The Mission Impossible with Agent 7.7 - Win Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 now
Agent 7.7 woke up with a throbbing headache. Memories of last night’s events seemed hazy to him. All he remembers is the smoky bar and the last drink he had, before finding himself covered in cold sweat on the floor of his hotel room. He searches around for his GALAXY Tab 7.7 but quickly discovers that it has gone missing! Suddenly, it all came back to him.
Last night Agent 7.7 was at Neverland Club to track down Mr. Brat Pid, who was suspected for an illegal trading of a secret bio-weapon formula. Agent 7.7 spotted an unknown guy who appeared and eventually had an exchange with Mr Brad Pid. He then quickly snapped a few photos. While Agent 7.7 was still spying at what they were doing, he was approached by a very pretty lady named Angelena and she offered him a drink. At first Agent 7.7 was reluctant to receive her offer and continue spying through his GALAXY Tab 7.7. However, due to irresistible seduction Agent 7.7 ends up having so much drinks with her and didn't noticed one of his drink has been drugged. Seems like that's how Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7 has been stolen by this girl - Angelena...


Now You can determine what happens next! Click here and submit what you think should happen to Agent 7.7. Stand a chance to win a Samsung GALAXY 7.7 if yours is the chosen plot twister!!
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Last night Agent 7.7 was at Neverland Club to track down Mr. Brat Pid, who was suspected for an illegal trading of a secret bio-weapon formula. Agent 7.7 spotted an unknown guy who appeared and eventually had an exchange with Mr Brad Pid. He then quickly snapped a few photos. While Agent 7.7 was still spying at what they were doing, he was approached by a very pretty lady named Angelena and she offered him a drink. At first Agent 7.7 was reluctant to receive her offer and continue spying through his GALAXY Tab 7.7. However, due to irresistible seduction Agent 7.7 ends up having so much drinks with her and didn't noticed one of his drink has been drugged. Seems like that's how Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7 has been stolen by this girl - Angelena...
Agent 7.7 then felt a stinging sensation on his neck, injected involuntarily, and went unconscious. That's what Angelena did when Agent 7.7 become vulnerable after the poison drink. The only thing Agent 7.7 remember was the shadow of the girl walking away with his Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7. Luckily Agent 7.7 has already installed "Lookout Mobile Security" on his tablet, the Android application that can locate his lost phone on Google map even if GPS is turned off!
Everything is safe as Agent 7.7 can lock/wipe all his data in his tablet remotely through the internet. Now is the time to track down Angelena and get back what's supposed belong to him! Revenge time! Location of Angelena was found on the Google map...
To his horror, Google Maps showed the GALAXY Tab 7.7 was located at his very own HQ! Agent 7.7 quickly rush back to his HQ based on the GPS location and he was relieved that his tablet is safe. All thanks to his partner, Agent 10.1 who somehow found Angelena having his Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7 and knock her down before she manage to runaway with it. Angelena is now being imprisoned in the HQ for further investigation.
Agent 7.7 did the right move for securing his Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7 with drawing pattern. Only Agent 7.7 know the correct password to unlock the tablet.
This is the screen he saw after unlocked his tablet. Agent 7.7 has hide everything under the analog clock. He checked his folders whether all important files are safe. Thankfully by using "LookOut Security Application", all the data is double secured.

Now You can determine what happens next! Click here and submit what you think should happen to Agent 7.7. Stand a chance to win a Samsung GALAXY 7.7 if yours is the chosen plot twister!!
Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐, be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)