Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party | Astro 华丽台2012节目巡礼派对

Astro Brings You a Night of Glamour Featuring 6 TVB Artistes
Fun-filled, star-studded “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party” to be held on March 30, 2012
Dewan Wawasan (Level 4), Menara PGRM, CherasFriday 30 March 2012

Astro is getting ready to bring you a night of glitzy glamour as TVB stars from Hong KongMoses Chan, Michael Tse, Ruco Chan, Natalie Tong, Law Chung Him and MC Jin make their special appearance with Astro’s own renowned superstars in the upcoming star-studded event “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party” at 8.30pm on Friday 30 March 2012 at Dewan Wawasan (Level 4), Menara PGRM, Cheras.

Themed “Glamorous Hong Kong Entertainment, Captivating Local Programmes”, the TVB artistes will be joined by actors from popular sitcom “Ah Beng” on Astro Wah Lai Toi (Ch 311)Jack Lim, Gan Mei Yan, Chen Keat Yoke, Royce Tan, Bernard Hiew, Jeff Chin as well as singing talents from Astro Star Quest, Geraldine Gan, Tha Kien Ying, Peace Teo, Stephanie Liew, Fyone Tan. Astro artistes Siow Hui Mei, Jentzen Lim will also be present together with Vivienne Oon, third runner-up of Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2011, and FIX, first runner up of Battleground 2011 who will thrill their fans with stage performances and interactive games.

During their promotional tour in Kuala Lumpur, the six prominent TVB stars will be promoting a series of dramas and programmes that will soon be aired on Astro Wah Lai Toi, notably “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir!”, “Coffee Confidential Sr. 2” (Moses Chan), “The Other Truth” (Ruco Chen, Natalie Tong), “Forensic Heroes III” (Ruco Chen), “Lives of Omission” (Michael Tse, MC Jin), and “Tiger Cubs” (Law Chung Him).

The “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party” will be open to public with free admission from 7.00pm, Friday 30 March 2012 but limited to 3000 pax on a first-come-first-serve basis. Astro customers can also bring along their latest bill statement to redeem complimentary merchandise courtesy of Astro on the event day itself.

For more details about the “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party”, please visit


《Astro 华丽台2012节目巡礼派对》3月30日华丽登场
六位港星与 Astro 本地圈艺人同台演出
这个三月Astro华丽台为你捎来惊喜!以“港娱乐,最华丽;本地姜,最强势”出击,Astro华丽台力邀香港TVB艺人陈豪、谢天华、陈展鹏、唐诗咏、罗仲谦和欧阳靖 (MC Jin) ,与多位Astro本地圈艺人出席《Astro华丽台2012节目巡礼派对》

这场星光熠熠的《Astro华丽台2012节目巡礼派对》,将于2012年3月30日,星期五晚上8时30分,在吉隆坡焦赖民政大厦宏愿礼堂 (Dewan Wawasan, Menara PGRM) 进行。

Moses 陈豪、Michael 谢天华、Ruco 陈展鹏、Natalie 唐诗咏,以及首次来马宣传的 Him 罗仲谦和 MC Jin 欧阳靖 ,将连同《阿炳》处境剧演员 Jack 林德荣、Mei Yan 颜薇恩、Yoke 曾洁钰、Royce 陈志康、Bernard 邱文博 Jeff 陈浩然,以及 Astro 本地圈艺人包括:Hui Min 萧慧敏、Jentzen 林震前、《Astro 新秀大赛》的Geraldine 颜慧萍、赵洁莹、Peace 张诒博、Stephanie 刘佩芯、Fyone 陈慧莹、《Astro 国际华裔小姐竞选2011》五强 Vivienne 温慧茵 和《舞极限2011》亚军 FIX 同台演出,与现场观众玩游戏并送出丰富奖品。

此趟来马,一众港星会为即将在Astro华丽台(第311频道)播出的一系列“警恶惩奸,正义好戏”电视剧,加上其他节目宣传造势。陈豪除了在《点解阿Sir係阿Sir》里肩负“阿Sir”使命之外,亦不忘带来他所悉心调配出的《品味咖啡》。人气急升的陈展鹏,先是以大状身份与见习律师唐诗咏齐齐揭发《真相》,又化身《法证先锋III》中的临床心理学家。谢天华与MC Jin延续“Laughing 效应”为《潜行狙击》全力造势;罗仲谦则会重点介绍以香港警务处特别任务连(飞虎队) 为题材的电视电影《飞虎》。

为了这次活动,《阿炳》演员班底还特别策划排练了一个轻松诙谐的短剧,把电视上未曾曝光的演出搬上舞台!同时,新秀唱家班也会以精湛的歌艺演绎多首动听歌曲,再加上舞技出众的 FIX 所带来的精彩街舞演出,势要以最强的实力征服全场观众。

《Astro 华丽台 2012 节目巡礼派对》让公众人士免费入场,唯只限 3000 人,先到先得。此外,Astro 将发出特别邀请函给幸运的忠诚用户,首 350 位成功登记的 Astro 用户将获得预留 VIP 座位。同时,活动当天 Astro 将送出限量周边产品,给现场出示 Astro 最新月结单的用户作为回馈,送完即止。

《Astro 华丽台 2012 节目巡礼派对》 活动详情行程如下:
2012 年 3 月 30 日(星期五) 观众7pm开始入席
节目于8.30pm开始 吉隆坡蕉赖民政大厦宏愿礼堂
(Dewan Wawasan, Level 4, Menara PGRM)

For more details about the “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party”, please visit

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