
Showing posts from May, 2008

Graduated + Miserable

History @ Port Dickson ------------------------------------- After three years of study in Biotechnology. Here comes to the end of the study. And start with a new life. Hmm, still can't figure out what I want actually Continue study? Do research?Write thesis? I don't really feel like want to continue with that. Find a job that you like? It is not easy to find a job that you like as many people also want that job. Above statement is my bad excuse. I can find one if I truly search for it. Now I'm still confused with what I want. I will only figure it out if I think about it But what I'm doing now is I not even want to think about it ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently my mom has a serious inflammation behind her neck and it is really serious. Doctor told her that her blood sugar is very high and need to control her diet. She did stop eating those sweet food these days But I think she is going back to her old lifestyle Continue eating wha

Pulau Kapas (II)

Hmm, I choose some random photo that taken on Pulau Kapas again. 4 + 1 Big clam hiding in the rocks, there are also b lue clam in the sea I thought only got spotted dog, but saw the sea urchin with B l a c k + W h i t e NeedleS This is the Sea Urchin family. It is scary down there. Luckily didn't step on it. Their needles will aim on you once they sense you. Really! This is the cute nemo spotted by C hun J in ;p I wish my camera also water resistance ;p In front of volleyball field Back to the future, playing with the sand Miss my childhood. The resort that we stay. Room 2 3 is the most crowded one as everyone went to room 23 with no reason. The tree that its fruit with "curly-hair" shape Here is my S T D friend. ( S T D = Strong Tough Determined !!) Quote by Dr Haresh! So, please don't misunderstood. Haha!

Group 1

On Thursday (15th May), Lilian + Pei Yee + Me went to Chun Jin's house to have a night there as nothing to do except go and enjoy our live when there is an opportunity. Initially wanna go eat Western Food but change to "Chinese Ordering Food" as traffic jam is too serious. Anyway, it is nice :) As long as it fill my stomach After that, we went to P utrajaya + C yberjaya This is the night view of one of the bridge around putrajaya and cyberjaya Lilian and Chun Siang under 1 of the spotlight at Putrajaya Putrajaya is a nice place to go if you are interested with the building and architecture technique there. There are more nice place but unfortunately my camera cannot capture them all After finish visit, went to Kajang for the famous S atay and we are almost late because followed Malaysia's road signboard which is truly misleading. Only guys eat the most because girls think that diet is more important :) (My opinion) Went back to Chun Jin's house and arrived at

Tian Chad

Maybe you think it is a simple handwork and nothing special. But I'm sure everyone who receive things that was handmade will be happy. Don't you? ;p Besides, it come from a chary guy - C hun J in Now I keep recall back what I remember and yeap this is something worth to post :) Thanks!


在南投縣山區鄉下,有個小孩名叫 阿潭 ,他三歲時罹患小兒麻痺,從此無法站起來走路;他像一隻鱷魚一樣,用胸部貼在地上爬行,所以他的膝蓋、小腿、腳盤經常磨破、流血,也留下許多疤痕。 到了七歲,爸爸才教他用兩隻手,拖著鞋子走路。你可以想見,當 阿潭 用手拖著鞋子走路,別人一定都會用好奇的眼光看他,但 阿潭 總是不自卑,而以點頭、微笑面對。 七歲,原本是孩子上小學的年齡,可是媽媽擔心他會被其他小朋友嘲笑、欺負,所以沒讓他上小學唸書。直到九歲時,熱心的校長才建議買一部三輪車,拜託全校同學幫忙推阿潭去上學。可是,遇到下雨天怎麼辦?在傾盆大雨中,三輪車陷在山區泥沼中,進退不得啊!同學都先走了, 阿潭 的眼淚和雨水一直流、一直流,大姐也在一旁抱怨。 然而,皇天總是不負苦心人,六年後, 阿潭 從西嶺國小以第一名成績畢業。不過,問題又來了,山區沒國中啊! 阿潭 問爸爸:「以後我該怎麼辦?」爸爸也去請教很多人,有人說:「叫他去擦皮鞋啦!」也有人說:「去學刻印章啦!」甚至也有人直接說:「這孩子是個『廢人』,不用再唸書,也不必去學什麼手藝,乾脆拿個盤子給他,叫他去車站,趴在地上當乞丐,人家就會丟銅板給他 ? 」 可是, 阿潭 聽了,難過得跑到樹下大聲痛哭—「不,我不要當廢人,我不要當廢人,我不要當乞丐……」 後來,國小旁邊蓋了一所國中, 阿潭 高興得哭了好多天;他深信,上天聽到了他的祈求,老天絕不會放棄他的。也因此, 阿潭 更加努力用功唸書,三年後,也以第一名成績從鳳鳴國中畢業。 真的,天助自助者! 只要自立自強,敢向命運挑戰的人,就是巨人! 阿潭 說:「遇到困難時,我就想辦法解決,而不是被打倒!」 阿潭 ,名字叫做「 劉大潭 」,他後來又唸了台中高工、逢甲大學機械工程系,也都是以第一名的成績畢業!他的堅定信念和毅力,就像「感恩的心」這首歌的歌詞一樣—「我要向蒼天說,我絕不認輸!」 在求職過程中, 劉大潭 曾經被一百多家公司行號拒絕於門外,甚至被警衛趕出來,但最後終於有一家工廠願意「試用他」。於是, 劉大潭 努力工作、不計較酬勞,也免費加班;當別人設計東西都只畫出一種方案時,他就加班設計出五、六種方案,提供老闆圈選。也因這種用心、認真的態度,獲得老闆賞識;也因此, 阿潭 從組長、設計課長,一直升到研發部經理,薪水是全工廠最高的。 後來, 劉大潭 在書法班認識了一位漂亮、有才藝的女孩,

