Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 Revealed!
Astro国际华裔小姐2013 10强佳丽亮相
Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 finalists were revealed at Paradigm Mall just now and a series of activities including special performance by Zhiny, Angelica and Erica manage to impressed the crowd. All 10 beautiful Miss Astro finalists undergone the T-Shirt Redesign Contest were talented students from PJ College Arts and Design used 3 minutes to create a new look for the finalist.
Since this Chinese Pageant contest is mainly in Chinese, I will just refer the events writing from
Astro MACIP website accompany by the photos taken by me at the event. Chinese writing credits to writers 艾倚 and 美恩.
I don't really light the yellow and harsh spotlights at the venue, therefore I've readjusted the color tone to softer and less yellowish. Hope you guys will like the photos that gonna show below:
《Astro国际华裔小姐2013》10强佳丽首度公开“靓”相,在拉开决赛战幕之前,今日先于Paradigm Mall美丽登场,让观众近距离一睹,众佳丽的魅力风采。
在“T恤大改造”的环节,佳丽们一律换上白色T恤、粉红色短裤,再由英迪国际大学隶属的PJ College Arts and Design的服装设计学院生,在限时3分钟内,以一对一的方式亲手为佳丽们的,来个现场变装秀。
Lenna林家冰, Joey张祖儿, Sammi张佩晶 and Denise陈楚寰 @ Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 |
Lenna林家冰、Joey张祖儿、Denise陈楚寰、Sammi张佩晶充当评审。4人一致把票投给4号Angelica的T恤改造后的服饰。Denise提到,“在短短的时间内,能够把一件简单的T恤,改造成two ways的穿法,非常有新鲜感!”
Zhiny's dance performance definitely impressed me. She is very flexible and elegant |
Angelica and Erica did Belly Dance. The emcee tempted the crowd that only at final you'll able to see their belly haha Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 |
Angelica and Erica's belly dance @ Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 |
Charlotte undergoing T-Shirt Design challenge |
Angelica and her stylist finished the T-Shirt transformation in a speed of light |
Be careful with the scissors =P |
Zhiny in the midst of T-Shirt creative modification |
Fancy Goh smiling to the camera while her designer doing the magic |
Angelica and her designer won The Best T-Shirt Transformation Contest |
Zhiny won the “最佳人气女神奖” @ Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 |
Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 group photo with the sponsors |
Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 group photo with Sammi, Lenna, Denise and Joey |
Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 10 | Astro国际华裔小姐2013 10强佳丽 |
《Astro国际华裔小姐2013》10强佳丽包括,Fancy吴胤婷(24岁),Zhiny黄之豫(24岁), Elise 陈玢奾(22岁),Lisha何丽莎(21岁),Angelica叶小庆(25岁),Charlotte陈美婷(20岁),Roselind颜慧芬(24岁),Carol王钶媃(23岁),Elie黄美莲(22岁)以及Erica陈秋萍(22岁)
吉隆坡Zebra Square隆重引爆。届时
Astro华丽台(频道311)、Astro至尊HD(频道310)和Astro On-the-Go,将作现场直播,让全马观众一同见证美后的诞生。
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