
Ed. Pinaud 5th Element Indoor Incense Review

[ADVERTORIAL] Have you ever thought of how to improve your working environment especially when you are working indoor? Besides listening to classical/relaxing music that can calm your mind, what else can you do? Music can makes you relax, so do incense smell~! Let me share this with you: EP 5th Element – The Atmosphere’s Mood Incense What is Ed. Pinaud 5th Element? "Ed. Pinaud 5th Element is a brand new indoor incense by Edouard Pinaud. With over 181 years of history in France, Ed. Pinaud is at an unreachable status in fragrance and cosmetic industry. Over a century ago, Ed. Pinaud had already stretched across 5 continents from custom made items for French royalties, Great England and other European royalties , to imperial-use product for Japanese Emperor Meiji, Chinese Qing Dynasty, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Egypt. Ed. Pinaud even produced exclusive perfume for the key leaders of South America Independent Liberation Movement. Pinaud believed that, “Wearing


禁忌: 痛风别喝豆浆 鸡蛋与白糖豆浆别同吃   豆浆是一种老幼皆宜、价廉质优的液态营养品,它所含的铁元素是牛奶的6倍,所含的蛋白质虽不如牛奶高,但在人体内的吸收率可达到85%,因此有 人称豆浆为“植物牛奶”。清晨,喝一碗豆浆吃几个小笼包子,这种传统的吃法既方便又营养,可有时候,喝了豆浆肚子疼的事时有发生,甚至与“食物中毒”联系 起来。 N=1 忌喝未煮熟的豆浆   很多人喜欢买生豆浆回家自己加热,加热时看到泡沫上涌就误以为已经煮沸,其实这是豆浆的有机物质受热膨胀形成气泡造成的上冒现象,并非沸腾,是没有熟的。   没有熟的豆浆对人体是有害的。因为豆浆中含有两种有毒物质,会导致蛋白质代谢障碍,并对胃肠道产生刺激,引起中毒症状。预防豆浆中毒的办法就是 将豆浆在100℃的高温下煮沸,就可安心饮用了。如果饮用豆浆后出现头痛、呼吸受阻等症状,应立即就医,绝不能延误时机,以防危及生命。 N=2 忌在豆浆里打鸡蛋   很多人喜欢在豆浆中打鸡蛋,认为这样更有营养,但这种方法是不科学的,这是因为,鸡蛋中的黏液性蛋白易和豆浆中的胰蛋白酶结合,产生一种不能被人体吸收的物质,大大降低了人体对营养的吸收。 N=3 忌冲红糖   豆浆中加红糖喝起来味甜香,但红糖里的有机酸和豆浆中的蛋白质结合后,可产生变性沉淀物,大大破坏了营养成分。 N=4 忌装保温瓶   豆浆中有能除掉保温瓶内水垢的物质,在温度适宜的条件下,以豆浆作为养料,瓶内细菌会大量繁殖,经过3~4个小时就能使豆浆酸败变质。 N=5 忌喝超量   一次喝豆浆过多容易引起蛋白质消化不良,出现腹胀、腹泻等不适症状。 N=6 忌空腹饮豆浆   豆浆里的蛋白质大都会在人体内转化为热量而被消耗掉,不能充分起到补益作用。饮豆浆的同时吃些面包、糕点、馒头等淀粉 类食品,可使豆浆中蛋白质等在淀粉的作用下,与胃液较充分地发生酶解,使营养物质被充分吸收。 N=7 忌与药物同饮   有些药物会破坏豆浆里的营养成分,如四环素、红霉素等抗生素药物。 ■ 特别提醒   ★急性胃炎和慢性浅表性胃炎患者不宜食用豆制品,以免刺激胃酸分泌过多加重病情,或者引起胃肠胀气。   ★豆类中含有一定量低聚糖,可以引起嗝气、肠鸣、腹胀等症状,所以有胃溃疡的朋友最好少吃。胃炎、肾功能衰竭的病人需要低蛋白饮食,而豆类及其

Nap >> Sleep

Yesterday after I ate my dinner. I decided to take a nap after resting for a period of time. There it goes my nap. I always want to set the alarm to wake me up but it seems like my "sub-conscious" told me not to. (Haha, I'm finding a reasonable excuse~) As a result, I suddenly wake up at 11 P.M. and I wonder what can I do waking up in the middle of the night? So....I decided to sleep until tomorrow morning. And there it is, I had a dream, which I long time didn't have already. Still wondering what message that the dream want to tell me Today, wake up at 7 something by the sun-light passing through the window. And I just decided to take a bath as it was a hot day for me. Moreover, I had already slept for more than ten hours~! The ten hours should be really enough to cure my "lazy" mind ;p I appreciate that I was allowed to sleep for a long time and I feel refreshed ;p Now I still wondering what is my dream about. Hmm... I think I better do my lab report S , g