
Showing posts from 2022

首要媒体2023新春推介礼 《活力满分Love You兔》 Media Prima 2023 CNY Launch #LoveYouTu

首要媒体2023新春推介礼《活力满分Love You兔》Media Prima 2023 CNY Launch #LoveYouTu (兔) MEDIA PRIMA MELANCARKAN KEMPEN TAHUN BAHARU CINA 2023  配合2023癸卯兔年的到来,首要媒体旗下全马收视率第一的中文电视台八度空间,与中文电台 8FM 、网络电视 Tonton 、居家购物平台 WOWSHOP 、网站 Rojaklah 、 Viralcham 、 TTN谈谈网 ,联手打造首要媒体 2023年新春活动《活力满分Love You兔》 ,为社会传递温暖与希望,让国人新一年充满活力,迎接更美好的未来! 首要媒体2023新春推介礼 于11月30日 在 吉隆坡威斯汀酒店 隆重举行,除了在八度空间及Tonton现场直播,八度空间、8FM、WOWSHOP、Rojaklah、Viralcham、TTN谈谈网官方脸书也同步直播活动现场盛况。延续往年惯例,2023年新春活动推出全新 贺岁专辑《活力满分Love You兔》 、兔年吉祥物与精美周边商品,同时委任了24位艺人、主播和DJ担任新春大使,包括 Owen叶剑锋、王菁忆、Rickman谢承伟、Orange陈慧恬、陈丽亭、Natalie小玉、Ash卢信宥、Jan秦雯彬、Desmond郑瑞钥、Royce陈志康、Angeline黄玉丽、Hana张心怡、陈嘉荣、Emerson连扬贤、X.Long魏少泷、Charlotte萧心韵、Emily蔡瀞萱、朱宇婕、Houson黄侯升、Bryan林宏彦、Victoria黄诗琦、Minsley曾谊雯、Loh罗辰昱及Gino王贤耀 。

Cutest McDonald’s Playset Happy Meal Collectibles - Transform into McD Crew 2022 Malaysia

@tianchad #mcdonalds HappyMeal bertemakan barang2 McD. Ayah pulak yang excited terus beli 2. Bagi yang suka collect #happymeal toy boleh mula simpan sekarang #mcd #comelyra #tiktokguru #tianchad #learnontiktok #jombelajar ♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) - Danilo Stankovic I received a forwarded message by friend and the toy are too cute not to buy. Hence I bought 2 sets Happy Meals for the toys that could make @comelyra outfit even more compatible hahaha. Padahal bapa yang ada hati kanak-kanak. On a side note, thanks for dropping by my humble blog. It's been too long I never update my blog and I believe I shouldn't neglect this space for too long as I still paying for the domain and server hosting. But you can always check my latest update on Instagram and TikTok. This year time to get back to longer video production for YouTube too as sometimes we can tell story better through long form video. Any suggestion on types of video that I should do? Feel free to comme

