD频道310)以及翡翠台(频道326)同步播出。 Catch "All Things Girl" Malaysia Version , co-produced by Astro and TVB , featuring the finest beauty tips and tricks from Elena Kong , Joyce Tang , Priscilla Wong and Sarah Song for ladies out there! Premiering on Astro Wah Lai Toi (Ch 311 & HD Ch 310) and TVB Jade (Ch 326) from 3rd September 2016 onwards, every Saturday at 9pm. ******* 当天小弟塞车迟了点,所以上半段完全miss掉了。不过还是很庆幸的能看到很多幕后工作,比如说记者会后的媒体专访,个人摄影以及室内灯光的重要性。那天Morning After的灯光可说是个大挑战,天花板乌漆麻黑,用白灯怎麽反射都反射不了。最后只好用自然光然有用Adobe Lightroom后制。以下是当天记者会拍到的某些画面。这一次注重在candid的瞬间,照片好看或不好看都要让我知道哦!感恩 =)

Josh Kua 柯信捷 Concert In Malaysia 2016 - [RELENTLESS . 信捷]

Josh Kua 柯信捷 Concert Malaysia 2016 -  [ RELENTLESS . 信捷 ]  Location : Pentas 1, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac) Date: 16 Apr 2016 @ 8.30pm (Show1) 17 Apr 2016 @ 3.00pm If you wondering who is that handsome guy playing violin, he is Josh Kua 柯信捷. Earlier in July Josh Kua did a press conference  at DPAC for his upcoming concert in  Malaysia named  [RELENTLESS . 信捷 ] . Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but raised in Melbourne, Australia, Josh Kua is the embodiment of a well-rounded man. Born with chiselled good looks and an acumen for the law, Josh is also endowed with a natural talent for music. Even the female host of the press event can't help but keep looking at Josh and saying something silly to show her love towards this guy hahaha.

【记者会】ntv7新年电视剧《记忆中的菜单》和八度空间贺岁短片《我的全家福》新年期间播出 #178golucky

ntv7《记忆中的菜单》演员们和八度空间《我的全家福》主持人和演员,与高层和赞助商大合照 姐妹台两台联盟办记者会,将于新年期间播出的 ntv7新年电视剧《记忆中的菜单》 和 八度空间贺岁短片《我的全家福》 ,在酒店豪气宴客,众演员和主持人倾巢而出捞生兼分享拍摄。 由于新年快到啦,我也赶紧在新年前把这新闻分享出去,主要是要分享当天记者会活动视频与照片。文字方面由ntv7与8TV提供。 ntv7 《记忆中的菜单》 记者会访问篇段  The Missing Menu Interview

[Photo+Video] Eric周興哲 《學著愛》之馬來西亞行- 關於生活與愛情 #Eric周興哲

Eric Chou 周興哲 《學著愛》之馬來西亞行 #Eric周興哲 當天在Puchong Setiawalk “LoudSpeaker大嘴叭”舉辦的 Eric周興哲媒體記者會 ,除了有 MYFM Jym Chong 庄靖毅 的訪問,Eric也有演唱幾首《學著愛》專輯裡的歌曲,包括一首Sam Smith的cover - “StayWithMe”。 Eric周興哲除了長得像來至星星的你的韓星,本身就有一個很好的嗓子。才剛過20歲的“小鮮肉”是大馬女性青睞的新歌手。除此之外,也有多至19位內外地歌手為Eric學著愛的專輯大力支持。以下是記者會當天的訪問片段,當然也少不了Eric Chou當天自彈自唱悅耳動聽的歌曲。 Eric周興哲我很看好你的將來,接下來就在MYFM THE SHOW見面吧!!

狮神决战 The Lion Men Gala Premiere @ Genting Highland & Personal Review

狮神决战 The Lion Men Gala Premiere @ Genting Highland 云顶高原 On 19th February, I was one of the blogger invited to attend the Gala Premiere of <<狮神决战 The Lion Men>> at Genting Highland . Since I want to take a break from the smoky and hazy KL, me and a few media friends went uphill together.

