
The Best Car Charger & Finder for Pokemon GO Player

ZUS Car Charger - The Best Car Charger and Finder for Pokemon GO Player After using this car charger for few months, I truly believe that every driver and serious Pokemon GO Player should own this gadget because I find it really handy and useful. This ZUS Car Charger is different from other car charger because it has far more better function and features that make it standout better than other brands that I known of. Now let's check the features of ZUS Car Charger and why I would recommend you guys to have it.

Sponsored Video: 8 Photos of Brooklyn Beckham with Honor 8 #ForTheBrave

8 Photos of Brooklyn Beckham with Honor 8 #ForTheBrave If you know David Beckham, you will definitely know his 17 years old son  Brooklyn Beckham , who's blessed with good look and talents. Knowing him interested in photography is a good news as that means we might bump into each other in near future. Anything could happen right? *hahaha* All right, today's post is all bout him in the recent  Honor 8  video. Apparently Brooklyn is one of the millennial ambassadors for this brand new smartphone and below are 8 photos of Brooklyn handsomely portrayed in the Honor 8 video.

Miss Korea Pop Balloon On His...WHAT?!

Balloon Popping Game Gone Crazy with Miss Korea All right guys, today's post is a short one because it is a throwback video of my fun moments in Club Med Cherating . The other day Daniel found the video of Miss Malaysia crowned as Miss Cherating after sang this song, and he asked if I can upload video of him doing some stunts with Miss Korea. So here you go!! Firstly, I would like to apologize for my LOL as it was really funny and I didn't expect the GO from Club Med Cherating would really do that. I salute you GOX ! (He is the awesome GO from Korea) From the video below you will see Miss Korea did 'her' best to impress the judges by doing the Psy Gentleman lap dance and also popping balloon on this man. 

Wayne's Birthday Party @ Walnut Cafe & Bar | Puchong

Wayne's Birthday Party @ Walnut Cafe & Bar It was an evening where we celebrate Wayne's "18th" birthday at Walnut Cafe & Bar . We know each other better since we traveled to Philippines (featuring Legazpi and Batanes) together. Both of us like photography hence we appreciate each other even more. That's why I manage to get some nice travel portraits courtesy of him. Wayne was having his birthday party at Walnut Cafe & Bar and I gotta say the balloon decorations looks fascinating. The desserts bar and birthday cake? Awwww~ I hereby want to say happy birthday to Wayne and wish his wishes come true and have a wiser year! If you planning a small dinner/party in Puchong, do consider restaurant like Walnut Cafe. Below are some photos taken during the birthday party and I just want to share it out here. One should remember to hire professional photographers (or even videographer) to capture these moment kay? I hope this is one of the best birthday

马來西亚版《姐妹淘》All Things Girl 第二季 [记者会]

 [记者会]  马來西亚版《姐妹淘》All Things Girl 第二季 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》第二季,即将于9月3日,晚上9点,于Astro华丽台(频道311 and HD频道310)以及翡翠台(频道326)同步播出。 新一季 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》 All Things Girl 拍摄主体围绕在美容、健身、时尚等专题节目,由 江美仪、姚子羚、龚嘉欣、滕丽名、黄翠如 和 宋熙年 担任星级主持,Astro本地圈艺人 Yoke曾洁钰 和 Janice钟素敏 将是节目的嘉宾主持。 马来西亚版《姐妹淘》第二季,即将于9月3日,晚上9点,于Astro华丽台(频道311 and HD频道310)以及翡翠台(频道326)同步播出。 Catch "All Things Girl" Malaysia Version , co-produced by Astro and TVB , featuring the finest beauty tips and tricks from Elena Kong , Joyce Tang , Priscilla Wong and Sarah Song for ladies out there! Premiering on Astro Wah Lai Toi (Ch 311 & HD Ch 310) and TVB Jade (Ch 326) from 3rd September 2016 onwards, every Saturday at 9pm. ******* 当天小弟塞车迟了点,所以上半段完全miss掉了。不过还是很庆幸的能看到很多幕后工作,比如说记者会后的媒体专访,个人摄影以及室内灯光的重要性。那天Morning After的灯光可说是个大挑战,天花板乌漆麻黑,用白灯怎麽反射都反射不了。最后只好用自然光然有用Adobe Lightroom后制。以下是当天记者会拍到的某些画面。这一次注重在candid的瞬间,照片好看或不好看都要让我知道哦!感恩 =)

[GIVEAWAY] I've Got New Eyebrow! - Natural Eyebrow Embroidery for Men & Woman

Why I did Eyebrow Embroidery? To look better and boost self confidence when selfie with a sheep hahaha #TCSelfie *Photo taken at A Star Phulare Valley Resort Chiang Rai * Do you think eyebrow is important as part of the facial features?  I used to think that my eyebrows should stay the way it is but the more I learn about men's grooming and skincare regime, I know that a clean and tidy eyebrow is playing an important role too. I mean, who doesn't want to look super charming like David Beckham or Cristiano Ronaldo right? That's when I explored more about Eyebrow Embroidery that give you natural eyebrow. I was worry that I would get that caterpillar or Crayon-Shin-Chan-like thick eyebrows hence I did as much research as I can and eventually went to try out this brand new Korean Style Natural Eyebrow Embroidery. In short, I am happy with my new eyebrows and I would share my experience below. My fiancé encouraged me to do it and she like the result. Now I have

[Event] Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Live in KL 2016

Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Live in KL 2016 Date: Saturday, 24th September 2016 Venue: KL Live @ Life Centre Time: 8pm (Doors open at 7.30pm) One of my favourite YouTuber Scott Bradlee is making his way to Malaysia together with a bunch of awesome musicians! 'Postmodern Jukebox' is the one!! If you love the same kind of music and creativity of them changing the music element to something even more jazzy and unique, don't miss out Postmodern Jukebox Live in KL 2016 -24 September at KL LIVE.