Pulau Kapas - Part 1

Today I would like to share just a few pictures taken at Pulau Kapas there Standing at the top of the rock :) Chunjin the birthday star Photoshooter being "shoot" And please guess what is this :)

Pangea Day - 10th May

Pangea day on 10th May, missed the live show. Fortunately I was able to watch it from Pangeaday and also youtube :) There is one of the Award winning movie clip which really inspired me M oving W indmill What do you feel after watching the clip? Does he inspired you? ^@^ Pangea Day, see you next year~!

The feel of organizing pictureS

Have you ever try to organize T O N S of photo in one time? If you did you will know how it feel.... It is really really hard to finish them all as I need to keep the nice and delete those bad photos Maybe this is because of my principle that made me feel this way Hope my friend will be patient and wait till I finish organized all into 1 DVD and hope 1 DVD fits all :p ------------------------------------------------------------ Pulau Kapas, the place we went together :)

Exam finished & the Trip Started!

Took my last paper Medical Microbiology. Pass is always enough for me ;p So... exam finished My uni life also end. Need to figure out how to start a new & different one. BUT Not so fast ;p If not can't enjoy the holiday~ After test, we went to celebrate early birthday f or Chun Jin Location: Gas oline , Look Out Point Nice place is worth to go again :) Here is our birthday star :) C h u n J i n ( C J 7 ) And his favourite cake - M IL O W o r l d Here are all the 2 0 person participated L eng L ui + L eng Z ai ar Wahaha Though it is an early celebration for Chun Jin. Hope he enjoyed and make a wish! It will comes true =) Memory noted~ For more photos, please Click Me and Me ------------------------------------------------- Tonight will go to Pulau Kapas (Cotton Island) and enjoy the trip lu If lucky we will be welcome by B aby J ellyfish Hui San, even though you are not able to go to Pulau Kapas with us. Im sure at 16th everyone would come back~ Im going to have fun a

Hot Bright Night

Hot Bright Night , originally uploaded by TC CHeN . Too hot to sleep that night and the moon was so bright. Thus decided to play with my camera to take a few shot of night view. Hope to get a better camera to capture clearer stars.

Dance War - Bruno Vs. Carrie Ann

"Dancing with the Stars" judges and renowned choreographers Bruno Tonioli and Carrie Ann Inaba will put their reputations on the line as they search for America's most talented amateur performers - who can both dance and sing -- in a massive nationwide hunt. They'll create two rival teams and battle it out on the dance floor to form the ultimate performance group, on "Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann" on the ABC Television Network. This might be an old show for you but it is new for me :) The three girl that does impressed me are Lacey, Elizabeth, and Mariel with their hot hot Lady Marmalade Their singing are really2 great and they have the strongest voice among the girls Please enjoy Lady Marmalade ------------------------------------------- Tomorrow is the last last day for final exam and I can't wait for it to finish. I can't stop thinking of Pulau Kapas Trip and yeah it make me cannot focus on study Lame excuse... Haha, okay please enjoy the

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