The Lion Men 狮神决战来马造势,众演员将出席云顶首映礼及影迷见面会 #TheLionMen

27.02.2014全马上映 演员抵马宣传 夹着《狮神决战》在新加坡勇夺华语贺岁片票房冠军的好势头,导演梁智强率领8位演员 陈天文、张智扬、王伟良、叶荣耀、林俊良、吴清樑、程砚秋及包尔琮 “大阵仗”抵马宣传。《狮神决战》是由“新兵正传”原班人马(张智扬、王伟良、叶荣耀、林俊良、吴清樑) 及在新加坡和中国备受欢迎的资深演员陈天文主演 ,并找来中国95新生代女演员 程砚秋 担任女主角,是一部 舞狮、武打、舞蹈三结合 ,令观众耳目一新的电影。

Michelle Chen 陳妍希 Showcase in Malaysia - "妳交男朋友了吗?"

Michelle Chen 陳妍希 in Malaysia 全民女神-陳妍希 音樂分享會最終場614引爆! 以 《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》 沈佳儀一角演得深入民心的全民女神-陳妍希將暫時卸下演員身份,以歌手身份帶著首張個人全創作專輯 于6月13日至6月15日來馬展開一連串的宣傳活動。其間, 6月14日(星期五)8pm在Bentley Music Auditorium , Mutiara Damansara 引爆的 陳妍希 大馬音樂分享會 將是分享會的最終場。 演 戲演了六年,全民女神陳妍希終於在2013年完成她踏進演藝圈的最初夢想-推出個人專輯。過去,電影、偶像劇裡的陳妍希,將不同角色扮演的絲絲入扣,深入 人心;首張專輯陳妍希將它取名為「Me, Myself, and I」,就是希望從戲劇中各種角色抽離出來,回歸自我。 配合專輯推出,陳妍希分別在香港,北京,臺灣以及馬來西亞舉辦個人音樂分享會,好讓歌迷們能夠更了解她這一路走來的成長以及歌曲當中的含義。值得一提,大馬場即將是陳妍希暫時“封麥”之前的最後一場音樂分享會,因爲結束大馬宣傳之後她必須重拾演員身份,投入拍攝。 陳妍希首張創作專輯「Me, Myself, and I」裡,十首歌的歌詞全是陳妍希一手包辦,有九成的曲也是由陳妍希,或她和朋友共同譜寫而成,所有創作歷時五年完成,歌曲主題橫跨愛情、親情、友情,對生 活事件的態度,和想對歌迷說的話等等,橫跨陳妍希至今的生命歷程,誠懇動人,邊聽專輯,彷彿也一邊窺探全民女神的私密日記。 陳妍希 大馬宣傳之旅 : 日期 時間 活動 地點 13/6/2013 ( 星期四 ) 3.30pm 陳妍希 校園分享會 (不對外公開) 巴生中華獨中 8pm 陳妍希 校園分享 (凴票入場) 新紀元學院,加影 14/6/2013 (星期五) 8pm 陳妍希 > 音樂分享會 ( 凴票入場 ) Bentley Music Auditorium, Mutiara Damansara 15/6/2013 (星期六)

Michelle Chen 陳妍希 in Malaysia - "Me, Myself and I"

如果你还不知道, 全民女神Michelle陈妍希 本人已在大马做宣传啦!刚才在IOI Mall的记者会进行得很顺利。Michelle陈妍希果然是一位可爱又迷人美女。如果你错过了今天的宣传活动,记得浏览 陳妍希 大馬音樂会 Michelle Chen Promo Tour in Malaysia 以获知更多详情。 Michelle 陳妍希这一次来马是为了宣传个人第一个专辑- "Me, Myself and I" 话先不多说,先来张Michelle陈妍希在大马记者会拍到的照片: Michelle 陳妍希 with her striking red dress 想要在今晚看到更多照片/视频的请按赞啦!!超过20个Like我就PO更多照片,超过五十个Like我就PO视频!!赶快咯~ Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 , be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)

ntv7 聆听世界 Listen to the World十大艺人分享记者会 [Video]

