
Show Me Your Tongue Cute Puppies!!

Cute Puppy show me his tongue haha Since I am still drafting that Ohhsome blogpost, I shall post something cute today. Searching through my photo folders I am happy to see these photo again and today I am sharing three photos with you guys. Especially you who like cute animal like puppies and kitten. I wonder why people usually ask if I am a cat or dog person but I like them both as they have their unique cute side. For example, dog are playful and loyal to the master while cat has its own attitude and know how to act like a spoiled child with its tail and body running around your legs for food. If you wanna see more cute puppies photo, continue reading hahaha

Angela Aki Tegami reminded myself to go after my dream again

Angela Aki / 手紙~拜啟 給十五歲的你~2014 Early in year 2008, I heard a special voice and music by Angela Aki . Since then, I've fall in love with her talent in writing and performing her song with that piano. Today I saw my friend shared her song again on FB with a nice and meaningful MV too. Since I am busy drafting another blogpost, I think it is good to share something nice with you guys. "擁有存在感卓越的歌聲,以及實力堅強的鋼琴造詣,父親為日本人、母親為義裔美國人的A­ngela Aki,在國中以前一直生長於日本的德島縣及岡山縣,在15歲時移居夏威夷,在她於2­002年回到日本以前,Angela Aki一直居住在美國華盛頓特區。出道專輯「Home」挾帶【太空戰士XII】的插曲­、熱門動畫【血戰BLOOD+】片尾曲等等強大單曲,一發行立刻寫下ORICON專輯­榜亞軍的優異成績。同時「手紙~拜啟 給十五歲的你~」一曲除了被收錄到日本的教科書當中,更被台灣歌手翻唱為中文版令華語­樂壇為之驚艷。" Angela Aki / 手紙~拜啟 給十五歲的你~2014 This song is about writing a letter to yourself at the age of 15. It is actually a kind of way to look back at your life and see how silly yourself were at that age and knowing that you've grown up in the end. Well, I didn't write any letters to myself but I guess I can blog more at thi


JAYESSLEE ASIA TOUR 2015 - LIVE IN MALAYSIA @ CITY HARVEST Following the success of their first headlining Asia tour in 2012 spanning 8 cities to sold out shows with more than 3,500 fans coming out to see them, Janice and Sonia are back with an exciting music line up. Jayesslee made YouTube history in 2013 by reaching 1 million subscribers and is Australia's number one most subscribed music channel. The Korean-Australian twin sisters who perform cover songs together started making music from their bedroom and posted their first video on YouTube in 2008. You will recognise the sisters from their viral hit cover of Tamia’s “Officially Missing You” , currently over 19 million hits. Continuing their success, the duo constantly produces their own version of hit songs, such as, PSY’s “Gangnam Style” which amassed over 41 million hits and Maroon 5’s “Payphone” with over 45 million hits. As part of their Asia Tour 2015, the dynamic duo will be bringing their impeccable m

45张照片述说张智成梦想之城演唱会‬ Z-Chen City of Dreams Live in Malaysia 2015

当晚 张智成《梦想之城》演唱会 ,张智成为大家呈现了他那非常感性的一面,演唱时都显得真情流露,尤其是那些伤感的歌曲,表情还真的可以去拍舞台剧了哈哈。由于我这几天比较忙,所以照片也出得比较慢,各位请多多包涵。演唱会当天张智成换了三套衣服,最抢眼的应该是他最后一套身穿的项链吊饰,聚光灯照射到它时光芒四射,很好看。讲到光线,当晚演唱会的灯光打得很好,让我摄影时不只有欣赏音乐,也欣赏了好光一番。 张智成当晚也送了歌迷每个人一粒“蛋”,让害羞的歌迷也能一起摇蛋伴奏。也就是说有趣演唱会的朋友现在都拥有张智成的蛋啦哈哈!!这一次张智成也有与舞蹈者载歌载舞,留了满身汗,赶紧换tempo唱慢歌。我个人很欣赏他的唱功,只是尾音有时拉的太长啦。(知道你音域好,不用炫耀的哈哈哈) 好了话不多说还是给你们看我那天拍到的照片吧!! 请多多指教,也希望你们会喜欢。

Posed vs Candid Photography - Which is better?? Here's some tips for you

Posed and Candid Photography - Which is better?? ft Carmen Hong, Anna Bella Wong and Eunice Yuen The other day I saw a friend of mine asked this on Facebook - "A posed moment versus a candid moment, which is better??" It had me thinking for a while and both posed and candid photos has their own good (and bad) side. I myself prefer those candid moments as those are the shots that happened in merely second and you won't able to get that in pose shot. The emotion and face expression shown in posed shot are just different than candid photos. However, there are always ways to help you achieve and get more candid shots from the posed shot. Below are mixture of group photos taken during our photography hangout at Tokyo Pastry the other day. You may wanna check my previous post for individual photos first. I will share with you some tips on getting posed and candid photos.

张智霖 Chi Lam & Ogawa Smart Sento Launch @ Sunway Pyramid, Malaysia

On 10 January 2015, health and lifestyle brand OGAWA together with their brand ambassador and award-­winning Hong Kong Artiste, Chi Lam Cheung , or more often known as Captain Cool , was here at Malaysia again to promote a healthier lifestyle in conjunction with the new OGAWA Smart Sentro launch event at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre. A few lucky fans who have answered questions correctly about OGAWA Smart Sentro were given opportunity to meet and greet Chi Lam personally not forgetting to have a group photo besides OGAWA merchandise. Some fans who even manage to grab a hug with Chi Lam Captain Cool. It definitely make other people jeolous and shouting at the same time.  This time I took less photos as I took more video footage instead so that you have live video to watch. Morever video can definitely tell story better for you on what happened too. Check out the video below to see what happened if you've missed it yesterday: 张智霖 ChiLam & Ogawa Smart

10 Modeling Posing Ideas for Female Photoshoot featuring Eunice Yuen

Remote flash photography with Eunice Yuen ft @eunice_mann After sharing some photos of Anna taken at Tokyo Pastry , now is the time for me to share photos of Eunice Yuen a.k.a  @eunice_mann on Instagram. Thanks for spending time with us so I can practice remote-flash photography and posing model at the same time. Every time after a photoshoot, sometimes I do facing tough time in choosing one photo out of similar pose to show here. Why? Cos it is important to balance between quality vs quantity (some people said). I do think that I must strip down the amount of similar photos so that my photos can stand out more. With that people also will feel that your photos won't be repeating/draggy at the same time.  Now shall we scroll down for more photos?? Do leave a comment below about which photo is your favourite/it-can-be-removed!! Or else, just let me know what's your thought about this series of photos ya. Arigato Gozaimasu~