SHOW Over The Limit 2013 World Live Tour | ShowLo Meet & Greet @ Paradigm Mall Malaysia 羅志祥世界巡回演唱会造势活动歌迷媒体见面会

Thanks to TuneTalk and Nuffnang for this opportunity, few of us bloggers manage to have a close distance meet and greet session with Show Lo 羅志祥. I am too tired to write what happened just now (after processed these photos) but below are the photos selected to post up only on here. Dedicated to all ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia fans especially you who drop by Paradigm Mall for the Meet and  Greet Session just now! Cheers!

PS: To the Show Lo fans who dare to make a nameboard with own name, just kindly reveal your face =) If you dare to show your name, why not let Show Lo see your face as well?
PPS: If flu then ok la, hope you recover soon haha

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session
ShowLo 罗志祥 Over the Limit 2013 World Live Tour Malaysia Arena of Star - Paradigm Mall Meet N Greet Session

罗志祥 《2013 MORRISK舞极限》世界巡回演唱会 大马站
503 & 504 云顶云星剧场 挑战极限
Arena of Star: 3 -4 May 2013
银河集团精彩19周年,惊喜连连,现在再捎来另一好消息!「亚洲舞王」罗志祥卷土重来,来马开唱,挑战极限!罗志祥 《2013 MORRISK舞极限》世界巡回演唱会 - 大马站 将于5月3日及4日,晚上8点半,云顶云星剧场正式引爆!入门票将在2月27日(星期三)接受内部订购!最新消息,目前已确定罗志祥将在短期内来马造 势!!日期与行程将日后公布!!


「亚洲舞王」罗志祥『2013 MORRISK舞极限世界巡回演唱会』首站 – 台北站于1月4、5、6日一连3天4场引爆2013年小巨蛋新春第1炮,门票粉丝仅花25分钟就秒杀超过2万张,票房惊人!


极限一: 体能极限,整场演出超过五分之四的歌曲是舞曲,唱跳歌曲连续不间断表演长达2小时!

: 舞蹈种类极限,18舞蹈种类串联全场秀,包括非洲舞、jazz、breaking等以往罗志祥鲜少表演的舞蹈种类!

极限三: 舞蹈员人数极限,台湾站舞蹈员达百位之多,全体舞蹈员齐上台飙舞,挑战华语乐坛演唱会最盛况场景!

「破亿天王」之称 最震撼的演唱会   3大舞后尬舞助阵


想要目睹号称华语乐坛最震撼最盛况的罗志祥 《2013 MORRISK舞极限》世界巡回演唱会,记得赶紧买票入场哦!

票价分为:PS1-RM523, PS2-RM423, PS3-RM333, PS4-RM263, PS5-RM163

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