ntv7 聆听世界 Listen to the World十大艺人分享 【记者会】 You can support 'Listen to the World 聆听世界' 's good cause by supporting their upcoming charity bazaar located at Sunway Giza Mall on 9 June (Sunday) [10 am to 2 pm] . ntv7 celebrities, together with one FM radio announcers will donate thir personal clothings which inlcude second hand items as well as brand new clothes and accessories. Other belongings such as exclusive photo albums and beauty prducts will also be up for purchase. 《聆听世界》Charity Bazaar @ Sunway Giza Mall 9 June 10am - 2pm Major local brands such as Yeo's, Lipton Tea, body Glove, Asics, LINE, Action City, Follow Me and local designer Key Ng will hop on the bandwagon to spread good deeds by sponsoring some of the goods and clothing on that day.  Wu Jia Jui will also make a special appearance in taking part in the charity bazaar. 'Listen to the World' theme song will be available in the form of a music EP and for sale during

ntv7 Listen to the World 聆听世界: Thailand - Cambodia - China - Nepal - Sabah

ntv7 Listen to the World 聆听世界 together with local celebrities [L-R] Adrian Tan, Ong Ai Leng, Wu Jia Hui, Karena Teo, Frederick Lee, Aenie Wong, leslie Chai, Debbie Goh, Lawrence Wong, Jan Chin, Kyo Chen ntv7 Listen to the World 聆听世界  Aligned with ntv7's 'Do Good Feel Good" motto,a group of local celebrities has been assembled to venture out of their comfort zone in an attempt to do their bid in changing the world for the better. The channel's latest programme, Listen to the World 聆听世界 , invites its top 10 Chinese personalities to go to many corners of the world to listen to the forgotten voice, truly experience the local customs and simultaneously spreading the love and care to the people who have longed for it. The 10 Chinese celebrities that will host the show includes - Debbie Goh, Frederick lee, Adrian Tan, Karena Teo, Leslie Chai, Aenie Wong, Lawrence Wong, Ong Ai Leng, Kyo Chen and Jan Chin . They will be divided into pair and tracel to pla

[PHOTO] Ace of Angels #AOA @ 2013 Asia Super Showcase PC | Renoma Cafe Gallery

2013 Asia Super Showcase PC has been postponed , I bet you've know that... However that shouldn't stop me from sharing photos taken during 2013 Asia Super Showcase where six members of Ace of Angels #AOA were there for the press conference.  The press conference were held at Renoma Cafe Gallery and tons of media attended that evening. Can see that tons of people can't wait for this concert as much as I do. We were suppose able to see Girls' Generation, Ace of Angels and Shinhwa perform live at Stadium Merdeka but unfortunately this showcasehas been postponed until further noticed... Anyway, here's 30++ photos of the beautiful ladies from Ace of Angels. Click Read More if required. PS: Feel free to comment on what do you think about the photos ya. The only challenge I faced during the photoshoot was to ensure that the cushion is enough to cover their short skirts. Gonna make sure my flashgun is fully charged next time to prevent under-illuminat

Oh My English Season 2 Launch @ Sekolah Wawasan. Happy Students and Teacher Everywhere for Aaron and Lisa

Oh My English Season 2 Launch @ Sekolah Wawasan with the awesome students Oh My English! (OME!) is back with a brand-new second season.  Featuring  new cast members, exciting storylines and all-new English lessons, Oh My English! Season 2 promises viewers two times the fun and two times more learning. Fans of Oh My English! can look forward to the premiere of Season 2 every Sunday at 7.30pm , starting from March 31st on Astro TVIQ (Ch 610) and in high definition (HD) on Astro Mustika HD (Ch 134) . Following the phenomenal response towards Oh My English! last year, the development of the second season reinforces Astro’s commitment to encourage lifelong learning among young Malaysians by combining education with entertainment .  Oh My English! aims to inspire Malaysians to improve their conversational English via a multi-media 360 degree approach that encompasses the Oh My English! TV series, Astro red button applications, short video clips, a dedicated website, games, wor

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