Win Cash Ang Pow with Maybank Now! Happy CNY!
Above picture was taken during my recent visit to Pavilion for their Chinese new Year decoration. A long dragon (without legs) hanging in the air at the Centre Court. Wonder if dragon eat that human as well? Haha~
Happy early Chinese New Year to you all as I will be busy during this festive season. Attending family reunion dinner, get more angpow by visiting relative and friends houses and be more "ong"(yellow) in year 2012!
What's the definition of New Year Eve's re-union dinner? Want to know the definition of Gold Ingot and why we burn firecrackers during CNY? Check it out at this website~
Happy early Chinese New Year to you all as I will be busy during this festive season. Attending family reunion dinner, get more angpow by visiting relative and friends houses and be more "ong"(yellow) in year 2012!
Just recent Maybank's Facebook page has a new column "CNY with Maybank!". Now I can send Golden Lion CNY E-Card to my friends through Facebook and on the same time get chance picked as one of the best 3 E-card to receive REAL Lion Dance at home and receive more Ang Pows! RM250 of Daily Ang Pow awaiting to be won yo! $$
This Lion Dance is free and you can send to any of your Facebook friends!
My Lion can do stunt with the personalized choreograph I did haha!
My Lion can do stunt with the personalized choreograph I did haha!
*sending more Maybank CNY E-Cards to friends now to win RM250 cash*
Who don't want daily RM250 Ang Pow?!
Who don't want daily RM250 Ang Pow?!
If you believe in fortune, try their Zodiac Mash-up and check your traits in year 2012.
I am a Tigricorn! Will able to achieve fame and fortune with dignity and integrity =D
*finger crossed and hope for the best!*
If you believe in fortune, try their Zodiac Mash-up and check your traits in year 2012. There is a fortune cookie which contain good message once you crack it.i If you are lucky enough you can win RM50 Petrol Card!
Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐, be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)