What Does Travelling Means To Me? #TSBreakAway

What does travelling means to me? What a good question #TSBreakAway asked on their awesome campaign. Yeah, I am going to share about what travelling means to me at this post and at the same time to grab a chance to improve my skills in many ways through travelling around Selangor. 

I believe no one hate will hate travelling as it is something that we do to figure out a new place that we never been before and do something exciting that makes you happy and learn something new or even priceless. For me, travelling means a breakaway of me from the busy city life, travelling to somewhere that's closer to the nature and enjoy what has been ignored on this Earth.

You need to climb through these big rocks to reach the 3rd hills of Broga Hills
You need to climb through these big rocks to reach the 3rd hills of Broga Hill

For example, I like to hike Broga Hill as that amazing sunrise view from the top of the hill always amazed me. It is the progress that makes me appreciating every bitter moments (tiring hike, mosquito bites, that moment when you run out of breath) before I manage to witness that beautiful scenery. Every time when I visited Broga Hill it gives me different scenery, sometime beautiful sun rise, sometime just cloudy morning and sometimes it is raining on the top of the hill. 

No beautiful sunrise but check out the clouds covering the greenery =D

My favourite moment is when I saw the golden shining 'lalang' grass during sunrise. Just imagine the whole hill was covered with cotton-like 'lalang' moving along with the wind blowing towards it. You may want to check out my '7 Things to bring when you visit Broga Hill'.

First time see Raja Brooke butterfly peeing during my trip at The Banjaran, Perak. Apparently they were trying to get salts and minerals through the water and excrete extra water.
Another thing that I like about travelling is that you can alway see and learn new things from that place it self. For example, during my trip to The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat, Ipoh, I accidentally found plenty of butterflies sticking to that little water source wondering what they were doing. Suddenly I saw they start peeing out water through their butt hahaha. After Googling then only know this butterfly called Raja Brooke drink water near the hotsprings to get minerals and salts contained in it and expel excrete excess water by 'pee pee'. That's how beautiful nature creature can be =)

Trip to Krabi - Friendly local students hanging out nearby the beach =)
Besides learning new stuff through travelling, it is always awesome when you see the friendly locals smile to you and allow you to take a photo as well. Well, this is what I love about travelling, I might just meet them once in a life time but I am glad I met them before and sometimes it just happen that we meet each other again. Or we can just keep in touch through Facebook and planning for future trip together. It is through travelling that I learn more about different cultures and have a wider perspective about the world heritage. My travelling story won't be complete without these beautiful people.

My favourite Mango Pulut Rice at Krabi
To me, travelling also means a great chance for me to explore the delicacies at that special place. For example, when you go to Krabi, remember to try out the Mango Pulut Rice as they are my favourite food in Krabi! I even dabao twice the next day for this delicious food~

Awesome friends know through travelling =) That's beautiful sunset at Aunang Beach, Krabi
Travelling is much more fun with friends as well!! I still remember vividly how fun it was to hang out with these awesome bunch of friends during our Krabi trip. There are things that we need to do together with friends while travel. For example, three person riding the same motorbike, kayaking together to the mysterious cave, drink and party together at one happening club +++ much much more

A very happening club at Krabi. Met awesome people here posing for my cam!

PS: Dear friends who travelled together to Krabi, if you are reading this please forgive me as I haven't really got time to process all photos taken during this trip haha. I hope you guys still remember all the funny and happy moments when we travel together!

Paragliding at Jugra Hill
By looking at what #TSBreakAway sharing on the social media, I know that this is the right time to grab the chance to try something new. I can FLYYYYY!!! I wish there will be more adventurous people like me to do paragliding, paramotor or even piloting an aircraft together at this coming fun trip. I am super ready to do all three exciting activities!!

Monkey climbed on your shoulder to eat peanuts.
Things that you don't see it everyday through travelling around the world.
I really hope that I can be part of #TSBreakAway as I wanna have an adventurous getaway even it is just Selangor as there's so many things that I haven't experience before. Also, I am sure they have prepared plenty of things to surprise us.

The main thing that I wanna learn from the #TSBreakAway mentors is to have a breakthrough in writing something creative and capture people's attention beside improving my photography skills. With technology nowadays, I can't just publish a blog post and expecting to get many readers reading my piece right? Hopefully I can learn much from the awesome mentors and enjoy travelling at the same time! Selangor, you are very huge and I can't wait to explore and know more about you! Come join #TSBreakAway with me (if I am selected) and I am sure we will have awesome travelling moments to remember!!

Do note that beside being abe to enjoy the trip, you could also grab this chance to walk away with RM10,000 too (If you don't want, I want!! Get the money to travel to Korea or even upgrade myphotography gears). Just share about "What Does Traveling Mean To You" at http://tsbreakaway.my by Oct 11, 2013.

Let's travel together for another beautiful sunset =)

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