《新村之后, Journey to Homeland》人文美食纪录片 - Jack Tan 陈泽耀 主持

《新村之后 Journey to Homeland》  Jack陈泽耀(阿哲)主持 八度空间:2022年4月23日起 每逢星期六,晚上9时 八度空间『本地最霸』将从2022年4月23日起,每逢星期六,晚上9时,播出由 Jack陈泽耀 (阿哲)主持的人文美食纪录片 《新村之后》 。 配合节目即将开播,八度空间今日(4月16日)于 雪兰莪州双溪威新村历史文物馆 举办《新村之后》发布会与照片展,提前为节目造势。主持人陈泽耀亮相活动现场接受媒体访问,并在馆内与前来参观照片展的民众互动交流。活动现场共展出上百张照片,当中包括节目拍摄的幕后花絮照以及由民众提供的新村相关珍贵照片。 另一方面,发布会现场也率先首播《新村之后》第一集完整版,让媒体与来宾先睹为快。陈泽耀看完成品后即表示满意并直呼感动,同时还分享了拍摄背后的挑战与困难, “本来预定一个月的拍摄时间,后因疫情影响而拖长至3个月才完成,部分拍摄行程甚至被迫更改。” 首次当上主持人的他也直言,拍摄最挑战的部分是访问环节,“基本上一趟访问或聊天过程就用上40几分钟,超过了一集节目的时间。”  此外,询及会否带太太云镁鑫出国旅游度蜜月,陈泽耀回应视工作安排以及疫情情况再作决定,随口又补上一句: “一辈子这么长,慢慢来吧!” 瞬间闪瞎全场。 长13集的《新村之后》将带领观众走过各个新村,看见不同的风景面貌。陈泽耀踏上这趟新村之旅,从繁忙的城市走进新村人的生活,由南马至北马,细尝传统时光,慢品人生百味,也在缓慢的生活中,重新找回人与人相连的质朴情感,发现新村之美。此外,节目也透过镜头介绍各新村的历史变迁与现况,以人物访问的形式采集更多在地故事,深入了解新村的最新发展,再以新村美食作为桥梁,利用茶余饭后的时光,将一道料理和一代人的故事娓娓道来。 《新村之后》第一集:文冬精华篇 | Journey To Homeland EP01: Bentong Capsule

Malaysia Grand Bazaar (MGB) Artisan Mall now opened at Lalaport BBCC | Offering FREE Parking this April!

Malaysia Grand Bazaar (MGB) Artisan Mall now opened at Lalaport BBCC Offering FREE Parking this April!  Malaysia Grand Bazaar  or  MGB  in short, which just opened its door on 31 March is KL’s 1st permanent artisanal mall aimed at providing a dedicated and curated platform for artisans, micro-brands, start-ups and art entrepreneurs to scale their businesses into the physical retailing space within a prime location in the Golden Triangle. As you can see, MGB is spread across 100,000 sq. ft. of curated spaces with touches of heritage architecture that can house up to 100 artisanal and authentic local brands that pays homage to the creativity and artistry of Malaysians creators and crafters.

Travel Guide for Visitors Coming to Malaysia - Book Covid19 Test with eMedAsia

Travel Guide for Visitors Coming to Malaysia - Book Covid19 Test with eMedAsia Malaysia's borders have reopened since 1st April 2022 and I am here to share with you the easiest and fastest steps to do to able to travel to Malaysia. It seems that many people misunderstood that the Covid Test need to be done at the airport. But actually right now there are alternatives where you can skip the queue by pre-book your Covid19 test and do it with ease. 2022 Travellers'Visit to Malaysia Checklist: Download 'MySejahtera' app and create an account Fill-up the digital pre-departure form via the ‘Traveller’ icon on MySejahtera Verify your digital COVID-19 vaccine certificate here. Take a pre-departure COVID-19 test within 2 days of departure Purchase COVID-19 travel insurance (for short-term foreign visitors) Professional rapid antigen test (RTK-Ag) within 24 hours of arrival 5 days quarantine for partially vaccinated or unvaccinated travellers. Book your quarantine facilities h

【Photo】KWAI CHAI HONG 鬼仔巷 2022 CNY Decoration - Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年

【Photo】KWAI CHAI HONG 鬼仔巷 2022 CNY Decoration - Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年 鬼仔巷推出农历新年艺术装置拯救马来亚虎 - ‘Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年’艺术装置由1月14日至2月20日展出。 🈺️: 9AM to 10PM.  📅: 14th Jan to 20th Feb 2022 Location: Kwai CHai Hong 鬼仔巷 . PICK your favourite 📸   TAG FRIEND(s) you would visit KCH with 👫🏻👭👬 . SAVE & SHARE to support @tianchad #teamwork  . Here's a little sight of what's ready for you to capture when in #KwaiChaiHong. This time CNY deco & concept courtesy of @lailaiart.chang @djoddicon . . Photography tips: Since this time majority of the decorations are hanging high up in the air, Try to use your phone screen as mirror for reflection play or play with low angle🪞🤳🏻  . In conjunction with @wwfmy , there will be donation drive happening during this period too. Check out more info at or scan the QR code at the event space  . PS: Almost forgot to mention that KCH is a pet friendly space, kudos to KCH team having a special session for