
My Trip To Mabul Island #ProveYourself

Mabul Island - The place I found the love for diving  Hey guys, I've been busy travelling without my laptop for the past few weeks hence I didn't draft any post until today! Finally I got something nice to share with you guys and this is just the beginning of me sharing my travel journeys through my new action cam!! Few weeks back I've been engaged by Sony for their Action Cam campaign – ‘Prove Yourself: Enjoy New Journeys’ and throughout my travels I will be using FDR-X1000V Action Cam to record my travels and share out the visual stories.  This is actually my first travel video recorded and created solely by using FDR-X100V Action Cam and the Highlight Movie Maker for a their quick 2 minutes highlight video feature.  All I need to do was choosing desired videos of the day, set the video length to 2 minutes, and choose background music for the video. Although the Highlight Movie Maker was not perfect in doing what I desired, the video below was complet

Tourism Malaysia x Seeties: Malaysia Wonders Bloggers Challenge In KL

Tourism Malaysia x Seeties - Malaysia Wonders 9 bloggers 9 missions Yo guys, here's a quick announcement. In conjunction with collaboration between Tourism Malaysia and Seeties , there will be bloggers missions that will be happen in Kuala Lumpur and I will be one of the Malaysia blogger being there to assist Thai blogger for their missions in town. "Tourism Malaysia together with Seeties - a mobile application to look for local places and experience to see, eat and play - are bringing together nine bloggers from Thailand to experience true, local Malaysia and collect joyful moments of this journey back to Thailand.  This campaign highlights Malaysia's hidden gems through the eyes of locals from chowing down at the street food stalls of Penang, letting loose at the hot spring of Ipoh and experiencing true wonders of Kuala Lumpur." The Thai bloggers will partner with nine Malaysian bloggers to go through a series of cultural exchange, challenges a

Stay Healthy & Get Rewarded

Since many years ago, I've been telling myself that I need to keep fit since my baby belly is getting bigger after consuming so many good foods. However, I only manage to 'motivate' myself to go to the gym more frequently starting June 2015.  All thanks to my close friends who were being straightforward and told me, "Wah TianChad you fat liao". That arrow just stroked my heart and that's when I made a decision. *I do appreciate having friends who giving tough advice although sometimes they are just too straightforward haha* Knowing that my tummy will continue get bigger if I don't start to do something, I started small by swimming, visit the gym more often and playing with dumbbells. Now is the era where people tend to have a healthier lifestyle in order to stay fit and healthy. Not only you will look better and more confident in person, that's the main motivation for us to continue enjoy Malaysia's authentic and delicious food!!

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》决赛: Janice钟素敏面面俱到摘冠 #MACIP2015

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》三强美丽出炉,友谊第一比赛第二。左起季军Suk Nee陈赐倪、冠军Janice钟素敏、亚军Kathryn魏欣宜 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》昨晚圆满落幕 ,24岁的模特儿 Janice钟素敏 在决赛舞台绽放光彩,除了成功摘下后冠抱回总值近20万令吉的奖金奖品,还夺得完美体态附属奖项,成为双料冠军。 十位佳丽在决赛前已通过“智慧、恒心、美丽”三关的美丽挑战,蜕变后站在以 “你,延续美丽” 为宣言的《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》决赛舞台,角逐冠、亚、季军和各个附属奖项殊荣。佳丽们除了在泳装和旗袍环节秀出曼妙身材外,也克服了十强问答赛和由名嘴林德荣出题的最后五强对答环节。 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》圆满落幕。左起Tebby张紫燕、Gisele李俞频、Winnie叶唯君、殿军Yuth颜韵芝、季军Suk Nee陈赐倪、冠军Janice钟素敏、亚军Kathryn魏欣宜、第五名Siok Yee林淑裕、“全民女神” Jany李星仪、Jane陈怡静 来自柔佛的25岁稽查员 Kathryn魏欣宜 以微差分数坐亚望冠,同时她也是本届最上镜小姐;21岁的大专生 Suk Nee陈赐倪 (来自雪兰莪)当晚状态大勇,顺利抱走季军。 殿军和第五名分别由甜美的 Yuth颜韵芝 (23岁,雪兰莪)和口才备受肯定的 Siok Yee林淑裕 (23岁,吉打)获得。 Jany李星仪 (22岁,雪兰莪)虽无缘进入五强,但人气甚高的她成功获得由全民投选的“全民女神”附属奖。 其他决赛佳丽包括 Tebby张紫燕 (20岁,雪兰莪)、 Gisele李俞频 (22岁,霹雳)、 Jane陈怡静 (23岁、吉隆坡)以及 Winnie叶唯君 (20岁,霹雳)。